HWK-290 {Airen Cracken Ability, +2 PS, Twin Laser Turret}
Edited by kausemu
While I can deduce or infer a lot from what you have there, many things need to be made clearer or more explicit if you want people to use this.
As for actual critiques of the system itself, here's a couple thoughts:
My Reply
As for actual critiques of the system itself, here's a couple thoughts:
Generally, my intention is to create something that is more challenging to players as the primary complaint i have heard about late game HotAC is that you out scale the AI etc. Adding the element of a GM and by decreasing late game viability of certain builds, it will "hopefully" require players to work together more and those players who are wanting to do a Kannan, Finn, Rey Falcon build with the sloop title will need to make 800 credits each round to re -hire those crew.
afaict, it appears to be doable