Newb considering getting into BattleLore

By Bxrrr, in BattleLore

Hello everyone, I'm a new member and this is my first post (don't even have a profile pic yet!).

I've been following a few of the posts, and would like to ask an (obviously) uninformed question:

...Should I get BattleLore?

Allow me to explain myself.

I think the game looks amazing. It also seems like a lot of fun.

I'd really like to get into miniatures, painting included. But I'm not going to spend too much money on it, nor do I have enough room for a large collection (and it seems to me games like Warhammer or KoW tend to take up a lot of space). I also don't find the gameplay of such game appealing.

BattleLore seems like a perfect fit.

However. Reading your posts, it seems the longterm future of BattleLore isn't all that bright (yes, I have signed the petition. I'd love to have Elves in the game!).

I'm concerned about investing in a new game, possibly buying more than just the core set, only to have the game discontinued in the next year or so.

I'd love to hear your honest opinions about this. Should I get BattleLore? Should I look for alternatives?

Thanks a bunch in advance!

The game is cool as it is. It has a really big replayability with the stuff we have right now. More content would be nice to have, but the game as it is yet is one of my favorite 2 player games. If you like a game with tabletop-like feeling and quite easy rules that you may Play without losing a whole day... go for it!

Edited by phalgast

One of your concerns appears to be that miniatures games can take up a lot of space. If BattleLore were to continue to see support, you'd have the same problem. It seems to me that if BattleLore is discontinued, it's an even BETTER fit for you, at least as far as storage goes. Some people on say they can fit 1 of each expansion into the core box.

So if I were you, I'd forget about whether the game stays in print and focus more on the game play. Download the rules, watch some videos, read some reviews ... then if it still sounds great, go for it! I love this game, but I know some people don't. I see two fundamental differences between BattleLore and traditional wargames. 1) The command card system means that you can't order all of your units each turn, and furthermore, you are limited in which units can be ordered based on the 4 command cards in your hand. I think it makes the game a bit more tactical, but some people completely disagree. On the one hand, it means you have to plan your moves in advance, but on the other hand, you get situations where a unit that was attacked by an opponent just sits there without attacking back on its own turn, which bothers some people. For me, the former trumps the latter. 2) You are fighting to gain victory points instead of just destroying the enemy. Again, I find that this makes a more compelling game and gives focus to the battlefield. Others have had negative experiences where units just sit on Victory Point Banners the whole game and never engage. I can't for the life of me figure out how they can play that way. Combat is absolutely necessary in this game, but it is only a means to an end, not the end itself.

If you ever have more questions, let us know! :)

Well, even with all the expansions released so far BattleLore wouldn't take nearly as much space as a serious collector's Warhammer collection (including scenery). That stuff can take up entire rooms.

Thank you guys, this does help me.

And I AM getting the game :)

Have fun with the game then!

One of your concerns appears to be that miniatures games can take up a lot of space. If BattleLore were to continue to see support, you'd have the same problem. It seems to me that if BattleLore is discontinued, it's an even BETTER fit for you, at least as far as storage goes.

Haha that's nice Garret :-) But also if the game is NOT discontinued, one can always choose NOT to buy the expansions, right?

One of your concerns appears to be that miniatures games can take up a lot of space. If BattleLore were to continue to see support, you'd have the same problem. It seems to me that if BattleLore is discontinued, it's an even BETTER fit for you, at least as far as storage goes.

Haha that's nice Garret :-) But also if the game is NOT discontinued, one can always choose NOT to buy the expansions, right?

That's what they tell you. But you know that you will not resist if there is more stuff to get :D

3 full armies give an astounding amount of replayability.

If you really love the game you can double up on content and have more options plus like vs like battles.

I've never regretted buying this game and if it is discontinued tomorrow I will have enough content to keep me happy for many years to come.

Have fun with the game then!

Thanks, Julia!

MulletCheese- sounds good!

I hope I won't regret this purchase. I have to say, it's early days yet but it doesn't look like I will.


Edited by Bxrrr

One of your concerns appears to be that miniatures games can take up a lot of space. If BattleLore were to continue to see support, you'd have the same problem. It seems to me that if BattleLore is discontinued, it's an even BETTER fit for you, at least as far as storage goes.

Haha that's nice Garret :-) But also if the game is NOT discontinued, one can always choose NOT to buy the expansions, right?

[chuckle] Yeah, that's absolutely true. I am missing about a dozen expansions from X-Wing, but it doesn't make the expansions I DO own any less fun.

Edited by Budgernaut

We recently added all the Battlelore expansions to our core game. The possibilities seem endless in customizing an army. I highly recommend all the expansions.

I highly recommend getting the expansions for the two strater factions. It ads a lot.
The third faction is fun (different) but still optional, if you get it do get both sets. The neutral ones are also fun/optional in my book.

I also recommend the undeads. They look amazing and I love playing with them.

Hi folks

After quite a Long time without playing BL2 I played some games in the last few weeks and made some similar experiences as before. Still, it's a really fun game and a uncomplicated way to get some tabletop smell.


Still I think, the Uthuk expansion is the worst part of the gamedesign. We played with my unofficial errata from last November, without it would have been still lot worse. Affected are just almost all new units:

- The Brainbug (aka Doombringer) is just underwhelming. Compared to Roc Warrior, he is just so much worse. I think he might also deserve an errata...

- The Chaos Lord is ok, but with his poor movement often a defensiv unit (what doesn't really fit into the Uthuk gameplan. I think he's often the better choice then the bug.

- The Blood Sisters we played with my Errata ([heroic] add +1 lore) and they are far away of beeing OP imo

- Grotesques... we didn't Play 'em even with Errata ;)

- Viper Legion: same as Grotesques...

- I know lot of people dislike Obscenes. I almost ever run one or two Units, an they are worth it imo.


I still think Undead are the most powerfull tribe. Overall when playing Necromancer/skelleton-armies. But all in all, they are nice. Also, army list's with the other stuff then the Necromancer/skelleton-army are good playable.


Most flexible tribe. All Units are really strong. Riverwatch still OP, imo also the Roc Warrior. And like I discribed it in an older thread, the possibility of just playing in two parts of the battlefield (when it fits with the Scenarios and while playing 2 units of Ironbound) is just an extremely powerfull option. Often the enemies can't handle this!

So just wantet to give a sign of life... hope there are other people still playing this game ;)

I taught it to my daughters the other day. I think they're still a little young to grasp it (5 & 7), but they were excited to play it and I think they'll be willing opponents in a couple years.

I've also got a Vassal match lined up for Saturday. Giulio and I are going to try to play through a campaign over the course of a few months. This will be our second game.