OP Rules Released for Destiny

By Spector1331, in Star Wars: Destiny

There are decks that can deal 16+ damage in 2 rounds. Not sure how many mill decks are getting through that many cards early...

There are decks that can deal 16+ damage in 2 rounds. Not sure how many mill decks are getting through that many cards early...

If your mill deck gets hit for 16 by round two, you prolly won't have to worry about the game going to time or about unfavourable tiebreakers.

Edited by Don_Silvarro

There are decks that can deal 16+ damage in 2 rounds. Not sure how many mill decks are getting through that many cards early...

If your mill deck gets hit for 16 by round two, you prolly won't have to worry about the game going to time or about unfavourable tiebreakers.

I'm talking about game 3 when things have already gone to time. The poster above me said that combining card count and damage is too strong for mill decks. I was just pointing out that likely isn't true.

Isn't best of 3 screwing this up? I know it sucks but a single game would never touch time and allow a solid win/loss. Do a single game but round robin style maybe?

Isn't best of 3 screwing this up? I know it sucks but a single game would never touch time and allow a solid win/loss. Do a single game but round robin style maybe?

Single game has a 35 minute timer, best of 3 has a 90 minute timer. I think 35 is enough for a single game, but some are worried.

Isn't best of 3 screwing this up? I know it sucks but a single game would never touch time and allow a solid win/loss. Do a single game but round robin style maybe?

Single game has a 35 minute timer, best of 3 has a 90 minute timer. I think 35 is enough for a single game, but some are worried.

It's a small sample size will continue to monitor at our local events.

Edited by netherspirit

May be worth tracking who is in the games that go to time too. Because if, three games went to time the next question is: Do you have a consistently slow player, or is it just the way the pairings and deck combinations played out?

May be worth tracking who is in the games that go to time too. Because if, three games went to time the next question is: Do you have a consistently slow player, or is it just the way the pairings and deck combinations played out?

I think this is key .

In other games that I've played, I've found that the time limits are fine, but that some players are just plain slow. Maybe they are victims of analysis-paralysis and so they over-think their moves (this is a common experience for new players). Or maybe they employ tactics and strategies that lead to slower games, such as using "legal" non-engagement tactics in miniatures skirmish games, for example. Sometimes it's just because the player is trying a new style of deck/squad and so he's not as efficient or comfortable with his turns as he would normally be. There are a number of reasons why a player can be consistently slow in any given event (or event s ), but all of these reasons have come up in my own experience.

The only concern I have is that I think it's important for the health of the game that all deck styles are equally viable for competition. If mill or "control" decks are at a disadvantage because of the time limit, then that will harm the meta and shrink the pool of tournament players. But having said that, I think--assuming a standard representation of deck builds, here--that it's pretty encouraging to have only 3 games ran to time in a 13-player event.

While you obviously shouldn't have to "rush-rush" most of the time, I think it's important to learn how to play quickly without rushing yourself. All players know that OP SW:Destiny tournaments will have time limits, and so if they want to win then they'll need to be prepared to play quickly. It's as simple as that. A player who hopes to perform well in any given tournament should be prepared to play as quickly and efficiently as possible: consistently making the best moves that he can in a reasonable period of time. In every game there will be moments that require a longer decision-making process, since a number of factors have piled up into a crucial decision, and that's fine...but if those moments come up every-other turn, then it's probably a sign that you've got a slow player.

In a 13 player event there are 6 games and 1 bye. 3 of them ran to time. Is 50%. A very HUGE portion! There's nothing encouraging in those numbers

In a 13 player event there are 6 games and 1 bye. 3 of them ran to time. Is 50%. A very HUGE portion! There's nothing encouraging in those numbers

I think he meant during all the tournament. So it would be 3 games out of 18, or 16.67%. I don't think that's too bad, espeially since 2 out of those three resolved during the extended time. So really, only one game out of 18 went to the Tie-Breaker rules.

Edited by Red Castle

Oh didn't read carefully. Well in this case is an acceptable percentage.

May be worth tracking who is in the games that go to time too. Because if, three games went to time the next question is: Do you have a consistently slow player, or is it just the way the pairings and deck combinations played out?

If mill or "control" decks are at a disadvantage because of the time limit, then that will harm the meta and shrink the pool of tournament players.

Now that a bit "meta-dramatic" don't you think? :lol:

Mill doesn't have to be a tournament viable strategy right away, perhaps as the set of cards grows then so too does the means and methods of building decks an winning with them.

You may also need to consider the theme of the game and if mill is a representation of that theme.

In a 13 player event there are 6 games and 1 bye. 3 of them ran to time. Is 50%. A very HUGE portion! There's nothing encouraging in those numbers

I think he meant during all the tournament. So it would be 3 games out of 18, or 16.67%. I don't think that's too bad, espeially since 2 out of those three resolved during the extended time. So really, only one game out of 18 went to the Tie-Breaker rules.

It was actually less than that we played 4 rounds so there were 24 games. 3 out of 24, or 12.5% and with only 1 of those coming down to tie-breaker rules it's not that bad.

I will say that one game that come down to tie-breakers was really frustrating for the player that got the loss by 2 damage, he had to kill Han 3 times because of 2 Second Chances and just didn't quite get there the 3rd time after time, so overall he did way more damage than his opponent but lost because of the tie-breaker rules and he was really frustrated.

Again even though this was just one event and not very large, I think overall the results are encouraging about the time length of 35 minutes, still not sold on forcing a win with tie-breakers.

