Qui-gon ability clarification?

By cjnj193, in Star Wars: Destiny

Hello all, I was looking at the FAQ and noticed for Dooku it stated that he could gain multiple shields when multiple dice showing damage are resolved, because each die is resolved separately.

Applying this to Qui-hon, does that mean if I have a two dice with shield results that (assuming I start with a shield) can deal 2 damage instead of just 1? Any help would be appreciated!

I haven't yet come across this in a game as I've only played against Qui Gon once but I would say yes it does. Remove a shield to deal one damage then gain a shield, then with any other shield die repeat.

Yes - each dice is resolved in the same action period, but one at a time, which is why you can split damage over multiple characters with multiple damage dice.

Yes, you can trigger Qui-Gon's ability more than once with multiple shield dice.

But what about diplomatic immunity or a card where you can distribute as u wish? That means you still place them all at once but just distributed as u wish which would mean a max of 1 damage? Right? Just to clarify...no more than 1 damage per dice or card correct?

But what about diplomatic immunity or a card where you can distribute as u wish? That means you still place them all at once but just distributed as u wish which would mean a max of 1 damage? Right? Just to clarify...no more than 1 damage per dice or card correct?

Diplomatic immunity grants you, let's say, 4 shields, distributed as you wish. You could distribute two of those to Qui-Gon, which would only trigger his ability once since he's gaining 'one or more' shields.

For the original poster's question, here is a break down.

Assume you have two dice, each showing 1 shield icon and Qui-Gon in play with 1 shield on him.

1. Declare that you will be taking the resolve dice action using the shield icon.

2. Resolve the first shield die, declaring Qui-Gon as the recipient.

2a. Before Qui-Gon gains the shield, remove 1 shield from him (bringing him down to 0) to deal 1 damage to an opponent.

2b. Qui-Gon gains a shield from the first die, bringing him back up to 1.

3. Resolve the second shield die, declaring Qui-Gon as the recipient.

3a. Before Qui-Gon gains the shield, remove 1 shield from him (bring him back down to 0) to deal 1 damage to an opponent.

3b. Qui-Gaon gains a shield from the second die, bringing him back up to 1.

But what about diplomatic immunity or a card where you can distribute as u wish? That means you still place them all at once but just distributed as u wish which would mean a max of 1 damage? Right? Just to clarify...no more than 1 damage per dice or card correct?

Diplomatic immunity grants you, let's say, 4 shields, distributed as you wish. You could distribute two of those to Qui-Gon, which would only trigger his ability once since he's gaining 'one or more' shields.

For the original poster's question, here is a break down.

Assume you have two dice, each showing 1 shield icon and Qui-Gon in play with 1 shield on him.

1. Declare that you will be taking the resolve dice action using the shield icon.

2. Resolve the first shield die, declaring Qui-Gon as the recipient.

2a. Before Qui-Gon gains the shield, remove 1 shield from him (bringing him down to 0) to deal 1 damage to an opponent.

2b. Qui-Gon gains a shield from the first die, bringing him back up to 1.

3. Resolve the second shield die, declaring Qui-Gon as the recipient.

3a. Before Qui-Gon gains the shield, remove 1 shield from him (bring him back down to 0) to deal 1 damage to an opponent.

3b. Qui-Gaon gains a shield from the second die, bringing him back up to 1.

I'm not so sure about this and would like a proper FAQ on this one.

Dug In states: Give 3 shields to your characters, distributed as you wish.

Diplomatic Immunity states: The shields from this die can be given to any of your characters, distributed as you wish.

In both cases those three shields could be distributed one at a time (causing Qui-Gon's ability to trigger each time).

Edited by Stone37

I agree that there might be a little ambiguity with Diplomatic Immunity, but I think it's a stretch to say that if you choose to distribute 2 shields to Qui-Gon from Diplomatic Immunity that you're actually distributing 1 shield two separate times, triggering his ability twice. I think an FAQ would show that distributing 2 shields to Qui-Gon counts as him gaining 'one or more shields' once. It's a single effect. Yes, you can split the shields between characters, but it's not like you're resolving multiple effects that grant shields.

