New player duplicate question

By Vipcard3, in Rules Questions

Hey all just checking if this is a rule, you can't marshall a character If a copy of them is already in the dead pile eg. Eddard Stark gets killed round 3, round 4 I draw my second Eddard copy and can't Marshall it unless I can remove copy 1 from the dead pile.

Also if the above situation happens except I've got a duplicate Eddard out and one dies. Can I play one from my hand as a duplicate later if I still have an Eddard in the field.

Thanks for your answers

Hey all just checking if this is a rule, you can't marshall a character If a copy of them is already in the dead pile eg. Eddard Stark gets killed round 3, round 4 I draw my second Eddard copy and can't Marshall it unless I can remove copy 1 from the dead pile.

This is true for unique characters. So once Eddard is dead, he is dead. You cannot marshal another copy of a unique card if you already have a copy in the dead pile. (See p. 22 of the rule book for confirmation and clarification of the rules for unique cards.

It doesn't apply to non-unique cards. So, if you replace "Eddard Stark" with "Direwolf Pup" in your example, you CAN marshal the second copy.

Also if the above situation happens except I've got a duplicate Eddard out and one dies. Can I play one from my hand as a duplicate later if I still have an Eddard in the field.

No, you cannot. If there is a copy of a unique card in your dead pile, you cannot bring another copy into play by any means - even as a duplicate.

In the first scenario, you are correct; once Eddard Stark is dead, he cannot reenter play on your side without someway of removing the copy in your dead pile.

I'm not sure what you're asking in the second scenario. Seems to me you think that duplicates die, which is not the case; Eddard Stark is still about to die (by claim, sword, or poison) but the duplicate protects him from it. Used duplicates go to the discard pile, not the dead pile. If there is a dead Eddard from a card effect like Heads on Spikes while he is in play, then you may not duplicate him.

He posted this question on the first edition forums as well, and as I said there: the OP seems to think he can have two separate copies of Eddard in play at one time, and is asking if he can marshal a third if one is in the dead pile. In which case we have a more immediate point of confusion about the basic rules of the game.

From the Learn To Play book:

Unique Cards

This symbol next to a card’s title indicates that the card is unique: . A player cannot have more than one copy of any given unique card in play at a time . A player may use additional copies of unique cards as duplicates . (See Rules Reference, page 7.)

From the Rules Reference Guide:


A player may use additional copies, by title, of any unique card (indicated by a “¤” symbol in its title) he or she owns and controls in play as duplicates. When a card enters play as a duplicate, it is placed faceup, overlapped by (i.e. partially visible beneath) the copy of the card that was already in play . A duplicate grants its controller the following triggered game ability: “Interrupt: When the overlapping unique card would leave play, discard this duplicate to save that card. (Cannot be canceled.)”

Edited by Grimwalker

Thanks for clearing it up for me. And yeah i screwed up in putting this on the 1st edition forums i meant to put it here.