The mill deck

By Jondavies72, in Star Wars: Destiny

Having accidentally won a game the other day by milling my opponents last card ( it was the only card I milled in the game) it was not planned....more of a wow my only die facing in my pack that mills had just landed and you've got one card.....

But it got me thinking have we go the cards to play a good mill deck yet ? Thinking padma, Rey and fish face may be a starting point.....

Edited by Jondavies72

That's what I came up with the other day. I have yet to try it though, so I don't know if it's any good.

Total Cards: (30)
Character: (29/30)
1x Admiral Ackbar (Awakenings)
1x Padme Amidala (Awakenings)
1x Rey (Awakenings)
1x Command Center (Awakenings)
Event: (14)
2x Commando Raid (Awakenings)
2x Defensive Stance (Awakenings)
2x Dug In (Awakenings)
2x Field Medic (Awakenings)
2x Natural Talent (Awakenings)
2x Patience (Awakenings)
2x Return of the Jedi (Awakenings)
Support: (4)
1x Jedi Council (Awakenings)
1x Launch Bay (Awakenings)
2x Outpost (Awakenings)
Upgrade: (12)
2x Comlink (Awakenings)
2x Cunning (Awakenings)
2x Datapad (Awakenings)
2x Infiltrate (Awakenings)
2x Scout (Awakenings)
2x Thermal Detonator (Awakenings)

What makes Rey a good character for a mill deck?

Ackbar and Padme are pretty obvious but Rey?

I've seen an attempt with Vader/Jabba that got my attention. Didn't get a chance to look at the full list, though.

Thing is, right now, milling should probably be an afterthought of control. I'm not sure there are enough tools for a clean-cut Mill strat.

That's what I came up with the other day. I have yet to try it though, so I don't know if it's any good.

Total Cards: (30)

Character: (29/30)

1x Admiral Ackbar (Awakenings)

1x Padme Amidala (Awakenings)

1x Rey (Awakenings)


1x Command Center (Awakenings)

Event: (14)

2x Commando Raid (Awakenings)

2x Defensive Stance (Awakenings)

2x Dug In (Awakenings)

2x Field Medic (Awakenings)

2x Natural Talent (Awakenings)

2x Patience (Awakenings)

2x Return of the Jedi (Awakenings)

Support: (4)

1x Jedi Council (Awakenings)

1x Launch Bay (Awakenings)

2x Outpost (Awakenings)

Upgrade: (12)

2x Comlink (Awakenings)

2x Cunning (Awakenings)

2x Datapad (Awakenings)

2x Infiltrate (Awakenings)

2x Scout (Awakenings)

2x Thermal Detonator (Awakenings)

Comlink and Infiltrate are interesting picks to me. I haven't used them, but I see the value of dice disruption that leaves dice in play to facilitate discards for reroll.

I had a lot of trouble getting Commando Raid to go off with only 1 Ackbar die, so I dropped it (then I dropped Ackbar too, see below)

I hadn't thought to use Outpost, though it will slow you down.

Your opponent is going to use cards in their hands, so I like to focus on the effects that discard from their decks. I always lose Padme fast. When she is gone, you can't play Thermal or Cunning. She can die early in round 2 in some matchups.

To battle this, I include Force Protection and Second Chance. I've also got dice disruption cards like Electroshock and Negotiate in there. Defensive Stance is nice, too, which you have.

I actually replaced Ackbar with a Rebel Trooper and run eRey. The Trooper helps keep Padme alive with Guardian. Ackbar makes people run a bit conservative to prevent damage (but some people will assume you aren't dealing g damage and won't care). I want people working their hands down just as much as I can via discard dice.

The deck can play slow, but with Command Center you want to make sure you are claiming so I can see why you included Dug In. So it really depends. Being flexible is best.

I've included a Falcon in my deck. Also Holdout Blasters to get some combo play on Rey, but also for the Rebel Trooper. Adding in Mind Probe and I can perhaps kill something in a pinch.

Edited by rowdyoctopus

What makes Rey a good character for a mill deck?

Ackbar and Padme are pretty obvious but Rey?

Edited by rowdyoctopus

What makes Rey a good character for a mill deck?

Ackbar and Padme are pretty obvious but Rey?

Rey has a discard side on her die. Additionally, she gives access to Blue which have Jedi Council and Patience.

