OP Rules Released for Destiny

By Spector1331, in Star Wars: Destiny

Wow, 35 minute time limit really messes with a lot of decks. I got tie breakered out against my good friend, who was going to lose the game the following turn. Very disappointed, but more disappointed he took full advantage of that to win.

Could you please list some of the decks that have a hard time finishing in 35 minutes? I ask because I'm not having that problem with the decks I play and play against and would like to better understand where this sentiment comes from. My current favorite is eRey/Padawan/Padawan which I consider fairly controlling.

Have you played against anything that runs Second Chance and draws and plays them both? If the Second Chance player doesn't win, and they are able to play both Second Chances those games can drag on...and if they do it's favor of the Second Chance player cause they've just negated 10 of the damage you did.

I have played with and against Second Chance. If you allow the SC player to coninueously recycle and replay it you'll have long games. You need to set up your kill and time it to keep that from happening.

Or find a way to do 7-8 damage all in one go. Maybe not the hardest thing to do if your opponent is preoccupied with keeping his last character alive, and paying 3 resources at a time for the privilege.

Well obviously, but that's easier said than done sometimes, cause dice. The point is that card can negate quite a bit of your damage done and push the tie-breaker in the favor of the person playing it if the games get that far.

Wow, 35 minute time limit really messes with a lot of decks. I got tie breakered out against my good friend, who was going to lose the game the following turn. Very disappointed, but more disappointed he took full advantage of that to win.

Could you please list some of the decks that have a hard time finishing in 35 minutes? I ask because I'm not having that problem with the decks I play and play against and would like to better understand where this sentiment comes from. My current favorite is eRey/Padawan/Padawan which I consider fairly controlling.

eRey 2xPadawan is one of the best aggro, so it's not strange you finish quickly.

Long games happen when both players have proper dice control cards in hands and both players have equally bad rolls and both players have to make tough decisions (a lot of thinking), so it's not necessary deck dependend. I got a lot of such games with Kylo/Dooku vs Han/Rey. Once I remember we played twelve rounds. Usually 6 is enough.

Wow, 35 minute time limit really messes with a lot of decks. I got tie breakered out against my good friend, who was going to lose the game the following turn. Very disappointed, but more disappointed he took full advantage of that to win.

Could you please list some of the decks that have a hard time finishing in 35 minutes? I ask because I'm not having that problem with the decks I play and play against and would like to better understand where this sentiment comes from. My current favorite is eRey/Padawan/Padawan which I consider fairly controlling.

eRey 2xPadawan is one of the best aggro, so it's not strange you finish quickly.

Long games happen when both players have proper dice control cards in hands and both players have equally bad rolls and both players have to make tough decisions (a lot of thinking), so it's not necessary deck dependend. I got a lot of such games with Kylo/Dooku vs Han/Rey. Once I remember we played twelve rounds. Usually 6 is enough.


I counted the types of cards in my deck. It has 14 for controlling my opponent's dice, 10 for boosting my offense, 2 to help my economy, and 4 utility cards.

My Jango/Veers has 6 cards for controlling opponent's dice, 16 for boosting my offense, 2 cards for both controlling dice and boosting offense, and 6 utility cards.

At least as far as my build goes eRey/2x Padawan falls well short of the aggressiveness of top aggro decks.

Edited by Starbane

I was playing Rey/Padawan/Qui-Gon.

He was Rey/Han actions, plus he's a slow card player.

I had a dead Qui-Gon. He had a dead Han...and a Rey, with 2 damage on her. I had a well equipped Rey (one with the force, mind probe, force throw, I believe) with 4 damage on her and a padawan with a saber. Couldn't kill his Rey the turn time was called (when it was called, I had two active dice in play, I don't think he had any left) and I lost due to the breaker. He was 0-1 and I was 1-0 (I had to play down) and he refused to concede.

Bummed me out. I'm not used to losing card games like that, ever. Very unsatisfying.

I had a Han/Leia ramp deck that I switched to an Ackbar/Hired G/Hired G deck, and worried that deck is worthless, because it's not fast.

I was playing Rey/Padawan/Qui-Gon.

He was Rey/Han actions, plus he's a slow card player.

