Qui-Gon Jinn pairings?

By cjnj193, in Star Wars: Destiny

Hey all, just getting into the game and looking to build with Quigon but idk who else I should use. I've seen Padme used but I'm not that big a fan of mill decks. The only other decks I made was a Qui-Gon Luke deck(very limited pool of cards at the time) and a Vader Kylo deck(was a failed experiment and no sith holocrons). Any help would be appreciated!

I've had fun playing with Quigon and Rey. Very defensive, but lacks a little to deal damage.

The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of eFinn/QGJ. Let's be honest, QGJ's dice suck. You're better off taking him with a single die for his ability and investing the rest of your squad points into better damage output rather than going all in on a shield-based strategy. If you roll shields then cool, incidental damage output. Finn pairs well with just about any upgrade you can toss at him, and I'm not shy about drawing into a blue-only weapon (i.e. Luke's saber) later in the game when QGJ is on death's door. Jetpack and Force Training come to mind as auto-includes as well, and I'd toss in Disarm in any deck that supports yellow. It Binds All Things and Infamous are also strong options if you have a high enough density of either card color in your deck.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

Padawan/Qui-Gon/Rey all single die.

Padawan/Qui-Gon/Rey all single die.


I tried it and it was very effective and I now have huge respect for padawan. (a character I thought sucked)

I think all of the non-uniques are good enough to warrant a home somewhere, and are well priced on the secondary market.