lack of supply

By soviet prince, in Star Wars: Destiny

no other game I have started (and I played a bunch of different games) had this issue and they should not have had it either, to expect all players to preorder product is unrealistic. How are players supposed to get new players into this game when there is no product to give out? they did not just merely underestimate the needed supply they completely dropped the ball on the entire thing.

I get it. You want the product now and can't get it. It sucks but it's not the end of the world. Have a little patience. I mean really, what difference does getting the game in January rather than December mean in the grand scheme of things.

Exactly this, yes as a consumer having to wait because of lack of stock can be frustrating but from FFG's point of view will it make much of a difference to them, I doubt it, they plan on selling this game for many years with multiple expansions the delay won't affect this, people will just have to be patient.

SW Destiny is the first FFG game that I've been able to get hold of as soon as it went on sale. a few months ago I had to wait to get hold of a copy of Arkham Horror LCG and last year I had to wait a couple of months for Warhammer Quest ACG. Creating multiple threads complaining about lack of supply won't make a jot of difference.

Edited by steves71

just because other FFA products are similar to this sit don't make it right, I do not have a sheltered life there has been no game were I could not find a box of it for reasonable price if not in a shop then on the internet.

this kind of thing might be acceptable to you but it's not for me and a lot of ppl that want to play can't and by jan they would have moved on. How are we supposed to promote a game we can not get product for.

by the way I got product 3 boxes and 2 of each starter, this has nothing to do with my wants

by the way I got product 3 boxes and 2 of each starter, this has nothing to do with my wants

So you bought enough product for 2 people one could even say 4 people at a stretch, and you are complaining that there isn't enough stock for others?

by the way I got product 3 boxes and 2 of each starter, this has nothing to do with my wants

So you bought enough product for 2 people one could even say 4 people at a stretch, and you are complaining that there isn't enough stock for others?

Problem is that most people have speculated that this is the amount you need to buy if you want to get (nearly) everything without trading. Well you will most likely need 1 - 3 boxes more than this.

And for X-Wing in germany we got some pretty big delays here.

Rogue One expansion are nowhere to be found (unless you want to pay a premium for imports). Heroes of the Resistance took nearly two months to even get here as well.

I don't really mind that much because i am only collecting the minitures at this point and stopped playing. But those that do want to play do not get the product on time to compete unless they want to spend a significant (up to 25%) premium.

Edited by Reaver027

Problem is that most people have speculated that this is the amount you need to buy if you want to get (nearly) everything without trading. Well you will most likely need 1 - 3 boxes more than this.

And for X-Wing in germany we got some pretty big delays here.

Rogue One expansion are nowhere to be found (unless you want to pay a premium for imports). Heroes of the Resistance took nearly two months to even get here as well.

I don't really mind that much because i am only collecting the minitures at this point and stopped playing. But those that do want to play do not get the product on time to compete unless they want to spend a significant (up to 25%) premium.

I understand why people are buying multiple boosters, as it's the quickest way to build a collection, I just don't think that FFG could have predicted just how many boxes etc a single person would purchase in the first few weeks on sale. I just find it highly hypocritical of someone to start a threat calling FFG for not getting enough starters and booster into stores in the games first month on sale when they themselves have purchased 4 starters and 108 booster packs, that's enough for 4 people to get into the game casually and still have boosters left for other people to purchase. When I say casually I'm talking about kids and families that just want to play the game and trade with friends etc, not casuals who want to collect every cards to have a full set.

just because other FFA products are similar to this sit don't make it right, I do not have a sheltered life there has been no game were I could not find a box of it for reasonable price if not in a shop then on the internet.

this kind of thing might be acceptable to you but it's not for me and a lot of ppl that want to play can't and by jan they would have moved on. How are we supposed to promote a game we can not get product for.

by the way I got product 3 boxes and 2 of each starter, this has nothing to do with my wants

It's not about whether it's acceptable to me or you. It happens and it's about how we deal with it. I am disappointed but realize my life will go on without Grimslingers or my beats x earbuds. I will get them when they arrive. You want to rant or at the very least vent on a public forum, to each their own.

As far as you having product and others not, I suggest sharing. It's what I'm doing. Every weekend since the game released I've been organizing Destiny sessions with everyone who doesn't have any or enough using my stuff. If people can't wait 6 weeks for a game I would suggest learning some patience. It will serve them well in their lives. We are talking about a first word problem here.