I had a dead Qui-Gon. He had a dead Han...and a Rey, with 2 damage on her. I had a well equipped Rey (one with the force, mind probe, force throw, I believe) with 4 damage on her and a padawan with a saber. Couldn't kill his Rey the turn time was called (when it was called, I had two active dice in play, I don't think he had any left) and I lost due to the breaker. He was 0-1 and I was 1-0 (I had to play down) and he refused to concede.

Bummed me out. I'm not used to losing card games like that, ever. Very unsatisfying.

I had a Han/Leia ramp deck that I switched to an Ackbar/Hired G/Hired G deck, and worried that deck is worthless, because it's not fast.

Edited by netherspirit

There are no slow decks, just slow players. Sure, some decks may have more "decision points", but if you are competent with the deck, it's not slow.

Just played in a 22 person tournament with 4 rounds. I couple of games went to time, but I'm 90% sure those were due to slow players and not slow decks.

The main thing that will cause people to go to time is if you sit there and examine your options for 5 minutes a round. Consider it chess, you make your move hit the clock, opponent moves hit clock, repeat. This mentality is what you need to have, not analysis paralysis... I have only played a game past 35-40 minutes when I was teaching the game.

I was playing Rey/Padawan/Qui-Gon.

He was Rey/Han actions, plus he's a slow card player.

I had a dead Qui-Gon. He had a dead Han...and a Rey, with 2 damage on her. I had a well equipped Rey (one with the force, mind probe, force throw, I believe) with 4 damage on her and a padawan with a saber. Couldn't kill his Rey the turn time was called (when it was called, I had two active dice in play, I don't think he had any left) and I lost due to the breaker. He was 0-1 and I was 1-0 (I had to play down) and he refused to concede.

Bummed me out. I'm not used to losing card games like that, ever. Very unsatisfying.

I had a Han/Leia ramp deck that I switched to an Ackbar/Hired G/Hired G deck, and worried that deck is worthless, because it's not fast.

When time is called you're supposed to finish out the round through the next upkeep. So if you had Dice left and hadn't claimed and there wasn't a double pass, you'd have been able to resolve those dice.

Yes, thank you. I was aware, and the two dice couldn't do enough damage (one was BB-8, who doesn't do any).

Since time was called toward the end of the round/turn, it made it even worse. Perhaps they could change it to an additional COMPLETE final round after time is called?

What's to stop people from making decks designed to durdle around and win by breakers? Tiebreakers shouldn't have decks designed to abuse them, and I think this can be done...

I was playing Rey/Padawan/Qui-Gon.

He was Rey/Han actions, plus he's a slow card player.

I had a dead Qui-Gon. He had a dead Han...and a Rey, with 2 damage on her. I had a well equipped Rey (one with the force, mind probe, force throw, I believe) with 4 damage on her and a padawan with a saber. Couldn't kill his Rey the turn time was called (when it was called, I had two active dice in play, I don't think he had any left) and I lost due to the breaker. He was 0-1 and I was 1-0 (I had to play down) and he refused to concede.

Bummed me out. I'm not used to losing card games like that, ever. Very unsatisfying.

I had a Han/Leia ramp deck that I switched to an Ackbar/Hired G/Hired G deck, and worried that deck is worthless, because it's not fast.

When time is called you're supposed to finish out the round through the next upkeep. So if you had Dice left and hadn't claimed and there wasn't a double pass, you'd have been able to resolve those dice.

Yes, thank you. I was aware, and the two dice couldn't do enough damage (one was BB-8, who doesn't do any).

Since time was called toward the end of the round/turn, it made it even worse. Perhaps they could change it to an additional COMPLETE final round after time is called?

What's to stop people from making decks designed to durdle around and win by breakers? Tiebreakers shouldn't have decks designed to abuse them, and I think this can be done...

Givent hat the tie-breaker is damage done, if you're deck is designed to win the tie-breaker by having done more damage, it's probably ALSO designed to kill your opponent before time anyway.

I was playing Rey/Padawan/Qui-Gon.

He was Rey/Han actions, plus he's a slow card player.

