Hyperspace experiment

By Nginear, in Star Wars: Rebellion

I have only played a few games, but I'm toying with the idea of adding a hyperspace component. Either player takes a leader and hyperspace eligible units from one system, takes the units and the leader off the board for 1-2 turns, writes down the destination but the other player can't see it, and then they are placed during the refresh phase at the destination (which can be anywhere on the board). I'm thinking if they move 4 or less systems away, it takes 1 turn. 5 or more systems and it takes 2 turns "traveling." You would place the paper on the build que to keep track. Obviously you wouldn't use it to move 1 system away - standard movement rules still apply.

I don't get to play as often as I like, or with experienced players, so I likely won't get to test this out too well. But I think it would add an interesting surprise element! The Rebels can move units across the galaxy better and even conduct surprise attacks, and the Imperials can search for the base (it's annoying to drag a fleet down to Endor then get it out again).

What do you guys think?

I'm interested to hear if you've playtested this idea or refined it since your initial post. My first thought is that it might be too much in favor of the Empire but then again losing a leader for one or two extra turns is going to be rough (no matter which side you're playing).

Cards for massive sudden hyperspace assaults across huge distances of space are present in game with cards like "plan the assault, Planetary Conquest, Hidden Fleet, Lead the Strike Team, Scouting Mission, etc." While these types of maneuvers are possible they are literally not the rule for Star Wars lore. For the most part ships can only travel across pre established hyperspace lanes which require multiple jumps. Hence why on the map you must move to one place and then another. Although through retreats it's possible to move past a defensive force and to a new location. Calculating a new hyperspace lane or randomly jumping is insanely dangerous.

That's my understanding at least.

Still your idea is cool and could/should be incorporated into either a variant for this game or a whole new game. If somebody tries it out they should let us know how it goes.