Edited by Starbane

no other game I have started (and I played a bunch of different games) had this issue and they should not have had it either, to expect all players to preorder product is unrealistic. How are players supposed to get new players into this game when there is no product to give out? they did not just merely underestimate the needed supply they completely dropped the ball on the entire thing.

You say "started" so I guess that probably exempts you from all but the most recent CCGs.

Magic - Alpha/Beta sold out almost immediately. Stores were allocated down and it wasn't really until Fallen Empires that Magic was printed to meet/exceed demand. So that's 8 sets that had to come and go to EXTREMELY limited supply before they got manufacturing capacity to scale. I wrote a letter to Scrye Magazine about how I was only going to play the Star Trek CCG because it at least had enough supply for me to get cards. Fortunately, I was only an idiotic 13 year old who didn't understand things.

Star Wars CCG - Again, MASSIVE shortfalls of supply. People were trading Vaders for Black Lotuses and the people getting the Lotuses were called the losers in the trade at the time. I saw a kid get LAUGHED at when he tried to get a Vader for JUST a mox sapphire.

World of Warcraft TCG - Skipping ahead since I didn't play anything other than Magic for a long time. WoW TCG was insanely popular at launch and when Upper Deck reacted by printing a ton of the 2nd set (Through the Dark Portal) it lead to a massive crash because they oversupplied. (and the loot cards weren't as good as the first set)

Force of Will CCG - sure, you can get anything you want now incredibly cheap - but that's because until recently they were still printing sets from the first block! When this launched it was hot and if you could find a starter you were extremely lucky. Forget about trying to find boosters.

Final Fantasy CCG - Force of Will launch part 2. I can at least find boxes on ebay for just a bit more than MSRP right now for Destiny. For Final Fantasy you're paying at least twice the MSRP on ebay and usually more.

So my point is - either you haven't played many TCG/CCGs - or you're me from the past but instead of writing a magazine (and having my FLGS store owner read the letter aloud to me while everyone made fun of me for being so uninformed [i MAY have implied he was purposefully withholding stock to inflate prices].

FFG are one of the largest gaming companies in the world, backed by an even larger gaming company. Trust everyone here - as soon as FFG can produce more and separate you from your money, they will. I know that doesn't help the situation - but yelling about a problem without having a viable solution doesn't help anyone.

no other game I have started (and I played a bunch of different games) had this issue and they should not have had it either, to expect all players to preorder product is unrealistic. How are players supposed to get new players into this game when there is no product to give out? they did not just merely underestimate the needed supply they completely dropped the ball on the entire thing.

You say "started" so I guess that probably exempts you from all but the most recent CCGs.

Magic - Alpha/Beta sold out almost immediately. Stores were allocated down and it wasn't really until Fallen Empires that Magic was printed to meet/exceed demand. So that's 8 sets that had to come and go to EXTREMELY limited supply before they got manufacturing capacity to scale. I wrote a letter to Scrye Magazine about how I was only going to play the Star Trek CCG because it at least had enough supply for me to get cards. Fortunately, I was only an idiotic 13 year old who didn't understand things.

Star Wars CCG - Again, MASSIVE shortfalls of supply. People were trading Vaders for Black Lotuses and the people getting the Lotuses were called the losers in the trade at the time. I saw a kid get LAUGHED at when he tried to get a Vader for JUST a mox sapphire.

World of Warcraft TCG - Skipping ahead since I didn't play anything other than Magic for a long time. WoW TCG was insanely popular at launch and when Upper Deck reacted by printing a ton of the 2nd set (Through the Dark Portal) it lead to a massive crash because they oversupplied. (and the loot cards weren't as good as the first set)

Force of Will CCG - sure, you can get anything you want now incredibly cheap - but that's because until recently they were still printing sets from the first block! When this launched it was hot and if you could find a starter you were extremely lucky. Forget about trying to find boosters.

Final Fantasy CCG - Force of Will launch part 2. I can at least find boxes on ebay for just a bit more than MSRP right now for Destiny. For Final Fantasy you're paying at least twice the MSRP on ebay and usually more.

So my point is - either you haven't played many TCG/CCGs - or you're me from the past but instead of writing a magazine (and having my FLGS store owner read the letter aloud to me while everyone made fun of me for being so uninformed [i MAY have implied he was purposefully withholding stock to inflate prices].

FFG are one of the largest gaming companies in the world, backed by an even larger gaming company. Trust everyone here - as soon as FFG can produce more and separate you from your money, they will. I know that doesn't help the situation - but yelling about a problem without having a viable solution doesn't help anyone.