I had a dead Qui-Gon. He had a dead Han...and a Rey, with 2 damage on her. I had a well equipped Rey (one with the force, mind probe, force throw, I believe) with 4 damage on her and a padawan with a saber. Couldn't kill his Rey the turn time was called (when it was called, I had two active dice in play, I don't think he had any left) and I lost due to the breaker. He was 0-1 and I was 1-0 (I had to play down) and he refused to concede.

Bummed me out. I'm not used to losing card games like that, ever. Very unsatisfying.

I had a Han/Leia ramp deck that I switched to an Ackbar/Hired G/Hired G deck, and worried that deck is worthless, because it's not fast.

When time is called you're supposed to finish out the round through the next upkeep. So if you had Dice left and hadn't claimed and there wasn't a double pass, you'd have been able to resolve those dice.

Yes, thank you. I was aware, and the two dice couldn't do enough damage (one was BB-8, who doesn't do any).

Since time was called toward the end of the round/turn, it made it even worse. Perhaps they could change it to an additional COMPLETE final round after time is called?

What's to stop people from making decks designed to durdle around and win by breakers? Tiebreakers shouldn't have decks designed to abuse them, and I think this can be done...

Givent hat the tie-breaker is damage done, if you're deck is designed to win the tie-breaker by having done more damage, it's probably ALSO designed to kill your opponent before time anyway.

You are right, but now aggro decks can just play random cards to clinch the win. Seriously. 4 storm troopers with some ramp cards that don't usually "belong" in a deck, along with 2 Endless Ranks? Durdle durdle oops I win with my almost 30 HP and 7 health heals.

If you're worried about losing a tie breaker to Endless Ranks troopers just do 6 damage to each trooper. No way they're doing more than 24 damage unless you're dead.

If you're worried about losing a tie breaker to Endless Ranks troopers just do 6 damage to each trooper. No way they're doing more than 24 damage unless you're dead.

Yep, that's correct. Smart strategy is to take out one character at a time, so a deck like that may win a few times, until people figure out how to beat it...but it still may not be that bad, regardless.

Still, constructing decks to work a tiebreaker in your favor is uber cheese, and such a bummer that it's possible.

I still like the "finish the active round, one more round" idea after 35 mins.

If you're worried about losing a tie breaker to Endless Ranks troopers just do 6 damage to each trooper. No way they're doing more than 24 damage unless you're dead.

And of course your opponent won't use Guardian, Cannon fodder and The best defense. Hmm, now with this stupid time limit 4 troopers might be actually a viable deck.

If you're worried about losing a tie breaker to Endless Ranks troopers just do 6 damage to each trooper. No way they're doing more than 24 damage unless you're dead.

And of course your opponent won't use Guardian, Cannon fodder and The best defense. Hmm, now with this stupid time limit 4 troopers might be actually a viable deck.

Try it and report back please?

If you're worried about losing a tie breaker to Endless Ranks troopers just do 6 damage to each trooper. No way they're doing more than 24 damage unless you're dead.

And of course your opponent won't use Guardian, Cannon fodder and The best defense. Hmm, now with this stupid time limit 4 troopers might be actually a viable deck.

Try it and report back please?

I never play all non-unique. Just saying that someone might try to abuse the time limit.

If you're worried about losing a tie breaker to Endless Ranks troopers just do 6 damage to each trooper. No way they're doing more than 24 damage unless you're dead.

And of course your opponent won't use Guardian, Cannon fodder and The best defense. Hmm, now with this stupid time limit 4 troopers might be actually a viable deck.

Try it and report back please?

I never play all non-unique. Just saying that someone might try to abuse the time limit.

So you have no practical evidence to support you claim nor will you provide such evidence. Why make the claim at all then?

If you're worried about losing a tie breaker to Endless Ranks troopers just do 6 damage to each trooper. No way they're doing more than 24 damage unless you're dead.

And of course your opponent won't use Guardian, Cannon fodder and The best defense. Hmm, now with this stupid time limit 4 troopers might be actually a viable deck.

Try it and report back please?

I never play all non-unique. Just saying that someone might try to abuse the time limit.

So you have no practical evidence to support you claim nor will you provide such evidence. Why make the claim at all then?

