Tusken Raider, Holocron, Mind Probe...

By Reklawyad, in Star Wars: Destiny

So Tusken let's you discard a card after activation to resolve ONE of its dice. I roll special of Holocron, choose to discard, resolve Sith Holocron, put down Mind Probe, pay 1 to roll its die into dice pool. Roll special, can I resolve the Ind Probe special or do I have to wait a turn?

Holocron doesn't say anything about resolving a die so my vote is your next activation opportunity.

Edited by LordFajubi

Correct, you can't resolve mindprobe that activation. Just like supporting fire, you can only resolve the one die targeted by tuskans ability.

The key is that when a cards ability says that you can resolve a die, it always means just one die.

Someone in one of the stores I played at was saying how good it was to get Mind Probe on him and then resolve it after you activate Holocron... it wasn't syncing with me on how that was legal action because of the way the Tusken is worded.

Someone in one of the stores I played at was saying how good it was to get Mind Probe on him and then resolve it after you activate Holocron... it wasn't syncing with me on how that was legal action because of the way the Tusken is worded.

You can't resolve both as part of the Tusken's activation/ability, but you can if you take a normal Resolve Dice action.

what it does let you do is get the mind probe out before they remove the holocron dice with effects

If you roll special with Holocron and just resolve it with a normal Resolve Dice action, you can combo them in.

Edited by rowdyoctopus

Slightly different question, but didn't want to start an entire new thread for the same card... when I resolve a die using the Tusken Raider ability, am I allowed to also resolve other dice in my pool that share the same symbol? Or does his ability only allow me to resolve that one single die?

Slightly different question, but didn't want to start an entire new thread for the same card... when I resolve a die using the Tusken Raider ability, am I allowed to also resolve other dice in my pool that share the same symbol? Or does his ability only allow me to resolve that one single die?

One single die.

Slightly different question, but didn't want to start an entire new thread for the same card... when I resolve a die using the Tusken Raider ability, am I allowed to also resolve other dice in my pool that share the same symbol? Or does his ability only allow me to resolve that one single die?

RRM Page 9

RESOLVING DICE THROUGH CARDS Many cards allow a player to resolve one or more dice. When a player resolves a die through a card, they use the normal die effect based on the symbol, and follow any extra instructions.
• A player must still pay any resource cost on that die.
• A player cannot resolve a modifier by itself.
• A player cannot use modifiers when resolving a die through a card effect, unless the card allows them to resolve multiple dice of the same symbol.