Problem is that most people have speculated that this is the amount you need to buy if you want to get (nearly) everything without trading. Well you will most likely need 1 - 3 boxes more than this.

And for X-Wing in germany we got some pretty big delays here.

Rogue One expansion are nowhere to be found (unless you want to pay a premium for imports). Heroes of the Resistance took nearly two months to even get here as well.

I don't really mind that much because i am only collecting the minitures at this point and stopped playing. But those that do want to play do not get the product on time to compete unless they want to spend a significant (up to 25%) premium.

I understand why people are buying multiple boosters, as it's the quickest way to build a collection, I just don't think that FFG could have predicted just how many boxes etc a single person would purchase in the first few weeks on sale. I just find it highly hypocritical of someone to start a threat calling FFG for not getting enough starters and booster into stores in the games first month on sale when they themselves have purchased 4 starters and 108 booster packs, that's enough for 4 people to get into the game casually and still have boosters left for other people to purchase. When I say casually I'm talking about kids and families that just want to play the game and trade with friends etc, not casuals who want to collect every cards to have a full set.

ppl in the competitive scene of ccgs are always going to buy multiple boxes it's not a rare thing.

man ppl are stuck on FFA **** :P

no other game I have started (and I played a bunch of different games) had this issue and they should not have had it either, to expect all players to preorder product is unrealistic. How are players supposed to get new players into this game when there is no product to give out? they did not just merely underestimate the needed supply they completely dropped the ball on the entire thing.

You say "started" so I guess that probably exempts you from all but the most recent CCGs.

Magic - Alpha/Beta sold out almost immediately. Stores were allocated down and it wasn't really until Fallen Empires that Magic was printed to meet/exceed demand. So that's 8 sets that had to come and go to EXTREMELY limited supply before they got manufacturing capacity to scale. I wrote a letter to Scrye Magazine about how I was only going to play the Star Trek CCG because it at least had enough supply for me to get cards. Fortunately, I was only an idiotic 13 year old who didn't understand things.

Star Wars CCG - Again, MASSIVE shortfalls of supply. People were trading Vaders for Black Lotuses and the people getting the Lotuses were called the losers in the trade at the time. I saw a kid get LAUGHED at when he tried to get a Vader for JUST a mox sapphire.

World of Warcraft TCG - Skipping ahead since I didn't play anything other than Magic for a long time. WoW TCG was insanely popular at launch and when Upper Deck reacted by printing a ton of the 2nd set (Through the Dark Portal) it lead to a massive crash because they oversupplied. (and the loot cards weren't as good as the first set)

Force of Will CCG - sure, you can get anything you want now incredibly cheap - but that's because until recently they were still printing sets from the first block! When this launched it was hot and if you could find a starter you were extremely lucky. Forget about trying to find boosters.

Final Fantasy CCG - Force of Will launch part 2. I can at least find boxes on ebay for just a bit more than MSRP right now for Destiny. For Final Fantasy you're paying at least twice the MSRP on ebay and usually more.

So my point is - either you haven't played many TCG/CCGs - or you're me from the past but instead of writing a magazine (and having my FLGS store owner read the letter aloud to me while everyone made fun of me for being so uninformed [i MAY have implied he was purposefully withholding stock to inflate prices].

FFG are one of the largest gaming companies in the world, backed by an even larger gaming company. Trust everyone here - as soon as FFG can produce more and separate you from your money, they will. I know that doesn't help the situation - but yelling about a problem without having a viable solution doesn't help anyone.

no other game I have started (and I played a bunch of different games) had this issue and they should not have had it either, to expect all players to preorder product is unrealistic. How are players supposed to get new players into this game when there is no product to give out? they did not just merely underestimate the needed supply they completely dropped the ball on the entire thing.

You say "started" so I guess that probably exempts you from all but the most recent CCGs.

Magic - Alpha/Beta sold out almost immediately. Stores were allocated down and it wasn't really until Fallen Empires that Magic was printed to meet/exceed demand. So that's 8 sets that had to come and go to EXTREMELY limited supply before they got manufacturing capacity to scale. I wrote a letter to Scrye Magazine about how I was only going to play the Star Trek CCG because it at least had enough supply for me to get cards. Fortunately, I was only an idiotic 13 year old who didn't understand things.

Star Wars CCG - Again, MASSIVE shortfalls of supply. People were trading Vaders for Black Lotuses and the people getting the Lotuses were called the losers in the trade at the time. I saw a kid get LAUGHED at when he tried to get a Vader for JUST a mox sapphire.

