Booster Boxes

By SWRebels, in Star Wars: Destiny

How many boxes have you all been getting and what to y`all think is a good number boxes?

Sorry if a topic like this has already been posted.

I think 6 will give you the set (one of each Legendary).

That being said, I got 3 boxes and have been hunting/buying/trading for singles. I was gonna get 3 boxes and see what I could build but I "unfortunately" got eVader, Force Choke and Han so I had to find supporting cards. LOL

I did pretty well with loose boosters and "effectively" 2 display boxes.

However, if possible, I'd highly suggest looking to split a box or two with others. I bought one for myself and then a friend and I split 2 other displays. This worked out well as we were able to draft the cards/dice we really needed from the two displays thus making sure we got what we wanted and had fewer dupes to get rid of.

Edited by FSD

1 box should give you a full playset of commons (or enough extras to trade for a full playset) and a full set of uncommons. 2 boxes should get you a full playset of uncommons. I forget if it was 3 or 4 boxes should get you about a full playset of rare and a full set of legendariess. 6 boxes to get a full playset of legendaries.

That being said, I decided to get just one box. I'm going to try to trade the extra commons and uncommons to have what I want there, and then I am thinking about singles after that. If I'm just buying the box for the 30 rares and 6 legendaries, that just seems inefficient.

Ok, thanks for the replies guys, and what good rares/ legendarys did you guys pull? i love watching unboxing videos or hearing what you all pulled

Edited by SWRebels

There is no guarantee that you'd get one of each Legendary in the 36 Legendary cards you pull from 6 boxes. What you will get is 36 Legendary cards and 180 Rare cards which you could likely parley in some fashion into a full set. Provided you don't pull something like 5 Launch Bay and no Vaders.

Edited by ScottieATF

I have opened 3 full boxes and almost a box of singles, so approx. 4 total boxes.

Never opened a Vader or a Qui Gon.

Still, got enough good stuff to trade for what I wanted. Not going to be able to create every perfect deck, but it's certainly enough to make several decks. I think 1 or 2 boxes is probably more than enough for most people. It'll give you enough to trade and have at least one REALLY good deck and several regular decks.

There is no guarantee that you'd get one of each Legendary in the 36 Legendary cards you pull from 6 boxes. What you will get is 36 Legendary cards and 180 Rare cards which you could likely parley in some fashion into a full set. Provided you don't pull something like 5 Launch Bay and no Vaders.

That would be horrible lol

Edited by SWRebels

Thanks for the replies so far, right now I'm thinking two or three, and this is my first collectable game really, so how long is it between sets a.k.a. Awakening to Spirit of Rebellion

I heard spirit of Rebellion is late Feb/early March? I think FLGS saw the advertisement in their trade magazine?

There is no guarantee that you'd get one of each Legendary in the 36 Legendary cards you pull from 6 boxes. What you will get is 36 Legendary cards and 180 Rare cards which you could likely parley in some fashion into a full set. Provided you don't pull something like 5 Launch Bay and no Vaders.

That would be horrible lol

Though you pull the inverse and you'll be able to pay for almost 2 of those boxes.

So far I have bought 1 booster box and 39 random booster packs since the pre-release. This is what I have pulled so far.

Cpt Phasma x2

AT-ST x2

Force Choke

Kylo's Saber

Poe Dameron x2

Luke Skywalker

Han Solo

Launch Bay

Millenium Falcon x2

I am planning to buy another 2 boxes and then trade/buy singles to round out my collection.

There is no guarantee that you'd get one of each Legendary in the 36 Legendary cards you pull from 6 boxes. What you will get is 36 Legendary cards and 180 Rare cards which you could likely parley in some fashion into a full set. Provided you don't pull something like 5 Launch Bay and no Vaders.

That would be horrible lol

Though you pull the inverse and you'll be able to pay for almost 2 of those boxes.

So true lol, that would be like winning the lottery

I heard spirit of Rebellion is late Feb/early March? I think FLGS saw the advertisement in their trade magazine?

Probably more like March/April. Based on 3 sets a year. December, April, August, December, etc. Feb/March would be more of a 4 set a year timetable.

1 box should give you a full playset of commons (or enough extras to trade for a full playset) and a full set of uncommons. 2 boxes should get you a full playset of uncommons.

Maybe this is true for some people, but for me it wasn't until my FIFTH box that I got ONE of all of the uncommons, and still don't have a playset of uncommons with 5.5 boxes.

1 box should give you a full playset of commons (or enough extras to trade for a full playset) and a full set of uncommons. 2 boxes should get you a full playset of uncommons.

Maybe this is true for some people, but for me it wasn't until my FIFTH box that I got ONE of all of the uncommons, and still don't have a playset of uncommons with 5.5 boxes.

Wow, that's some bad luck.

I was pretty close to full playsets of uncommons and rares after just 2 boxes. Needing maybe 8-10 cards.

Edited by netherspirit

Have already bought three full boxes and do not have any "Electroshock" until now! :(

I bought 6 boxes. I was missing 1 card to complete the set and 4 cards to have 2 of everything. It took me 2 days to trade and complete my full playset with plenty of extras to trade or build multiple decks.

