Armada Second Annual Vassal World Cup

By BiggsIRL, in Star Wars: Armada

Hello everyone, and welcome to the Vassal World Cup. A chance for 32 to players to show their stuff, and prove which one has what it takes to bring a single list through a series of POD play, and single elimination events, until a winner is crowned.

Previous year's Thread

Sadly, Clontroper5 - creator of the Clonisher and winner of last year's Cup - has been sent by the Empire to the Unknown Regions.

This tournament will be set up like World Cup Soccer (or Football for those of you outside of the USA). We will have 3 rounds of play in pre-made pods. After the 3 rounds of pod play are completed, the top 2 players by tournament points from each pod will move on to single elimination games - tournament points no longer being counted - just win or go home. Eventually, only one will remain, as the Armada World Cup Champion.

When Do We Start?

Signups start now. POD assignments and tournament play will start Wednesday Jan 11th @ 1200 GMT. This is a long haul - you're expected if you play to schedule and play your 3 POD games within 3 weeks, and these can be against players with slightly different timezones than you.

Rules being used for construction of lists and questions throughout the game will be based on the most recent FAQ and Tournament Rules, supplemented by Drasnighta's World Cup FAQ . (Thanks buddy!)
400 points total maximum for your list, with a maximum of 1/3 (134 points) of the list being squadrons. Each player must have one of each type of objective (Offensive / Defensive / Navigation). This must be submitted to the linked form no later than Monday Jan 9th @ 1200 GMT. Lists (minus objectives) will then be posted for public viewing by the start of POD play.
Because of the pod style play, everyone is expected to be able to schedule time to play everyone else in their pod within 3 weeks (averaging 1 game / week). Any player pair that are unable to play during that time will receive a 0-0 loss. Players are encouraged to post their scheduled games to the thread once they are up. A no-show by either player for a scheduled game will result in a 0 point loss for that player, and an 8 point victory for their opponent, with 140 point MOV.
Signups :
Your signup post should look something like this:

I'm signing up for the tournament!
My local time is GMT -5 (East Coast, USA)
I'm usually available to play on Monday daylight, all day Tuesday, Wednesday evenings, and all day Sunday (my local time)
Here is a list of players that have signed up that I play regularly, please do not put me in a pod with them: Dab Darklighter / Audere1882
I am / am not prequalfied
Here are the list of players who are pre-qualfied and guaranteed a spot.

Clontroper5 - Winner of Previous Year

Madaghmire - Runner up of Previous Year

JJs Juggernaut - Top 4 of Previous Year

Truthiness - Top 4 of Previous Year

Zanos - Team Tournament MVP

Dorrin314 - Galactic Civil War MVP

Ginkapo - Winner of Next Armada Event Tournament

Qualification Event!







Green Knight


Matt Antilles




(JJs Juggernaut)

JJs Juggernaut - FFG Armada Worlds Champion

No, JJs, you can't play 3 different lists in 3 different PODs.

Playoff Setup:
Each round of the playoffs will last for no more than one week (plus remaining time from a previous round that finished early). Players are required to post within 2 days of the round start when they will be able to play their opponent. If a player does not show up for the scheduled time, they automatically forfeit the match and are eliminated. If neither player are able to find a time they would be able to play within the time frame, the winner will be determined by coin flip. Please don't make me do this.
Each pod winner and runner-up will be matched up for the elimination round as follows:
Pod winners will be matched with runner ups from opposite pods. The winner of Pod #1 will be matched with the runner up to Pod #8, the winner of Pod #2 with the winner of Pod #7, etc.
From this point on, winners of each match will be matched up with the winner of the neighboring match until only one player remains.
Additional Thoughts:
There hasn't been any issues with games needing a Judge to rule on things before, don't let this tournament be the one it starts. Figure out any issues that arise in the game among yourselves - ask any folks watching along for help as makeshift judges if needed. I'll be watching the games that I can. Remember Rule #1 of Star Wars Miniatures Gaming - "Fly Casual".
If you do have a rule question about how a particular card interacts, PM Drasnighta, who will be the official Judge for the event! Obviously he can't pop into every game for a game-by-game judgement, but he will be updating the Supplemental FAQ.
If there's something that you see that needs addressed, please bring it to my attention. I can't fix issues that I don't know about.
Game on! All matches have started and will conclude by Feb 1st @ 1200 GMT.







Fleet Patrol - Coming Soon

Edited by BiggsIRL
I'm signing up for the tournament!

My local time is UTC +1 (Roma)

I'm usually available to play on weekend and friday night

I am not prequalfied

A Note for the FAQ:

If you believe that there is a pressing question that needs to be answered for the World Cup FAQ, the best way to get it on there is to PM Me (Drasnighta) with the question.

This is to minimise the amount of "Rules Talk" on the World Cup Threads, as I will be referencing the Rules and Questions Sub-Forum for answers and discussion as required.

I will attend to Rules Questions as quickly and as efficiently as I am able. The FAQ Document is a Living Document, most Recent Changes will be recorded in Red.

Any Official FFG FAQs that arrive will, of course, overwrite any of the World Cup FAQ calls, unless the competition has already started - in which case, the World Cup will be treated as a "Multi-Day" tournament for the Current set of Rounds. It is at the sole discretion of the Tournament Marshal (BiggsIRL) as to weather he will apply changes such as that in between rounds or not.

