I have Ackbar.
The battle field is Jedi temple.
My opponent has two cards in hand (both events).
I claim the battle field.
Does Ackbar trigger?
Ackbar says: "After an opponent plays or discards the last card from their hand, they choose and deal 2 damage to one of their characters."
Bold added by me.
Jedi Temple says: "Look at an opponent's hand and discard up to 2 events of your choice from it."
From the wording of Ackbar it seems clear that it must be my opponet that does the dicarding in order for him to trigger. For Jedi temple, it is not spelled out quit as clear, but it looks to me like it is the one who claims it that does the discarding, not the opponent whos cards are being discarded.
So my interpretation would be that Ackbar doesn't trigger. But I'm interested to hear if there are other interpretations.