Booster Boxes

By SWRebels, in Star Wars: Destiny

I pre-ordered 2 boxes, thanks for all the help. ;) And does anyone know when the next batch will ship out?

I've got a good friend and we're going to be teaming up on our collection. Essentially, we'll each have our own collection, but one of us will be in charge of the Hero-only Legendaries and Rares and one of us of Villain-only cards.

I did some math, and if a Legendary is worth 3 rares (average legendary vs. average rare in terms of trade value) than in order to have enough "value" for a full playset of neutrals (for each of us) and one faction's rares, you'd need to open 2.25 boxes. This is a decent benefit over that same math which shows you'd need 3.92 boxes if you were trying to do it solo. Essentially, one of us should be able to build any villain deck and the other any hero deck.

The catch is that you can't have eRey/eHan and eVeers/eJango in your box at the same time, but we intend to take turns swapping the hero and villain binders so we each get a chance to play it all; we just can't play the same deck at the same time.

Obviously actually getting every card will depend on what we open and whether we're cracking Vaders and Holocrons or Storm Troopers and Black Ones, but know, fingers crossed. I still think it's a pretty economical way to flesh out a collection.

A solo individual could also utilize this tactic if hey had preferred faction and just traded away the cards of one faction for the other.

2.25 boxes. Hope your wallets are prepared and your cracked packs are spicy .

So far, I've opened 36 loose boosters from three stores and have ended up with the following highlights:



Luke's Lightsaber

Kylo Ren's Lightsaber




Cunning x2


Sith Holocron x2

Qui-Gon x2



Holdout Blaster

Data Pad x3

I have a booster box on pre-order and am hoping to get a few choice Rares (another Jango and Amidala, Dooku) and whatever Legendaries fate has in store. Realistically, I think after that box, I'm done buying bulk product and may just buy the occasional booster here and there. Until SoR drops and then I'm probably in for another box or two once I see the set list.

I've got a good friend and we're going to be teaming up on our collection. Essentially, we'll each have our own collection, but one of us will be in charge of the Hero-only Legendaries and Rares and one of us of Villain-only cards.

I think this is probably the best idea I gave seen and for the first time in any game I am sorely tempted to pick villians or heroes exclusively or just quit all together. I really like the game but their distribution is crazy and I'm not willing to buy 2-3 boxes every set it's kind of ridiculous. You basically have no control over what you get and if you want to trade for good cards the only reasonable way is to trade other good cards for it. That is either some dazzling luck or some major bulk buying if you collect both sides.

I'm not sure what I would change but 2 dice a pack would be nice, like 2 rares guranteed a chance one of them is legendary maybe. The really cool thing to do for the fans is sell hero packs and villian packs with neutral cards in both. This would be much more in line with their mini games. You might have to buy an off rebel or imp piece for the upgrades but then plenty of people sell the unwanted piece cheap and just keep the upgrades. Something needs done though this 2 box min, 3 will get you better, strategy has got to change or I gurantee I won't be the only one out.

I've only purchased loose packs, but I've gotten a legendary every time:

6 boosters - Thermal Detonator

4 boosters - One With the Force

3 boosters - Force Choke

2 boosters - One With the Force

Should I just buy a single pack next judging by this pattern? :D