World of Warcraft TCG - Skipping ahead since I didn't play anything other than Magic for a long time. WoW TCG was insanely popular at launch and when Upper Deck reacted by printing a ton of the 2nd set (Through the Dark Portal) it lead to a massive crash because they oversupplied. (and the loot cards weren't as good as the first set)

Force of Will CCG - sure, you can get anything you want now incredibly cheap - but that's because until recently they were still printing sets from the first block! When this launched it was hot and if you could find a starter you were extremely lucky. Forget about trying to find boosters.

Final Fantasy CCG - Force of Will launch part 2. I can at least find boxes on ebay for just a bit more than MSRP right now for Destiny. For Final Fantasy you're paying at least twice the MSRP on ebay and usually more.

So my point is - either you haven't played many TCG/CCGs - or you're me from the past but instead of writing a magazine (and having my FLGS store owner read the letter aloud to me while everyone made fun of me for being so uninformed [i MAY have implied he was purposefully withholding stock to inflate prices].

FFG are one of the largest gaming companies in the world, backed by an even larger gaming company. Trust everyone here - as soon as FFG can produce more and separate you from your money, they will. I know that doesn't help the situation - but yelling about a problem without having a viable solution doesn't help anyone.

Decipher never had a short fall. I know I worked for decipher since day 1 of Star Wars CCG pre-release. Some what of the issues were the stores not supporting or ordering enough product. The game was so hot that is why white border came out. Also a lot of the squadron leaders we STEALING prize product's and hand outs that stores were to be getting. I know of 4 squad leaders that purposely stole 6 cases and resold all the hot cards until they got caught. We squad leaders got ruffly 1-2 cases a month depending on area, tourneys you reported monthly with high player base. All were to be given out as prizes not to keep for our own pleasure.

The 12 stores I had to run tourneys at never had product for prizes due to them not ordering enough. Squad leaders did have prizes for a 8-12 man tourney not a 20-30 man tourney (stores had to provide the rest).

Right now in the 6 stores around me Destiny is lost cause to a point. The 6 I called all had a total of 20 boxes total among all of them. 3 still have preorders to fill in a total of 20 boxes. My local store 5 people traded in all their stuff due to they cant by any new packs.

My LGS got 2 boxes in and had to limit 6 packs per customer.

Either FFG solves this issue otherwise it will be a dead game.

man ppl are stuck on FFA **** :P

If you can't wait and will miss out on this game because of delivery cadence, I'm sorry to hear that. But it is your loss, not mine.

I don't understand why people are still complaining, retailers have already stated that they're getting restocks on the 19th. A supply shortage at the begining never killed a game. As I stated in an earlier post, look at dicemasters, it took 6 months before they had supply fixed and a second set out. While it's not SUPER popular, it's hardly dead, though Destiny might kill it. Supply shortage is common because a company literally cannot tell how popular a game will be when it first launches, and if it does have a supply issue at first, it's solved in the next few printings, since they now have an idea how demand.

I know people are mad, but don't act like a few weeks with limited product is going to sink a game based on the largest sci-fi name in the world, made by one of the world's largest game companies.

Problem is that most people have speculated that this is the amount you need to buy if you want to get (nearly) everything without trading. Well you will most likely need 1 - 3 boxes more than this.

And for X-Wing in Germany we got some pretty big delays here.

Rogue One expansion are nowhere to be found (unless you want to pay a premium for imports). Heroes of the Resistance took nearly two months to even get here as well.

I don't really mind that much because i am only collecting the miniatures at this point and stopped playing. But those that do want to play do not get the product on time to compete unless they want to spend a significant (up to 25%) premium.

I understand why people are buying multiple boosters, as it's the quickest way to build a collection, I just don't think that FFG could have predicted just how many boxes etc a single person would purchase in the first few weeks on sale. I just find it highly hypocritical of someone to start a threat calling FFG for not getting enough starters and booster into stores in the games first month on sale when they themselves have purchased 4 starters and 108 booster packs, that's enough for 4 people to get into the game casually and still have boosters left for other people to purchase. When I say casually I'm talking about kids and families that just want to play the game and trade with friends etc, not casuals who want to collect every cards to have a full set.

The problem is that they have to be able to predict this.

They made the starter only have 1 Finn die even though you can use 2. They made some legendary figures so that you would have to have 2 of them.

They created a collectible dice game that is organized like a regular FFG product that would come out in separate, fixed play sets. There is a major problem with that. They need the fixed playsets to make it work. They need to release 6 starters in the first year (2 per set for the first 3 sets) with a FULL 30 card deck to go along with the 9 dice. Otherwise, they are going to be losing people.

