Question re: Roasted Slowly

By Randyman, in Rules questions & answers

Am playing Conflict at the Carrock solo and this just came up -- If Roasted Slowly is drawn during the Quest phase but no Heroes are presently sacked, does it get reshuffled into the deck or (preferably!) discarded?

Roasted Slowly's text is " When Revealed: Destroy all heroes with the card "Sacked!" attached. Then, shuffle Roasted Slowly back into the encounter deck." This uses the word "Then" as a connector between the two sentences, which is addressed in the FAQ:

(1.15) The word “then”
If a card effect uses the word “then,” then the preceding effect must resolve successfully for the subsequent dependent effect to resolve.

So the question is whether the "destroy all heroes with (condition)" effect can be considered to have resolved successfully if no heroes have the given condition. Or, more generally, does the word "all" include the number zero, or not? (E.g., does an effect that would discard all event cards from your hand resolve successfully if you had no event cards from your hand? Same question.) I'm pretty sure that at some point there's been an official FFG response to say that the word "all" can include the number zero, but I can't find it right now. If I'm right about that, then the first half of Roasted Slowly's effect does resolve successfully even when there are zero sacked heroes, and therefore its second effect will also resolve and it will be reshuffled into the deck.
So if someone can find that FFG ruling that says that "all" can include the number zero, then we'll have resolved this question. Successfully, even. ^_^

Agreed in this case where no heroes are sacked it would go in the discard pile.

A hero would have to be destroyed by roasted slowly in order for roasted slowly to get shuffled back into the deck.

Edited by flightmaster101

Roasted Slowly:: When Revealed: Destroy all heroes with the card 'Sacked!' attached. Then , shuffle Roasted Slowly back into the encounter deck.

The difference between ‘all’ and ‘each’ is very significant because ‘all’ can include 0 whereas ‘each’ requires there to be at least 1 target. For example, with a When Revealed effect that read: “All engaged enemies make an immediate attack. Then, each player discards the top card of his deck.” the second effect will always trigger, even if there are no enemies in play. But, if that effect read: “Each engaged enemy makes an immediate attack. Then, each player discards the top card of his deck.” the second effect will only trigger if at least 1 enemy made an attack.


The 'Then, " requires the first clause succeeds before the second clause can resolve.

But, since 'all' can legally include '0', the first clause does always succeed, so the second always happens. You shuffle it back even if you had no sacked heroes.

Edited by RichardPlunkett

I suspected that would be the answer but it looks like maybe this has caused a little confusion for others as well -- thank you !

Roasted Slowly:: When Revealed: Destroy all heroes with the card 'Sacked!' attached. Then , shuffle Roasted Slowly back into the encounter deck. [/size]

The difference between ‘all’ and ‘each’ is very significant because ‘all’ can include 0 whereas ‘each’ requires there to be at least 1 target. For example, with a When Revealed effect that read: “All engaged enemies make an immediate attack. Then, each player discards the top card of his deck.” the second effect will always trigger, even if there are no enemies in play. But, if that effect read: “Each engaged enemy makes an immediate attack. Then, each player discards the top card of his deck.” the second effect will only trigger if at least 1 enemy made an attack.

Cheers, Caleb

The 'Then, " requires the first clause succeeds before the second clause can resolve.

But, since 'all' can legally include '0', the first clause does always succeed, so the second always happens. You shuffle it back even if you had no sacked heroes.

Legalese strikes again!