I have bought 4 booster packs.

Got Jabba, Dooku, that sniper rifle, and immobilize

1 box should give you a full playset of commons (or enough extras to trade for a full playset) and a full set of uncommons. 2 boxes should get you a full playset of uncommons. I forget if it was 3 or 4 boxes should get you about a full playset of rare and a full set of legendariess. 6 boxes to get a full playset of legendaries.

That being said, I decided to get just one box. I'm going to try to trade the extra commons and uncommons to have what I want there, and then I am thinking about singles after that. If I'm just buying the box for the 30 rares and 6 legendaries, that just seems inefficient.

You may want to re-do your math... count up how many uncommons there are in the game... then count how many boosters come in a box. Then re-visit the full sot of uncommons, even assuming no duplicates (next to impossible) you cannot get a full set from one box.

Your numbers are so far off...

I have opened 3 full boxes and almost a box of singles, so approx. 4 total boxes.

Never opened a Vader or a Qui Gon.

That is SO crazy man, I have only done one box and I got 2 Qui Gon's and I am loving the "Shield Deck" it is pretty good!

1 box should give you a full playset of commons (or enough extras to trade for a full playset) and a full set of uncommons. 2 boxes should get you a full playset of uncommons. I forget if it was 3 or 4 boxes should get you about a full playset of rare and a full set of legendariess. 6 boxes to get a full playset of legendaries.

That being said, I decided to get just one box. I'm going to try to trade the extra commons and uncommons to have what I want there, and then I am thinking about singles after that. If I'm just buying the box for the 30 rares and 6 legendaries, that just seems inefficient.

You may want to re-do your math... count up how many uncommons there are in the game... then count how many boosters come in a box. Then re-visit the full sot of uncommons, even assuming no duplicates (next to impossible) you cannot get a full set from one box.

Your numbers are so far off...

I was going off of memory, I calculated it out after the prerelease and then kind of forgot since then and just tried to recapl it. There are roughly 40 uncommons and you get roughly 40 uncommons, so the rough math checks out.

The exact math is that there are 57 commons, 5 of which are battlefields, so 57 commons is one set and 109 is one full playset. There are 43 uncommons, 3 of which are battlefields, so 43 is one set and 83 is one playset. There are 43 rares, 5 of which are characters you can have 3 dice of and 1 is a character you can have 4 dice of, so 43 is one set and 93 is one playset. There are 17 legendaries, so 17 is one set and 34 is one playset.

One box contains 36 boosters. One booster contains 3 commons, 1 uncommon, 5/6 of a rare, and 1/6 of a legendary. So each box is 108 commons, 36 uncommons, 30 rares, and 6 legendaries.

Given this, one box gives you enough to meet the threshold of one set of commons, almost one playset of commons (add in a starter and you should be there), and almost one set of uncommons (add in one or both starters to get even closer). Two boxes gives you enough to meet the threshold for a full playset of commons, a full set of uncommons, and a full set of rares. Three boxes meets the threshold for for enough uncommons to be able to have one full playset of uncommons and a full set of legendaries. Four boxes meets the threshold for a full playset of rares. Six boxes meets the threshold for a full set of legendaries.

Sure, it's not guaranteed you will get the minimum number of duplicates to ensure each threshold pays out in the desired distribution, but the math on the actual odds of getting however many of which cards you want in however many boxes is very complex and also based on if there are any unique collation patterns, like certain cards being more frequent within their rarity or if certain cards tend to be pulled together in a box or booster or don't tend to be pulled together and also neglects mismatched dice and cards or otherwise mispackaged boosters or boxes. So I just used the thresholds and then at least that is the minimum necessary for it to be possible or for you to be able to make it work with trading.

2 of each stater, 2 boxes, and about 30 loose + various trades

ended up with from random pulls in terms of legendaries:

5 Luke Skywalker

3 Thermal Detonators

2 Black Ones

1 Kylo Sabre


1 Phasma

1 Jabba

1 Launch Bay

1 One with the Force

have done trades to swap a few for Lukes Saber, Falcon, Han, Poe, Vader... but debating on another box to try and get enough for eHan, eVader, ePoe, and the last two I need (Commanding Presence and Crime Lord

could also use some more rares for stuff I don't got.... lol

I've pulled 6 Leia's.... 6!

So far Ive done 2 boxes plus 18 random boosters. I have yet to pull more than 2 of any one legendary.

My legendaries thus far:

1x Capitan Phasma

1x Commanding presence

1x Darth Vader

1x Force Choke

2x Kylo Wrens Lightsaber

1x Crime Lord

1x Poe Dameron

1x Black One

2x Luke Skywalkers Lightsaber

1x One With The Force

1x Han Solo

1x Millennium Falcon

1x Thermal Detonator

After some trading I'm still missing about 21 rares for a full playset of everything, with about 12 still up for trade.

Edited by madday92

So is the average you all are getting is 2 to 3 boxes (including boosters)?