The one thing going for them is that they have made an amazing game, with quite possibly the best development and back-and-forth game style balance that I have seen in...probably ever.

We know that more options will be coming. But those options come with a wait time based on the time table of excellence that we have come to expect from FFG. It also comes with the cost of the options that we want from the future sets. It's a tough pill to take for any but the most dedicated.

If this was any other IP, I could almost entertain the idea that some people here might be right. But Star Wars, good luck suggesting it'll fail.

Problem is that most people have speculated that this is the amount you need to buy if you want to get (nearly) everything without trading. Well you will most likely need 1 - 3 boxes more than this.

And for X-Wing in Germany we got some pretty big delays here.

Rogue One expansion are nowhere to be found (unless you want to pay a premium for imports). Heroes of the Resistance took nearly two months to even get here as well.

I don't really mind that much because i am only collecting the miniatures at this point and stopped playing. But those that do want to play do not get the product on time to compete unless they want to spend a significant (up to 25%) premium.

I understand why people are buying multiple boosters, as it's the quickest way to build a collection, I just don't think that FFG could have predicted just how many boxes etc a single person would purchase in the first few weeks on sale. I just find it highly hypocritical of someone to start a threat calling FFG for not getting enough starters and booster into stores in the games first month on sale when they themselves have purchased 4 starters and 108 booster packs, that's enough for 4 people to get into the game casually and still have boosters left for other people to purchase. When I say casually I'm talking about kids and families that just want to play the game and trade with friends etc, not casuals who want to collect every cards to have a full set.

They created a collectible dice game that is organized like a regular FFG product that would come out in separate, fixed play sets. There is a major problem with that. They need the fixed playsets to make it work. They need to release 6 starters in the first year (2 per set for the first 3 sets) with a FULL 30 card deck to go along with the 9 dice. Otherwise, they are going to be losing people.

What on earth are you basing this on? The current starters are fine, they have recognizable characters, and good cards. A few boosters will put them up to 30 cards, and you're good. You only HAVE to get more starters if you're planning on playing competitively, and if you want to play elite Finn. This is a CCG style game, they aren't going to just give you everything you need, so you either buy packs or singles. If that isn't your thing, play something else.

Seriously though, why would they have to make 2 starters per set? The current plan of 2 per year is fine with the release structure for the game.

Edited by Elblanco

Both the x wing and imperial assault waves were due Q4 of 2016 - it's now 27 December and for the overwhelming majority of customers the models are still on order. It doesn't take much to look back at threads on those forums and get a sense of the release dates slipping continually over the past few months.

X-wing releases have NEVER matched the original predictions (which come way before the the set is ready to actually release). They're pretty reliably the quarter after the original prediction.

FFG is notorious for failing to meet releases, often missing by an entire quarter. This is not unusual or unexpected. It is, however, unfortunate.

This has been an issue in the following games in the past two years:

1. Star Wars X-Wing

2. Star Wars Armada

3. Star Wars the Role Playing Game

4. Star Wars Destiny

At least those are the only ones I bother paying attention to. I could care less about Game of Thrones and I got into Lord of the Rings late enough and that game is unpopular enough that I never noticed disruptions.

If this were only an issue of tardiness, it would be acceptable. However, FFG business models typically find key cards spread across product. When some of those products are lost in the ocean for awhile, it affects the meta and morale of the player base. In this particular case, a lack of starters means that I cannot participate in organized play events. I have bought 3 booster boxes but that won't help me get the tokens I need to be legal in the tournament.

Based on my experience with the aforementioned games above, I believe FFG does this intentionally and it is a key strategy in their business model. Creating a starving consumer base means they voraciously purchase your product when it is available.

If this were only an issue of tardiness, it would be acceptable. However, FFG business models typically find key cards spread across product. When some of those products are lost in the ocean for awhile, it affects the meta and morale of the player base. In this particular case, a lack of starters means that I cannot participate in organized play events. I have bought 3 booster boxes but that won't help me get the tokens I need to be legal in the tournament.

As per the official OP rules, you don't need the tokens from the starters to be legal.

" Typically, players use the cardboard tokens included in official product as indicators. However, players may choose to use other items as indicators, so long as they do not obscure significant component information, are resistant to accidental modification, and their purpose of use is clear to both players. "

PS. I've only just realised who you are. Your demo of playing x-wing solo helped me to get started with the game last year when I was first getting used to the rules and judging distance etc so thanks for that.

