lack of supply

By soviet prince, in Star Wars: Destiny

The only thing that bugs me about how unavailable Destiny has been for the last month is that I'm struggling to put together a working deck with what little I've been able to get, while the guys that snatched up the boxes during prerelease and release (yes, it's my own fault I didn't preorder) have the best cards and multiple decks to play with and test. It makes me nervous to play against them on Destiny night when they've got decks like Vader-Raider + Holocrons + Kylo's Lightsaber + Force Choke + ect. while the only deck I have that contains enough points of characters is eKylo Ren + Grievous.

Now that my LFGS has limited the amount of packs you can by to 2 packs per person per day, it's tough to try any other decks other than the starter decks with the bits and pieces I've pulled from what packs I've managed to get.

P.S. Yes I know singles are available online. But the best cards are expensive (unsurprisingly) and I'm trying to get more commons and uncommons as well, to play with and test out to learn what works and what doesn't.

^^^ At least proxies may be an option.

The only thing that bugs me about how unavailable Destiny has been for the last month is that I'm struggling to put together a working deck with what little I've been able to get, while the guys that snatched up the boxes during prerelease and release (yes, it's my own fault I didn't preorder) have the best cards and multiple decks to play with and test. It makes me nervous to play against them on Destiny night when they've got decks like Vader-Raider + Holocrons + Kylo's Lightsaber + Force Choke + ect. while the only deck I have that contains enough points of characters is eKylo Ren + Grievous.

Now that my LFGS has limited the amount of packs you can by to 2 packs per person per day, it's tough to try any other decks other than the starter decks with the bits and pieces I've pulled from what packs I've managed to get.

P.S. Yes I know singles are available online. But the best cards are expensive (unsurprisingly) and I'm trying to get more commons and uncommons as well, to play with and test out to learn what works and what doesn't.

I feel you, but those of us that didn't pre-order have to tough it out until things even out, which hopefully won't be for much longer. Prices of singles will also drop once product is flowing normally.

Have to say that I'm likely to drop this game due to supply issues. I'm still waiting for my local store to get the expansion packs back in, but he's not having much luck on that front. I had a search online and all the sellers in the UK seem to be out of stock as well. Added to this the Star Wars themed sleeves are nowhere to be found either, "out of stock" on all sites.

I don't want to be in the position of having to do a rush bulk buy whenever the become available. Have a Destiny event I signed up to for this weekend but after that I will be sticking the lot on ebay.

I called 3-4 different LGS's yesterday to see if they had product (I live in Seattle) and 2 of them had never even heard of the game while a third didn't carry it. The 4th however stated that they had 36 booster boxes coming on the "street date" of Jan 19th for Wave 4. Take that for what it's worth.

To argue another side:

Maybe the shortages have had less to do with FFG's launch, and something to do with certain players/online-stores purchasing exaggerated quantities of product, reducing the supply for others?

Our LFGS currently has 8 players, and in the last shipment the owner received 10 booster boxes. Free markets aside, 5 of us have zero boosters because 3 players purchased all the stock. Consider the high prices for certain cards right now, and any online singles re-seller would be daft to not buy/resell as much stock as possible - limiting availability for large swaths of players like me.

To borrow a mobile gaming term, have "Whale" buyers limited the initial roll-out of Destiny?

All I can say is that I'm casually awaiting the chance to buy my 2 starters and 1 booster box and support my LFGS. =)

To argue another side:

Maybe the shortages have had less to do with FFG's launch, and something to do with certain players/online-stores purchasing exaggerated quantities of product, reducing the supply for others?

Our LFGS currently has 8 players, and in the last shipment the owner received 10 booster boxes. Free markets aside, 5 of us have zero boosters because 3 players purchased all the stock. Consider the high prices for certain cards right now, and any online singles re-seller would be daft to not buy/resell as much stock as possible - limiting availability for large swaths of players like me.

To borrow a mobile gaming term, have "Whale" buyers limited the initial roll-out of Destiny?

