Made a few changes to the draft system I developed and it is AWESOME fun.

By AutoEroticForceChoke, in Star Wars: Destiny

Each player drafts out of 6 packs, 3 at a time in pods of 6 ideally. You open the first 3 packs, pick one and pass the rest left and continue this until all cards are drafted. Open the other 3 packs and repeat, but passing right.

We eliminated the Hero/villian restriction so you could draft anything you wanted. You still had to obey the color restrictions though. For characters, you could use anything you drafted, up to 30 points. In addition to that, you could augment your drafted characters with generic characters of your choice so long as you didn't go over the 30 point maximum.
(For example, I drafted Luke Skywalker. I added in a FO Stormtrooper and a Hired Gun for total of 30 points. ) If you want to come in under 30 points, you may. Your deck size has to be exactly 20.

Swiss pairings and you are ready to go. All 20 attendees said they had a great time with no real problems. I would highly recommend giving it a try when product becomes available in your area.

Sounds like a very workable solution until FFG starts putting out draft packs. Good job!

Wouldn't this make. basic characters drawn from packs bad draws?

Why are you allowing people to break hero/villain restrictions if they're allowed to add any number of generic characters???

Edited by bageldrone

Why are you allowing people to break hero/villain restrictions if they're allowed to add any number of generic characters???

Probably because cards from 6 packs can be incredibly slanted one way or the other as far as faction.

Why are you allowing people to break hero/villain restrictions if they're allowed to add any number of generic characters???

Probably because cards from 6 packs can be incredibly slanted one way or the other as far as faction.

Isnt it effectively 36 packs with 6 people?

I take it there's no real way to keep the first several picks of each round secret, due to the presence of the dice? Did you find that had any kind of effect on how things went?

Why are you allowing people to break hero/villain restrictions if they're allowed to add any number of generic characters???

Probably because cards from 6 packs can be incredibly slanted one way or the other as far as faction.

Isnt it effectively 36 packs with 6 people?

Yes, but even then. Still a chance everything slants one way or the other.

You have to get rid of one of the deck restrictions to make this work. Either you get rid of Hero/villain or color restrictions. I feel like allowing generic characters lets you self-remove color restrictions so the hero/villain restriction was the natural choice.

Wouldn't this make. basic characters drawn from packs bad draws?

Probably, so you should choose a card in that set of packs that will fit your deck better instead of just rare drafting.

You have to get rid of one of the deck restrictions to make this work. Either you get rid of Hero/villain or color restrictions. I feel like allowing generic characters lets you self-remove color restrictions so the hero/villain restriction was the natural choice.

By your own admission allowing generic characters removes colour restrictions, therefore you don't need to remove hero/villain restriction as you've already removed a restriction

You have to get rid of one of the deck restrictions to make this work. Either you get rid of Hero/villain or color restrictions. I feel like allowing generic characters lets you self-remove color restrictions so the hero/villain restriction was the natural choice.

By your own admission allowing generic characters removes colour restrictions, therefore you don't need to remove hero/villain restriction as you've already removed a restriction

I mean people are building 20 card decks with only 30 cards. That's a tough sell when entire packs can be mono-faction.