OP Rules Released for Destiny

By Spector1331, in Star Wars: Destiny

If my opponent didn't have the Death Trooper dice I wouldn't mind.

p16: "Players must resolve as much of an ability as they are able to, unless it includes the word “may” or explicitly gives the player a choice. Special abilities (S) are mandatory if that side of its
die is resolved."

You don't have the dice, looks like we have resolved as much of his ability as you are able to.

If my opponent didn't have the Death Trooper dice I wouldn't mind.

p16: "Players must resolve as much of an ability as they are able to, unless it includes the word “may” or explicitly gives the player a choice. Special abilities (S) are mandatory if that side of its

die is resolved."

You don't have the dice, looks like we have resolved as much of his ability as you are able to.

That rule relates to the game state, not whether or not you own the components, or any other external factor, for that matter.

"Oh, I have to remove one of my dice but my arthritis is acting up, I'm not able to resolve that, I guess it'll have to stay."

So, no having the dice I can roll it how?

So, no having the dice I can roll it how?

The rule applies to elements within the game state. How many resources you have. How many dice are in your pool. Do you have any upgrades. Are your characters ready.

It does not apply to game component limitations and the expectation that you have the components you need to play. In all cases, if you include a card which references a die, you're expected to have that die.

So you're right that you can't roll the die if you don't have it. But you're trying to twist the rule to cover that, which it doesn't.

So, no having the dice I can roll it how?

The rule applies to elements within the game state. How many resources you have. How many dice are in your pool. Do you have any upgrades. Are your characters ready.

It does not apply to game component limitations and the expectation that you have the components you need to play. In all cases, if you include a card which references a die, you're expected to have that die.

So you're right that you can't roll the die if you don't have it. But you're trying to twist the rule to cover that, which it doesn't.

See page 11, the set-aside dice are not part of my "game state"?

I also know of no rule that requires Director Krennic also have the dice for the Death Trooper, the rule as I understand it is that each card has a corresponding dice, and if you have that card you have to have the dice with the matching card ID. Where is the rule that requires Director Krennic to come with a Death Troopers dice too, h ave you a page number for this rule?

See page 11, the set-aside dice are not part of my "game state"?

I also know of no rule that requires Director Krennic also have the dice for the Death Trooper, the rule as I understand it is that each card has a corresponding dice, and if you have that card you have to have the dice with the matching card ID. Where is the rule that requires Director Krennic to come with a Death Troopers dice too, have you a page number for this rule?

I expect this will be clarified with the Spirit rulesheet, and I'm perfectly happy to wait for the actual rules for the new card to debate it. But either way, I honestly don't care - if you want to handicap yourself and risk disqualification to demonstrate how hurt you are over the dice requirements, be my guest.

See page 11, the set-aside dice are not part of my "game state"?

I also know of no rule that requires Director Krennic also have the dice for the Death Trooper, the rule as I understand it is that each card has a corresponding dice, and if you have that card you have to have the dice with the matching card ID. Where is the rule that requires Director Krennic to come with a Death Troopers dice too, have you a page number for this rule?

I expect this will be clarified with the Spirit rulesheet, and I'm perfectly happy to wait for the actual rules for the new card to debate it. But either way, I honestly don't care - if you want to handicap yourself and risk disqualification to demonstrate how hurt you are over the dice requirements, be my guest.

I hope we don't get a rule sheet, this is booster only expansion and I don't want a folded rules sheet in each booster. Maybe something on the protective insert, or perhaps the online rules PDF can have a page or two added.

But right now, unless the rules are added to or changed is there anything in the rules that supports your opinion? I am not hurt, I am confused as to the logic of your argument and want to learn where mine is wrong. You keep attacking me with your arguments, while your line of reasoning just isn't supported.

they need to update this text to include special cases like Krennic.

Or people could just be reasonable I guess, but I play games for fun, so what do I know ;)

Fun?! Fun?!!!

You think this is a GAME!?!

Oh, wait, it totally is, and I'm glad i never play with people like some of the rule-lawyering weirdos on this forum who seem to think it's life-and-death.

they need to update this text to include special cases like Krennic.

Or people could just be reasonable I guess, but I play games for fun, so what do I know ;)

Yes, the same with two copies of Falcon and only one die. The same with missing die - just use the card for reroll. Reasonable. Exactly.

Not sure if this has been mentioned, but found a minor typo in Game Setup #4:

"Each player, in turn order, may decide to shuffle any number of cards from their hand back into their deck, present the deck to their opponent, and then draw cards again until he or she has 5 cards in hand."

Turn order has not yet been established. I don't think it ever matters, but there you go.