All I can say is that I'm casually awaiting the chance to buy my 2 starters and 1 booster box and support my LFGS. =)

My FLGS received 1 single box and 3 of each starter in the original shipment. In the Dec 15th shipment of starters, they got 2 more of each starter (though they ordered a lot more). On the 22nd, they got 4 more boxes of boosters. I purchased 1 box, another player purchased 1 box, and the other 2 were sold as individual packs and were gone that night.

That's definitely a supply issue, not people buying up all the stock.

Edited by VanderLegion

I feel for the people who want product but I see 2 paterns emerging here. One I see limited stock in flgs's being bought out by power gamers. This is both FFG's fault and the store owners. The distribution of the cards has made this a buy a box or 2 game not a handful of packs here and there. The mechanics of the game make it almost impossible to buy casually you will almost never get a workable deck. The other point is if owners are being short sighted and letting people come in and buy boxes, yes plural, at a time they screw themselves because no one will want to play if 3 dudes have all the cards. The smart play would have been to spread it around. It's not like the demand isn't there. Now some owners are limiting but not enough so they are shooting themselves in the foot there.

The second point is the Internet had several places that open stock was available and may still be. I get kinda aggrivated when people claim there is nothing to buy when in truth there is nothing to buy at their preffered store. I have purchased 2 boxes in this horrid shortage and done so without pre-order or inflated robbery. Sometimes if you want stuff you may have to actually go where it is. Supporting your game store is your choice but there has been product available. I see people prophetizing Destiny's doom because of lack of supply. As far as I am concerned the situation is far less dire than many believe.

All this is my opinion and I know some people will disagree with me. That is your choice too

Edited by LordFajubi

The second point is the Internet had several places that open stock was available and may still be. I get kinda aggrivated when people claim there is nothing to buy when in truth there is nothing to buy at their preffered store. I have purchased 2 boxes in this horrid shortage and done so without pre-order or inflated robbery. Sometimes if you want stuff you may have to actually go where it is. Supporting your game store is your choice but there has been product available. I see people prophetizing Destiny's doom because of lack of supply. As far as I am concerned the situation is far less dire than many believe.

All this is my opinion and I know some people will disagree with me. That is your choice too

The only places I've found online that have stock available have been in canada and either don't ship to where I live (alaska) or the shipping is exorbitantly expensive. As for how dire the situation is, it entirely depends where you live. If you're in an area that's gotten a lot of stock, its a lot less of a problem than somewhere that's barely gotten any.

I don't think the game is going to die because of lack of supply, but it HAS been a big issue so far.

Looks like they bumped the shipping date up from the 19th to the 13th (this Friday)! Distributors apparently received this email:


well this wave is no better, my shop is only allowed 1 box and 2 starters, this is ridicules to have this problem when the game is been out this long

My LGS yesterday told me also shipment on Friday also.

I pre-ordered a box from my LGS and was told I could pre-order more than one if I wanted. Gives me the impression they might have some to spare. Like any other game, distributors are going to allocate to certain or successful markets.

The issue with stock doesn't extend to boosters for me in Canada. However I have scoured the province for starters to no avail.

Epic fail FFG. What we have come to expect from their distribution.

well this wave is no better, my shop is only allowed 1 box and 2 starters, this is ridicules to have this problem when the game is been out this long

Something tells me this may have to do with your shop or your shops distributor. the 3 shops in the area all say there getting a good amount. I didn't get specifics but the one store I ordered another box from asked if I wanted more than one.

My shop also was told they were only getting 1 box.

well this wave is no better, my shop is only allowed 1 box and 2 starters, this is ridicules to have this problem when the game is been out this long

Something tells me this may have to do with your shop or your shops distributor. the 3 shops in the area all say there getting a good amount. I didn't get specifics but the one store I ordered another box from asked if I wanted more than one.

Probably correct. I was the first person to preorder at my store. I preordered 3 boxes the Sunday after the prerelease event. Eight more people ordered between me and release day. Release day we got 3 boxes in and 3 of us got a box. The January 22nd wave there was enough to fill all the preorders with 2 left over for the shop. I'm pretty sure our local supply issues were due to late orders placed because nobody showed any interest in preordering until late in the order cycle.