A bit of anecdotal evidence with a caveat.

I've not played with or against a mill deck so I can't speak to that, but I'm not getting a sense that 35 minute rounds will be an issue. I've played 75+ games all untimed until today. It felt like the untimed ones were easily finished in less than 30 minutes. Today I timed some of my 9 games. The shortest was 14 minutes and change, the longest almost 33 minutes. As for the rest, they were all under 25 minutes, mostly running 18-23 minutes. I was playing eRey/Padawan/Padawan and my opponents were playing either eJango/Trooper/Trooper or eKylo/Trooper/Trooper. I'm playing again tomorrow and plan on timing more games.

I guess I'm wondering if folks are really worried about finishing 35 minute Swiss rounds? What kind of builds are being played that takes 35 minutes to finish a game?

Control on control can take awhile.

Control on control can take awhile.

What are you considering control? Not asking for deck lists, just teams.

Control on control can take awhile.

Wouldn't the tie break be fair in this case?

May be worth tracking who is in the games that go to time too. Because if, three games went to time the next question is: Do you have a consistently slow player, or is it just the way the pairings and deck combinations played out?

If mill or "control" decks are at a disadvantage because of the time limit, then that will harm the meta and shrink the pool of tournament players.

Now that a bit "meta-dramatic" don't you think? :lol:

Mill doesn't have to be a tournament viable strategy right away, perhaps as the set of cards grows then so too does the means and methods of building decks an winning with them.

You may also need to consider the theme of the game and if mill is a representation of that theme.

Mill deck (Jabba Vader)won a 50+ player tourney at Fantasy Flight Games under the new rules.

Wow, 35 minute time limit really messes with a lot of decks. I got tie breakered out against my good friend, who was going to lose the game the following turn. Very disappointed, but more disappointed he took full advantage of that to win.

Wow, 35 minute time limit really messes with a lot of decks. I got tie breakered out against my good friend, who was going to lose the game the following turn. Very disappointed, but more disappointed he took full advantage of that to win.

Why shouldn't he have?

Wow, 35 minute time limit really messes with a lot of decks. I got tie breakered out against my good friend, who was going to lose the game the following turn. Very disappointed, but more disappointed he took full advantage of that to win.

Why shouldn't he have?

I agree he didn't do anything wrong there. Playing within the rules to win the game isn't wrong.

Losing to time and by one damage certainly sucks. I don't think there should be a game tie-breaker at all, love it or hate, it's the rule now. Maybe they will reevaluate but I'm not holding my breath.

Edited by netherspirit

Wow, 35 minute time limit really messes with a lot of decks. I got tie breakered out against my good friend, who was going to lose the game the following turn. Very disappointed, but more disappointed he took full advantage of that to win.

Could you please list some of the decks that have a hard time finishing in 35 minutes? I ask because I'm not having that problem with the decks I play and play against and would like to better understand where this sentiment comes from. My current favorite is eRey/Padawan/Padawan which I consider fairly controlling.

Wow, 35 minute time limit really messes with a lot of decks. I got tie breakered out against my good friend, who was going to lose the game the following turn. Very disappointed, but more disappointed he took full advantage of that to win.

Could you please list some of the decks that have a hard time finishing in 35 minutes? I ask because I'm not having that problem with the decks I play and play against and would like to better understand where this sentiment comes from. My current favorite is eRey/Padawan/Padawan which I consider fairly controlling.

Have you played against anything that runs Second Chance and draws and plays them both? If the Second Chance player doesn't win, and they are able to play both Second Chances those games can drag on...and if they do it's favor of the Second Chance player cause they've just negated 10 of the damage you did.

Edited by netherspirit

Wow, 35 minute time limit really messes with a lot of decks. I got tie breakered out against my good friend, who was going to lose the game the following turn. Very disappointed, but more disappointed he took full advantage of that to win.

Could you please list some of the decks that have a hard time finishing in 35 minutes? I ask because I'm not having that problem with the decks I play and play against and would like to better understand where this sentiment comes from. My current favorite is eRey/Padawan/Padawan which I consider fairly controlling.

Have you played against anything that runs Second Chance and draws and plays them both? If the Second Chance player doesn't win, and they are able to play both Second Chances those games can drag on...and if they do it's favor of the Second Chance player cause they've just negated 10 of the damage you did.

I have played with and against Second Chance. If you allow the SC player to coninueously recycle and replay it you'll have long games. You need to set up your kill and time it to keep that from happening.

Wow, 35 minute time limit really messes with a lot of decks. I got tie breakered out against my good friend, who was going to lose the game the following turn. Very disappointed, but more disappointed he took full advantage of that to win.

Could you please list some of the decks that have a hard time finishing in 35 minutes? I ask because I'm not having that problem with the decks I play and play against and would like to better understand where this sentiment comes from. My current favorite is eRey/Padawan/Padawan which I consider fairly controlling.

Have you played against anything that runs Second Chance and draws and plays them both? If the Second Chance player doesn't win, and they are able to play both Second Chances those games can drag on...and if they do it's favor of the Second Chance player cause they've just negated 10 of the damage you did.

I have played with and against Second Chance. If you allow the SC player to coninueously recycle and replay it you'll have long games. You need to set up your kill and time it to keep that from happening.

Or find a way to do 7-8 damage all in one go. Maybe not the hardest thing to do if your opponent is preoccupied with keeping his last character alive, and paying 3 resources at a time for the privilege.