An interesting situation in my game. My group worked really hard to become bounty hunters. Along their way they incited the anger of the Mining Guild. The Mining Guild pursued them in vengeance, and my group murdered some of their representatives. I now had the idea for the Mining Guild to put a bounty on their heads.
How would that situation play out for guilded hunters? What would the Bounty Hunters Guild's response be? On the one hand, the Guild does make a point of defending their members in legal issues, and one of the things that drew my players to join was the protection that the Guild offers. On the other hand, the Mining Guild is a fairly ubiquitous organizations, with a lot of capital and sway in galactic politics. Would the BHG see the Mining Guild's call for a bounty on my players as more important than protecting my players?
From a gameplay perspective, I would definitely have the BHG not come to the defense of my players, and in fact send bounty hunters after them. That feels like a fun escalation of events. But I am concerned that my payers might feel cheated if I were to do that, as the Guild promised them safe harbor in pretty much these same situations.
What should I do? Bounties on the heads of my hunters? Or just keep having the Mining Guild send hired guns and thugs?