And Finally, I would also stress that, as per FFG's Tournament Regulations: The Judge's Word is Final.

I'm signing up for the tournament!

My local time is GMT -6 (Central time zone, Chicago, USA)

I'm usually available to play on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings. My weekend time varies, but I am often available first thing in the morning and in the evening.

Here is a list of players that have signed up that I play regularly, please do not put me in a pod with them: No one in particular

I am prequalified.


I prefer to play evenings, though weekends are an option if that doesnt work in a particular circumstance.

I object to playing PT or Skycake, but they will be in a different pod anyway.

I am prequalified.

I am definitely signing up for this amazing opportunity to play with other great players.

I am a (new) regular on vassal (codename- Ben)

EST - 5

I'm not prequalified

Weekends all around are best for me.

Edit: Please excluded MikeD and Dupy from my POD. I have already submitted my list, and they have played against it.

Edited by Warlord Zepnick

I'm signing up for the tournament!

My local time is GMT

I'm usually available to play evenings Monday-Sunday

Here is a list of players that have signed up that I play regularly, please do not put me in a pod with them: No one who uses vassal

I am not prequalified

My vassal name is Alex Hamilton


Local time: GMT +12 (New Zealand)

Available: weekdays (Afternoon M,W,F) , some weekend evenings

Not pre-qualified

I'm signing up for the tournament!

My local time is GMT -8 (West Coast, Canada)

I'm usually available to play Monday-Thursday evenings after 9pm, possibly during the day on Wednesdays, and early morning (5am-9am) on weekends. Weekend evenings are variable.

Here is a list of players that have signed up that I play regularly, please do not put me in a pod with them: none

I am prequalfied.

I'm signing up.

GMT +1. Can usually work something out time-wise.

Doesn't matter who I play.

I'm qualified.

I'll have a new build ready before we start, with all the new cards added.

The only thing I can't promise is revised arcs for Arquitens/Pelta. They take a bit of work, and the current versions are pretty accurate anyway.

I'm in

GMT-5 (US East Coast)

I can usually be available Monday-Friday nights after 2000 local.

I can sometimes be available Saturdays, although this is very dependent on the particular weekend.

Sunday mornings are always good, and my preferred time to play.

If you put me in a pod with JJ, aka Truthiness-kryptonite, I will probably cry (joking, pair away if need be)

I'm pre-qualified

Sign me up im GMT+1 here

What's a party without a potato?

Sign me up.

Central Standard Time (CST) US.

Most definitely not pre qualified.

I have a losing record but I'm really feeling it.

Heck yeah I'm in!

GMT -6 Central US

I'm usually available after 5PM (2300 GMT) on weekdays and anytime during the weekend.

When/if Moodswing and Miferr signup, please put the rebel scum in another pod.

I am pre-qualified.

I am super stoked about making the FAQ and will conform.

Sign me up. I'm EST (GMT-5). I can make most evenings work. Not available on Sunday. I regularly lose to BiggsIRL in real life, I am not pre-qualified.

I'm in. GMT-6, Central US.

I'm usually available after 6:00pm weeknights, and Saturdays during the day till about 4:00.

And I concur about separating cninja and I. I tire of his shinanigans....

I'm not pre-qualified.

Edited by moodswing5537

I'm in will have to post my fleet on Jan 30 on holiday vacation right now

I'm signing up for the tournament!
My local time is GMT -5 (East Coast, USA)
I'm usually available to play on Mon/Thu/Fri 7pm (my local time) and Sat/Sun all day depending on personal schedule.
haven't played vassal matches in a while, but have been Table top ;)
I am not prequalfied
Edited by thanosazlin

I'm in!

Us Central Standard Time (GMT-6)

Usually available Mon/Tues/Fri after 1700, some Saturdays, and Sunday afternoon/evening after 1300. I prefer weekends.

I can fight anybody, or their dads.

I'm qualified.

Note to self - recorded singups to this point.

GreenSquadron3, you made me look up whether or not you pre-qualfied. Shame on you. Follow the example post!

Also note the link for submitting your fleet (with objectives!) - Unlike in the past you don't have to post in this thread.

I'm signing up for the tournament!

My local time is GMT -6 (Central Time, USA)

I'm usually available to play in the evenings weekdays. Can usually schedule a time on weekends with notice.

Here is a list of players that have signed up that I play regularly, please do not put me in a pod with them: none

I am prequalified

I'm signing up for the tournament!

My local time is GMT -8 (Pacific Time, USA)
I'm usually available to play Tuesday and Thursday mornings, weekday afternoons depending upon my schedule, Sundays after noon.
Here is a list of players that have signed up that I play regularly, please do not put me in a pod with them: none
I am prequalified
I'm signing up for the tournament!

My local time is (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada))

I'm usually available to play after 7p on weeknights and will make time on the weekends anytime. I usually can be very flexible.

Here is a list of players that have signed up that I play regularly, please do not put me in a pod with them: None

I am prequalfied

Hey can some one clarify how dose the Rapid Lunch Bays work??? :)