Because this is a friendly forum where we discuss our thoughts about the game? Sheesh, man. His claim was also "might be... a viable deck". That's not exactly a set in stone sort of claim.

If you're worried about losing a tie breaker to Endless Ranks troopers just do 6 damage to each trooper. No way they're doing more than 24 damage unless you're dead.

And of course your opponent won't use Guardian, Cannon fodder and The best defense. Hmm, now with this stupid time limit 4 troopers might be actually a viable deck.

Try it and report back please?

I never play all non-unique. Just saying that someone might try to abuse the time limit.

So you have no practical evidence to support you claim nor will you provide such evidence. Why make the claim at all then?

Because this is a friendly forum where we discuss our thoughts about the game? Sheesh, man. His claim was also "might be... a viable deck". That's not exactly a set in stone sort of claim.

It's not something I would play, but if it became viable wouldn't that be a good thing? If there are more viable tournament builds there will in theory, be more people attracted to the game because they can find something that suits their fancy.

If you're worried about losing a tie breaker to Endless Ranks troopers just do 6 damage to each trooper. No way they're doing more than 24 damage unless you're dead.

And of course your opponent won't use Guardian, Cannon fodder and The best defense. Hmm, now with this stupid time limit 4 troopers might be actually a viable deck.

Try it and report back please?

I never play all non-unique. Just saying that someone might try to abuse the time limit.

So you have no practical evidence to support you claim nor will you provide such evidence. Why make the claim at all then?

Because this is a friendly forum where we discuss our thoughts about the game? Sheesh, man. His claim was also "might be... a viable deck". That's not exactly a set in stone sort of claim.

It's not something I would play, but if it became viable wouldn't that be a good thing? If there are more viable tournament builds there will in theory, be more people attracted to the game because they can find something that suits their fancy.

No, that would not be a good thing, because I was thinking that someone might abuse the time limit, that is stall on purpose.

If you're worried about losing a tie breaker to Endless Ranks troopers just do 6 damage to each trooper. No way they're doing more than 24 damage unless you're dead.

And of course your opponent won't use Guardian, Cannon fodder and The best defense. Hmm, now with this stupid time limit 4 troopers might be actually a viable deck.

Try it and report back please?

I never play all non-unique. Just saying that someone might try to abuse the time limit.

So you have no practical evidence to support you claim nor will you provide such evidence. Why make the claim at all then?

Because this is a friendly forum where we discuss our thoughts about the game? Sheesh, man. His claim was also "might be... a viable deck". That's not exactly a set in stone sort of claim.

It's not something I would play, but if it became viable wouldn't that be a good thing? If there are more viable tournament builds there will in theory, be more people attracted to the game because they can find something that suits their fancy.

No, that would not be a good thing, because I was thinking that someone might abuse the time limit, that is stall on purpose.

Stalling on purpose could be a good tactic versus a mill/control deck if you're playing an aggro deck. If you don't think you'll be able to defeat your opponent's characters, causing the game to go to time almost guarantees a win since most mill decks don't deal as much damage as most aggro decks. An example would be versus a mill deck where you're close to the end of the game and the mill player has a character with full health, three shields and upgrades like Diplomatic Immunity in play to renew shields. You're unlikely to burn through that level of protection, so stalling for a tie breaker is more likely to guarantee you the win.

I don't think it would be a good tactic in other scenarios.

I also don't think it shows good sportsmanship. I feel like slow playing to force a tie breaker isn't a friendly move.

If you're worried about losing a tie breaker to Endless Ranks troopers just do 6 damage to each trooper. No way they're doing more than 24 damage unless you're dead.

And of course your opponent won't use Guardian, Cannon fodder and The best defense. Hmm, now with this stupid time limit 4 troopers might be actually a viable deck.

Try it and report back please?

I never play all non-unique. Just saying that someone might try to abuse the time limit.

So you have no practical evidence to support you claim nor will you provide such evidence. Why make the claim at all then?

Because this is a friendly forum where we discuss our thoughts about the game? Sheesh, man. His claim was also "might be... a viable deck". That's not exactly a set in stone sort of claim.

It's not something I would play, but if it became viable wouldn't that be a good thing? If there are more viable tournament builds there will in theory, be more people attracted to the game because they can find something that suits their fancy.

