I would really appreciate some opinion and advise on rules for carrying silhouette 0 droids.
Special Modification (page 80) has a really cute picture with mechanic and a small droid hanging out on her shoulder. We also have rules for crafting/buying silhouette 0 droids.
So PC have cool option of carrying tiny droid pets shoulder angels style or maybe keep them in backpack and bring them out when wanted for some pokemon (I choose you) humor.
But i did not see any rules for rules on carrying silhouette 0 droid creatures and could really use some advise on this one.
How much encumbrance would a silhouette 0 droids use?
When sneaking does a carried droid also need to make stealth check or only PC?
Can carried droid make assists/ranged attacks or would it need to "dismount" first.
Edited by flarebright