What would happen if the Runner's Stack was emptied?
1. Sorry if this is extremely n00b question. If the Corp's deck (R&D) is empty, the game is over, that is the game's time-limit. I get that. If the Runner's deck (Stack) is empty, he... ? I've checked and I've re-checked, the rulebook, FAQ, this forum, nowhere does it actually say the Runner can re-shuffle his discard (Heap) and start his deck (Stack) over, like in so many other card games? It does not actually say the game is over, either. Am I missing something here?
2. Hypothetically, though it doesn't say so, the Runner would simply not be able to draw cards, play continues?
3. Follow-up: If 2 is a "yes", a Runner could theoretically be "TKO" if his Rig was too trashed (by card effects) or simply inadequate to deal with the ICE (Example: not the right Icebreakers)?
4. Has this ever happened to anyone? ...or am I getting this wrong?
No, I've not actually had a game drawn out long enough for this to happen (yet) but I'd rather not have to argue this one at the gaming table!