
By ozmodon, in Star Wars: Destiny

Just checking but if I have 1 and 2 black and +1 and +2 all melee damage they can all be resolved at once for 6 damage. I assume this is correct.


What if more than one of those have a resource cost associated with them?

What if more than one of those have a resource cost associated with them?

As long as you have and pay the resources, they can be added as you wish.

One thing about damage that I noticed by chance that I think may be overlooked is that when you are told to deal damage to your own characters, you may assign excessive damage to a single character.

What I mean by that is that even if there are more damage to assign then the character has remaining, you are still allowed to assign all of it to the same character.

So for example if my opponent applies the F-11D special, forcing me to deal 2 damage to my characters and happens so that both my characters only have 1 health remaining, I am free to assign both damage point to one of the characters, effectively ignoring the excessive damage point, leaving one of my characters alive.

Just as a sidenote since I believe many may be missing this possibly important rule.

Just checking but if I have 1 and 2 black and +1 and +2 all melee damage they can all be resolved at once for 6 damage. I assume this is correct.


Each value is resolved one dice at a time, the modifiers can be assigned to either or both of the values and will resolve simultaneously with that value. So 1/5, 2/4, 3/3, 4/2 and 5/1 are all valid from the values and modifiers you have given. I have highlighted the bit from the rules that applies.


Each die side has a symbol on it (see page 9). A player may resolve one or more dice in their pool that have the same symbol, one at a time (unless adding a modified die, then the dice are resolved simultaneously) . To resolve a die, a player must pay any costs and carry out the effect represented by the symbol on that die. Then they return it to the card that it came from.

bullet.jpg A player can only resolve dice in their own dice pool.

bullet.jpg A player can resolve dice with different values during the same action, provided the dice share a symbol.

bullet.jpg A player cannot choose to resolve dice symbols if they have no symbols of that type to resolve. A player must resolve at least one die when taking this action.

bullet.jpg A player can resolve any dice with the same symbol, even if those dice were not showing that symbol when the player started resolving dice.

bullet.jpg A player cannot resolve the same die more than once per action.

Edited by Amanal

Just checking but if I have 1 and 2 black and +1 and +2 all melee damage they can all be resolved at once for 6 damage. I assume this is correct.


Each value is resolved one dice at a time, the modifiers can be assigned to either or both of the values and will resolve simultaneously with that value. So 1/5, 2/4, 3/3, 4/2 and 5/1 are all valid from the values and modifiers you have given. I have highlighted the bit from the rules that applies.

Let's not confuse him though. You can resolve 6 damage to one target in a single action with those dice.

You can split them onto different targets using the different dice though as above.

Just checking but if I have 1 and 2 black and +1 and +2 all melee damage they can all be resolved at once for 6 damage. I assume this is correct.


Each value is resolved one dice at a time, the modifiers can be assigned to either or both of the values and will resolve simultaneously with that value. So 1/5, 2/4, 3/3, 4/2 and 5/1 are all valid from the values and modifiers you have given. I have highlighted the bit from the rules that applies.

Let's not confuse him though. You can resolve 6 damage to one target in a single action with those dice.

You can split them onto different targets using the different dice though as above.

Yeah I think the original question was if the damage could be done in one turn/activation so it can be kept simple and nice.

If the question was referring to a single die resolution but different targets then yeah, it needs to be more detailed as above.

So the answer is still Yes, a single resolution allows you to apply all 6 damage.

Edited by Soulless

I think it's important to differentiate between resolving them all at once, which you can't and all in one action which you can. Abilities like Dooku's make a difference in how much damage is actually dealt.

I think it's important to differentiate between resolving them all at once, which you can't and all in one action which you can. Abilities like Dooku's make a difference in how much damage is actually dealt.

Exactly. Also great to clarify for making sure to maximize damage against characters with upgrades like Second Chance.

I think it's important to differentiate between resolving them all at once, which you can't and all in one action which you can. Abilities like Dooku's make a difference in how much damage is actually dealt.

Give this guy some blue milk.

You never resolve dice "all at once". You always resolve them one at a time (and add modifiers to the die you are currently resolving, whenever applicable).

Edited by Don_Silvarro

Once you decide to resolve dice for your action, do you have to resolve all of the matching "base" die in the action?

Or can you resolve one "base" die and deal with the other players response and then decide to NOT resolve the second "base" die?

example dice: 1melee, 2melee

See above, you can resolve one or more dice, so you can resolve 2 melee.jpg then wait to see what your opponent does then resolve the 1 melee.jpg .