Edited by steves71

I've been picking up bunches of boosters from different UK-based online retailers on and off since launch, but think the well has now run dry.

I managed to get two lots of 10 boosters from Gameslore (one lot at launch, the second lot in mid/late-December, which was their last stock), and earlier I just grabbed pretty much the last 10 boosters from Magic Madhouse. Conversely Wayland games has been sitting on my order for a dozen boosters since launch and been unable to fulfil.

Once the big restock hits this month (fingers crossed) and the market is comparatively more flooded with singles, the currently absurd prices should hopefully drop, and I'll switch to buying cards that way and finally pick up all those lovely legendaries and characters I crave (and just cannot seem to draw from random boosters).

I guess I should just have bought a full booster box at launch, but I never thought the addiction to open boosters would bite this bloody hard!

What happens when the world runs out of trees and card games can't be produced as regularly as they are now? How about that for a shortage? Will that be FFGs fault too?

FFG is notorious for failing to meet releases, often missing by an entire quarter. This is not unusual or unexpected. It is, however, unfortunate.

This has been an issue in the following games in the past two years:

1. Star Wars X-Wing

2. Star Wars Armada

3. Star Wars the Role Playing Game

4. Star Wars Destiny

At least those are the only ones I bother paying attention to. I could care less about Game of Thrones and I got into Lord of the Rings late enough and that game is unpopular enough that I never noticed disruptions.

If this were only an issue of tardiness, it would be acceptable. However, FFG business models typically find key cards spread across product. When some of those products are lost in the ocean for awhile, it affects the meta and morale of the player base. In this particular case, a lack of starters means that I cannot participate in organized play events. I have bought 3 booster boxes but that won't help me get the tokens I need to be legal in the tournament.

Based on my experience with the aforementioned games above, I believe FFG does this intentionally and it is a key strategy in their business model. Creating a starving consumer base means they voraciously purchase your product when it is available.

exactly, seems a lot of ppl are attached to FFA hip

Have to say that I'm likely to drop this game due to supply issues. I'm still waiting for my local store to get the expansion packs back in, but he's not having much luck on that front. I had a search online and all the sellers in the UK seem to be out of stock as well. Added to this the Star Wars themed sleeves are nowhere to be found either, "out of stock" on all sites.

I don't want to be in the position of having to do a rush bulk buy whenever the become available. Have a Destiny event I signed up to for this weekend but after that I will be sticking the lot on ebay.

I'm sure Xwing lost some players a few years ago when the planet earth had sold out of waves 1 and 2, and missed out on picking up players who passed it up due to lack of product. A few years later that game is still going: some would even say successfully. Would FFG be happy they lost players? No. Did they open new factories and expand their operations to meet the rising (now known) demand? Yes.

This may be frustrating for some who will have to wait a few extra toys to fill their collections, but I'd say the lack of available product is a sign this game is probably going to last. I'd be more worried if everyone bought up all they wanted and here was still heaps of product on shelves and in inventories (like the Star Wars LCG unfortunately).

To all those who think FFG should have been able to predict exactly how popular this game would be and how many units they would sell and when, congratulations, your hindsight is 20/20.

Have to say that I'm likely to drop this game due to supply issues. I'm still waiting for my local store to get the expansion packs back in, but he's not having much luck on that front. I had a search online and all the sellers in the UK seem to be out of stock as well. Added to this the Star Wars themed sleeves are nowhere to be found either, "out of stock" on all sites.

I don't want to be in the position of having to do a rush bulk buy whenever the become available. Have a Destiny event I signed up to for this weekend but after that I will be sticking the lot on ebay.

Patience is a virtue. One it appears we may both lack at times. I help overcome my lack of patience by preordering. Be proactive not reactive and preorder. It will save you grief in the long run and test your patience less.

I'm sure Xwing lost some players a few years ago when the planet earth had sold out of waves 1 and 2, and missed out on picking up players who passed it up due to lack of product. A few years later that game is still going: some would even say successfully. Would FFG be happy they lost players? No. Did they open new factories and expand their operations to meet the rising (now known) demand? Yes.

This may be frustrating for some who will have to wait a few extra toys to fill their collections, but I'd say the lack of available product is a sign this game is probably going to last. I'd be more worried if everyone bought up all they wanted and here was still heaps of product on shelves and in inventories (like the Star Wars LCG unfortunately).

To all those who think FFG should have been able to predict exactly how popular this game would be and how many units they would sell and when, congratulations, your hindsight is 20/20.

Everyone would say x-wing is successful, it's the world's most popular minis game.