Why does the blue dice look purple on the monster cards?

By tabicat, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Take a look at this card in my brand new copy of Descent: JitD. See that purple cube? Is that supposed to be blue?


Speaking of blue, look at my blue die. It looks like a manufacturing flaw. Anyone else see this?

i had wondered the same thing, i just bought descent a week ago. add the monster cards have purple die but i have to purple only blue dice.

of course i'm using the blue die in place of purple gran_risa.gif

Purple, blue, you get use to it. That's what you get sometimes printing in China. The die on the other hand is strange. You might want to contact FFG support if it bothers you too much.

I would definitely get that die replaced, it looks bad. Send the same pic to Thaadd and she'll send you a replacement die.

But as for the monster cards, the "blue die" does look more purple than blue, but that's the normal printing...


The strange thing is that they CAN print the correct color blue (as you can see on matching perfectly on some cards). My first guess was that they originally wanted to have purple dice but changed it in the very end into blue, just never came around to change it on the cards.

PS, that "misprint" dice must be worth something!, I used to play Magic the Gathering, and misprinted cards are worth a CRAPLOAD more then "proper" cards. Not that i want to give you anything for it, just stating that you shouldn't throw it away (unless you are actually using it in a game ofcourse partido_risa.gif )

It's amazing now much the purple picture and blue die confused me at first! :)
Such a small little thing... but you'll get use to it. No big deal in the end.