Cannons and Tobin Farslayer

By Svarun2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

We are playing sea of blood, i am the OL and the heros decided that Tobins ( add the distance to damage) works on the cannons aswell, that means that he can actually destroy a ship with first hit if it is a decent distance away.. Or wipe out the whole island if playing islands, what do you think about that??

They're correct. The cannons that make ranged attacks will trigger Tobin's ability.

Tobin's ability is insanely powerful in sea encounters. My gaming group doesn't like making house rules but, in Tobin's case we ruled that when he attacks with a cannon, he adds half the range rounded up to the damage dealt rather than the full range. So far it seems to work out pretty good.

Come on guys I need more feedback, for now its 1 against 1 :)

Actually, it's unanimous so far that Tobin's ability affects cannon fire. Randymd was discussing a house rule.

Thematically I don't think Tobin's abilities would apply, since it seems like his extra damage is due to his strength and general awesomeness with a bow, and as such does not apply to the cannon. But when you apply it in practice, even in vanilla, that "logic" fails, since there are Ranged weapons that wouldn't use that logic (i.e. crossbow, dwarven fire bombs, etc).

Having said that, I wonder if a general errata for the cannons will come out anyways, as probably not all the situations were thoroughly thought out, particularly for Tobin...


If anything I'd expect a SoB-specific errata to both Tobin and Kel, as I doubt they bothered playtesting the campaign with any of the promo heroes (expect perhaps Nara, but even that's doubtful). Then again, looking at the promos, I wonder how much they playtested them at all.

All abilities that effect ranged or magic attacks can be applied to cannons: Tobin and Laurel are the two biggest ones. I haven't played it yet, but I imagine Tobin with that cannon that gives +7 range must be nasty, and Laurel using just about any cannon up close.

I wouldn't be surprised to see some kind of errata, because its not clear (or I might have just entirely missed it, so I could just be completely wrong here) if skills that affect ranged/magic attacks also can be used with cannons.

Even Beastman firing cannon are painful for their +2 damage.