In any case, I think most reasonable players would count gaining shields from Diplomatic Immunity to be a single effect, triggering Qui-Gon's ability once. Trying to play it otherwise will likely cause frequent conflict with opponents in game.

But what about diplomatic immunity or a card where you can distribute as u wish? That means you still place them all at once but just distributed as u wish which would mean a max of 1 damage? Right? Just to clarify...no more than 1 damage per dice or card correct?

Diplomatic immunity grants you, let's say, 4 shields, distributed as you wish. You could distribute two of those to Qui-Gon, which would only trigger his ability once since he's gaining 'one or more' shields.

For the original poster's question, here is a break down.

Assume you have two dice, each showing 1 shield icon and Qui-Gon in play with 1 shield on him.

1. Declare that you will be taking the resolve dice action using the shield icon.

2. Resolve the first shield die, declaring Qui-Gon as the recipient.

2a. Before Qui-Gon gains the shield, remove 1 shield from him (bringing him down to 0) to deal 1 damage to an opponent.

2b. Qui-Gon gains a shield from the first die, bringing him back up to 1.

3. Resolve the second shield die, declaring Qui-Gon as the recipient.

3a. Before Qui-Gon gains the shield, remove 1 shield from him (bring him back down to 0) to deal 1 damage to an opponent.

3b. Qui-Gaon gains a shield from the second die, bringing him back up to 1.

I'm not so sure about this and would like a proper FAQ on this one.

Dug In states: Give 3 shields to your characters, distributed as you wish.

Diplomatic Immunity states: The shields from this die can be given to any of your characters, distributed as you wish.

In both cases those three shields could be distributed one at a time (causing Qui-Gon's ability to trigger each time).

This is not correct. For setting up the rules say:

"The player whose battlefield is not being used removes their battlefield from the game and gives 2 shields to their characters, distributed as they wish."

His has been ruled to be one instance of gaining shields. You could not give both to QGJ one at a time and trigger his ability. Similarly, you cannot do the same with Dug In or Diplomatic Immunity.

I agree that there might be a little ambiguity with Diplomatic Immunity

I don't think there is.

When you resolve a shield die, the shields are all placed simultaneously on the target. Diplomatic Immunity overrides the rule that it has to be a single target, but doesn't affect any other part of resolving the die. So all the rules still apply, including that they're simultaneous.

It's a little less clear because the event rules are lighter, but you're resolving a single effect with Dug In, so they should all arrive simultaneously.

I agree that there might be a little ambiguity with Diplomatic Immunity

I don't think there is.

It's a little less clear because the event rules are lighter, but you're resolving a single effect with Dug In, so they should all arrive simultaneously.

I think this is what will turn out to be correct, but the rules need to be tightened up around the language of the events, supports, and upgrades. Right now, I don't have a definitive citation that I can give to prove one ruling or the other (and that's frustrating).

I agree that there might be a little ambiguity with Diplomatic Immunity

I don't think there is.

When you resolve a shield die, the shields are all placed simultaneously on the target. Diplomatic Immunity overrides the rule that it has to be a single target, but doesn't affect any other part of resolving the die. So all the rules still apply, including that they're simultaneous.

It's a little less clear because the event rules are lighter, but you're resolving a single effect with Dug In, so they should all arrive simultaneously.

I don't really think there is either. I was just being nice and saying that there MIGHT be a little ambiguity. Diplomatic Immunity breaks one rule of resolving a single shield die, potentially allowing more than one effect that triggers off gaining a shield on different characters. I understand why some people might find it confusing. I actually think it's pretty straightforward. One die, so Qui-Gon is receiving "one or more shields".

There is already a ruling on beginning of game shields and QGJ, which uses the same language as these cards. What more do you need?