Can we settle this now, please?

By WonderWAAAGH, in Star Wars: Destiny

It's Tusken Vader, not Vader/Raider. Have some panache already.

Merry Christmas, folks! Remember that happiness is wanting what you have, not having what you want.

I thought it was Darth Raider?

The card with two dice should always be the first in the name, that's just proper.

So yes, the best name would be Darth Raider.

But I like where your head is at WonderWAAAGH. :)

Edited by Largo

Swdestinydb will list them in numerical order.

The card with two dice should always be the first in the name, that's just proper.

So yes, the best name would be Darth Raider.

But I like where your head is at WonderWAAAGH. :)

Right. You tell the man that you're not using his name.

The minute I heard the name I thought it's most amusing as Vader Aider.
