I'm interested in getting these so I can run some 4 player matches, but they no longer exist in a purchasable form from what I can find. Would anybody like to part with one of their extra sets to help a player out (I know a lot of people bought double back in the day).
Can't find Shogunate, Matriarch troop packs
On 27.12.2016 at 7:47 AM, jtwayne said:I'm interested in getting these so I can run some 4 player matches, but they no longer exist in a purchasable form from what I can find. Would anybody like to part with one of their extra sets to help a player out (I know a lot of people bought double back in the day).
Hello. I know one small miniature shop in Moscow Russia that still seems to have some Shogunate Packs in stock. Unfortunately they also seem to ship only locally.