No, that would not be a good thing, because I was thinking that someone might abuse the time limit, that is stall on purpose.

It's certainly not the only way to slow play, and not even the best. Stalling is a problem outside of 4x Trooper builds. If someone takes 4x Trooper to a tournament with the intent stalling their way to victory they are going to be sorely disappointed in the outcome. Aggro decks deal too much damage too fast and are too popular for that to be a viable strategy. If someone takes a 4x Trooper deck to a tournament with the intent of defeating all their opponents characters and is able to use Endless Ranks to win a round on the tiebreaker good for them.

If you're worried about losing a tie breaker to Endless Ranks troopers just do 6 damage to each trooper. No way they're doing more than 24 damage unless you're dead.

And of course your opponent won't use Guardian, Cannon fodder and The best defense. Hmm, now with this stupid time limit 4 troopers might be actually a viable deck.

Try it and report back please?

I never play all non-unique. Just saying that someone might try to abuse the time limit.

So you have no practical evidence to support you claim nor will you provide such evidence. Why make the claim at all then?

Because this is a friendly forum where we discuss our thoughts about the game? Sheesh, man. His claim was also "might be... a viable deck". That's not exactly a set in stone sort of claim.

It's not something I would play, but if it became viable wouldn't that be a good thing? If there are more viable tournament builds there will in theory, be more people attracted to the game because they can find something that suits their fancy.

No, that would not be a good thing, because I was thinking that someone might abuse the time limit, that is stall on purpose.

It's certainly not the only way to slow play, and not even the best. Stalling is a problem outside of 4x Trooper builds. If someone takes 4x Trooper to a tournament with the intent stalling their way to victory they are going to be sorely disappointed in the outcome. Aggro decks deal too much damage too fast and are too popular for that to be a viable strategy. If someone takes a 4x Trooper deck to a tournament with the intent of defeating all their opponents characters and is able to use Endless Ranks to win a round on the tiebreaker good for them.

Also, people should not forget that 4 trooper is actually just 4 HP under Jabba/Vader. Endless Rank is nice to pull off, but it still costs 5 ressources and is easily predictable when going against a 4 trooper deck. Unless the trooper player is willingly stalling the game, I see nothing wrong with the deck.

If you're worried about losing a tie breaker to Endless Ranks troopers just do 6 damage to each trooper. No way they're doing more than 24 damage unless you're dead.

And of course your opponent won't use Guardian, Cannon fodder and The best defense. Hmm, now with this stupid time limit 4 troopers might be actually a viable deck.

Try it and report back please?

I never play all non-unique. Just saying that someone might try to abuse the time limit.

So you have no practical evidence to support you claim nor will you provide such evidence. Why make the claim at all then?

Because this is a friendly forum where we discuss our thoughts about the game? Sheesh, man. His claim was also "might be... a viable deck". That's not exactly a set in stone sort of claim.

It's not something I would play, but if it became viable wouldn't that be a good thing? If there are more viable tournament builds there will in theory, be more people attracted to the game because they can find something that suits their fancy.

No, that would not be a good thing, because I was thinking that someone might abuse the time limit, that is stall on purpose.

Stalling on purpose could be a good tactic versus a mill/control deck if you're playing an aggro deck. If you don't think you'll be able to defeat your opponent's characters, causing the game to go to time almost guarantees a win since most mill decks don't deal as much damage as most aggro decks. An example would be versus a mill deck where you're close to the end of the game and the mill player has a character with full health, three shields and upgrades like Diplomatic Immunity in play to renew shields. You're unlikely to burn through that level of protection, so stalling for a tie breaker is more likely to guarantee you the win.

I don't think it would be a good tactic in other scenarios.

I also don't think it shows good sportsmanship. I feel like slow playing to force a tie breaker isn't a friendly move.

That's why I am against such low time limit. It's bad for the game and creates pathology.

I don't actually think 35 minutes is a bad limit. I've played quite a few games at this point including in two tournaments and I've never hit 35 minutes. That's with mill vs. mill and mill vs. control/aggro. That's about as slow as you can get. Going to time is a player issue, not a game mechanic issue.