2x my kind of scum

By nismojoe, in Star Wars: Destiny

So if I have 2 out and I disrupt 2 resources with one die, I can tap both mkos for a gain of 4 resources?

Why not?

I don't think so. But hmmm... maybe, it's not an action itself it triggers of another action. Good question, I haven't found the card to be terribly useful but I'm not sure why it wouldn't work that way.

The opportunity to trigger 'My Kind Of Scum' is "after your resolve a dice showing disrupt." That's the only limitation. Until a future FAQ or clarification says otherwise, if you have two copies in play, you can absolutely trigger both off of one disrupt die.

Both trigger, both enter the queue. Both would resolve as resolving one won't change anything that would prevent the other one from resolving.