Best openings you've seen

By JoshisJoshingyou, in Star Wars: Destiny

Poe and 2 Hired Guns.

Get 2 resources off the Hired guns.

Roll Poe, Get Special.

Resolve Special to Do 3 damage with Black One and then put it in play.

A different game:

Elite Poe + Leia

Hit and Run Poe, roll bad.

Activate Leia, Roll bad.

Opponent triggers Jango in response and thankfully also rolls bad and goes for a reroll as his action - Jango had rolled two ranged side on one dice.

Play It's a trap to turn all Red dice to Ranged and take Veer's to 1 HP.

Strongest realistic opening is the straightforward eVader/Raider, 3m+3m+3m. Drops a minor toon, puts any other toon on the ropes. It's very, very difficult to overcome 9 damage dealt on turn 1, especially if a Holocron also hit the table.

Edited by KineticOperator

Strongest realistic opening is the straightforward eVader/Raider, 3m+3m+3m. Drops a minor toon, puts any other toon on the ropes. It's very, very difficult to overcome 9 damage dealt on turn 1, especially if a Holocron also hit the table.

I was playing Rey/2x Palawan and faced this exact opening plus a Backup Muscle. I lost Rey turn 1 because I didn't draw a way to control my opponent 's dice. Everybody except me called game on turn 1.

Turn 2 my opponent rolled both 3 melee sides with Vader again but only got a 1 melee with the Raider and I was able to control one of Vader' s dice. Vader finished the turn with 11 damage on him.

Turn 3 my opponent rolled a 2 and a 3 melee with Vader but I controlled them both. I finished off Vader and put 1 damage on the Raider and he finished of the first Palawan.

Turn 4 started with a dual wielding full health Padawan vs a Raider with 7 health and some mismatched stuff. The Padawan easily dispatched the Raider on turn 5.

It was my best comeback to date, one of my favorite games played, and a lesson for all of us present how much a game can swing the opposite direction over a couple of turns when a midrange control deck goes into control mode.