Aah I see!

A mill deck featuring Padme' and a pair of Rebel troopers won a 6 round tournament in Toronto recently. Focuses on Defense, and just peels a few cards off the top of the deck, along with having a few ways to pull a couple cards out of the hand. You really only need to mill away about 8 cards to be scary, but 10 is better. The real trick is being able to yank the final cards out of their hand. Millenium falcon is critical to the deck, and solves that problem (and gives a powerful ability for cunning to play with too).

EDIT: Found the list. Here's a look:

2x Rebel Trooper (Awakenings)
2x Padme Amidala (Awakenings)
1x Echo Base (Awakenings)
1x Defensive Position (Awakenings)
2x Field Medic (Awakenings)
2x Negotiate (Awakenings)
2x Logistics (Awakenings)
1x Block (Awakenings)
2x Flank (Awakenings)
2x Electroshock (Awakenings)
2x Unpredictable (Awakenings)
1x BB-8 (Awakenings)
1x Millennium Falcon (Awakenings)
2x Scout (Awakenings)
2x Diplomatic Immunity (Awakenings)
2x Infiltrate (Awakenings)
2x Datapad (Awakenings)
2x Cunning (Awakenings)
2x Second Chance (Awakenings)
2x Hunker Down (Awakenings)
Edited by Netace

For those that only have 1 of certain cards, here is an alternate list. The battle field is echo base mainly because you won't typically be claiming first.

Nevermind. Won't display the pic. Sorry.

I'm curious to the rationale of including Ackbar in a straight-up mill deck, like many people seem to want to do. Sure, his ability works with discard. But it doesn't in any way allow you to mill your opponent faster or offer any board control. It does damage, which is 100% pointless in a deck that has a win condition that renders damage irrelevant.

I'm curious to the rationale of including Ackbar in a straight-up mill deck, like many people seem to want to do. Sure, his ability works with discard. But it doesn't in any way allow you to mill your opponent faster or offer any board control. It does damage, which is 100% pointless in a deck that has a win condition that renders damage irrelevant.

Hard to say without an exact list, But ackbar's 2 focus side, and utilty focused die is generally useful. That being said, I don't use him for that.

I'm curious to the rationale of including Ackbar in a straight-up mill deck, like many people seem to want to do. Sure, his ability works with discard. But it doesn't in any way allow you to mill your opponent faster or offer any board control. It does damage, which is 100% pointless in a deck that has a win condition that renders damage irrelevant.

His die had a discard side and his focus is amazing. Scout is a good mill upgrade, as well, only in red. Besides that? Eh... I took him out of my tricolor mill deck.

I'm thinking of running Trooper, eRey, Padme. Four dice, access to all colours and still 3 discard sides.


I'm thinking of running Trooper, eRey, Padme. Four dice, access to all colours and still 3 discard sides.


I'm not sure you really need all three colors for a mill deck. Red isn't that big on control events and doesn't have that much discard faces/effects beyond Scout.

Edited by Don_Silvarro

I'm thinking of running Trooper, eRey, Padme. Four dice, access to all colours and still 3 discard sides.


I'm not sure you really need all three colors for a mill deck. Red isn't that big on control events and doesn't have that much discard faces/effects beyond Scout.

Scout is amazing though, and you can toss in a Launch Bay which has discard or damage, depending on what you need. The Trooper adds health, and helps Padme stay alive.

I tried this deck out today vs a relatively strong eLuke/Rey aggro deck. I won, but only after he killed Padme (I had second chance on her though), and some of his dice rolls were just awful. It felt like a solid mill but I'm not sure if it's optimal. For example I lost the Rebel trooper first, rendering both Commando Raid cards useless.

