Hello everyone, I'm a new member and this is my first post (don't even have a profile pic yet!).
I've been following a few of the posts, and would like to ask an (obviously) uninformed question:
...Should I get BattleLore?
Allow me to explain myself.
I think the game looks amazing. It also seems like a lot of fun.
I'd really like to get into miniatures, painting included. But I'm not going to spend too much money on it, nor do I have enough room for a large collection (and it seems to me games like Warhammer or KoW tend to take up a lot of space). I also don't find the gameplay of such game appealing.
BattleLore seems like a perfect fit.
However. Reading your posts, it seems the longterm future of BattleLore isn't all that bright (yes, I have signed the petition. I'd love to have Elves in the game!).
I'm concerned about investing in a new game, possibly buying more than just the core set, only to have the game discontinued in the next year or so.
I'd love to hear your honest opinions about this. Should I get BattleLore? Should I look for alternatives?
Thanks a bunch in advance!