Deck Created with Star Wars Destiny Deckbuilder

Total Cards: (30)

Character: (30/30)

1x Padawan (Awakenings)

2x Padme Amidala (Awakenings)

1x Rebel Trooper (Awakenings)


1x Jedi Temple (Awakenings)

Event: (16)

2x Close Quarters Assault (Awakenings)

2x Commando Raid (Awakenings)

2x Defensive Stance (Awakenings)

2x Dodge (Awakenings)

2x Patience (Awakenings)

2x Return of the Jedi (Awakenings)

2x Take Cover (Awakenings)

2x Willpower (Awakenings)

Support: (3)

2x Jedi Council (Awakenings)

1x Millennium Falcon (Awakenings)

Upgrade: (11)

1x Datapad (Awakenings)

2x Diplomatic Immunity (Awakenings)

2x Force Protection (Awakenings)

2x Scout (Awakenings)

2x Second Chance (Awakenings)

2x Thermal Detonator (Awakenings)

Edited by MiniJunkie

I tried this deck out today vs a relatively strong eLuke/Rey aggro deck. I won, but only after he killed Padme (I had second chance on her though), and some of his dice rolls were just awful. It felt like a solid mill but I'm not sure if it's optimal. For example I lost the Rebel trooper first, rendering both Commando Raid cards useless.

"Resolve one of your RED DICE showing discard"

(emphasis mine)

Sorry dude, but commando raid is dead in that deck. Right now, You have to have Admiral Ackbar or Launch Bay to use a Commando Raid. Maybe swap for Field Medic?

I tried this deck out today vs a relatively strong eLuke/Rey aggro deck. I won, but only after he killed Padme (I had second chance on her though), and some of his dice rolls were just awful. It felt like a solid mill but I'm not sure if it's optimal. For example I lost the Rebel trooper first, rendering both Commando Raid cards useless.

"Resolve one of your RED DICE showing discard"

(emphasis mine)

Sorry dude, but commando raid is dead in that deck. Right now, You have to have Admiral Ackbar or Launch Bay to use a Commando Raid. Maybe swap for Field Medic?

Edited by MiniJunkie


Character (26/30)

1x Padawan (Awakenings)

1x Padme Amidala (Awakenings)

1x Rebel Trooper (Awakenings)


1x Jedi Temple (Awakenings)

Event (17)

1x All In (Awakenings)

2x Close Quarters Assault (Awakenings)

2x Defensive Stance (Awakenings)

2x Dodge (Awakenings)

2x Field Medic (Awakenings)

2x Patience (Awakenings)

2x Return of the Jedi (Awakenings)

2x Take Cover (Awakenings)

2x Willpower (Awakenings)

Support (2)

2x Jedi Council (Awakenings)

Upgrade (11)

1x Datapad (Awakenings)

2x Diplomatic Immunity (Awakenings)

2x Force Protection (Awakenings)

2x Scout (Awakenings)

2x Second Chance (Awakenings)

2x Thermal Detonator (Awakenings)

Cunning is a very strong mill option for decks running yellow. Half its die faces advance the mill strategy, either directly or indirectly. It seems to be a common inclusion in other mill decks, and is probably strong enough on its own to be valuable even after Padme's death (especially if you're running Scout).

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

Cunning is a very strong mill option for decks running yellow. Half its die faces advance the mill strategy, either directly or indirectly. It seems to be a common inclusion in other mill decks, and is probably strong enough on its own to be valuable even after Padme's death (especially if you're running Scout).

I had removed it for some reason, I'll put it back in!

Tested against eJango/eVeers and failed, so made some more tweaks.

Character (26/30)

1x Padawan (Awakenings)

1x Padme Amidala (Awakenings)

1x Rebel Trooper (Awakenings)


1x Command Center (Awakenings)

Event (16)

1x All In (Awakenings)

2x Close Quarters Assault (Awakenings)

2x Defensive Stance (Awakenings)

2x Dodge (Awakenings)

2x Field Medic (Awakenings)

2x Patience (Awakenings)

2x Return of the Jedi (Awakenings)

1x Take Cover (Awakenings)

2x Willpower (Awakenings)

Support (4)

2x Jedi Council (Awakenings)

2x Outpost (Awakenings)

Upgrade (10)

1x Datapad (Awakenings)

1x Diplomatic Immunity (Awakenings)

2x Force Protection (Awakenings)

2x Scout (Awakenings)

2x Second Chance (Awakenings)

2x Thermal Detonator (Awakenings)

What do people think about including Natural Talent to buff a normal Discard or Focus side up to two? Good trick, or not worth the cost?

I've seen an attempt with Vader/Jabba that got my attention. Didn't get a chance to look at the full list, though.

Thing is, right now, milling should probably be an afterthought of control. I'm not sure there are enough tools for a clean-cut Mill strat.