The Emerging Meta

By dpb1298, in Star Wars: Destiny

So by the time of Q1 tournaments what do y'all think the current meta will be? Thus far I've seen a lot of eRey-eQGJ, eJango-eVeers, Rey-Padme-Ackbar, and Phasma with FO Storm Troopers.

Edited by dpb1298

Before the singles market gets up and running in earnest, I think it may be too early to tell with any confidence. That said, I suspect your assessment is dead on. The sheer coverage of those builds and how versatile they are suggests they have some serious staying power!

how have you seen erey-padme-ackbar?

Well considering worlds will be the first "huge" event and we might have a new expansion out before then I wouldn't hold my breath on anything yet. But from what I've seen, the 2 top decks right now are eVader/Raider and eHan/eRey.

That eJango/eVeers seems very very nasty.

Jango/Veers was the team I originally liked, I can see any eRey team becoming a massive and probably banned monster when machine gunning actions becomes crazy powerful with more options. I personally find Vader and Han over-rated. Good characters to be sure but if it wasn't freaking vader and freaking han they wouldn't be that popular.

eJango/eVeers is strong I agree. I'm curious as to where you are making the judgement call that Han and Vader are overrated tho. The general consensus that I have gotten online from people who have logged quite a lot of games is that they are likely 2 of the stronger characters and possibly part of the 2 strongest decks.

Small available card pool. Han's die is not that impressive and relies on luck or dice manipulation. Vader will crumble if there comes into play anything that wrecks melee. I just feel people look at them both with rose colored glasses. A black lotus they are not.

Just my opinion though so take it for what it's worth

Edited by LordFajubi

I've seen Akbar 2xTrooper pull off some crazy stuff with Its a Trap and All In shenanigans.

My daughter loves her eJango/eVeers...especially when she can play Infamous when Jango auto-activates (assuming we are reading the card right granting her a second action). Then she taps Crime Lord onto him and if you cant stop her from getting resources your doomed PDQ.

Veers with a Gaffi stick is just funny...leaning out of the AT-AT window and poking you in the head.

My daughter loves her eJango/eVeers...especially when she can play Infamous when Jango auto-activates (assuming we are reading the card right granting her a second action). Then she taps Crime Lord onto him and if you cant stop her from getting resources your doomed PDQ.

Opponents action: I am activating character "X"

Jango player: I am activating Jango's ability. After the opponents action of activating a character is finished, Jango rolls his dice into the pool.

Now you get your normal action. If she is using Infamous to play Crime Lord as an ambush that is fine, but if Crime Lord is going on Jango she cannot roll the Crime Lord die this turn as Jango has already activated. However if Infamous was played on your normal action, you still do get the ambush action as you normally would. Let me know if that clarifies things.

Edited by Spector1331

Veers with a Gaffi stick is just funny...leaning out of the AT-AT window and poking you in the head.

Edited by LordFajubi

how have you seen erey-padme-ackbar?

The OP didn't. You misread the post

Small available card pool. Han's die is not that impressive and relies on luck or dice manipulation. Vader will crumble if there comes into play anything that wrecks melee. I just feel people look at them both with rose colored glasses. A black lotus they are not.

Just my opinion though so take it for what it's worth

Agreed. Vader can do some damage but I routinely am beating Vader/Raider and Vader/rent decks with eJango/eVeers with no dice supports and mostly low cost upgrades. The veers and mango dice match nicely and the right role with upgrades can kill Vader in one turn. I nearly killed him last night in round one and he was toast by round two

My daughter loves her eJango/eVeers...especially when she can play Infamous when Jango auto-activates (assuming we are reading the card right granting her a second action). Then she taps Crime Lord onto him and if you cant stop her from getting resources your doomed PDQ.

Veers with a Gaffi stick is just funny...leaning out of the AT-AT window and poking you in the head.

I avoided crime lord with my veers/jango deck. I could see it being an effective combo vs mill or slow decks, but aggro deck seems like it would be able to wipe out jango before she could gain enough resources. How has her deck fared against aggro decks?

As someone who can appreciate that big name characters don't always equate to big game meta (see Boba Fett in SWLCG and Vader in IA), I think Vader is very good with the right material and will only get better in time when the inevitable cheaper characters come out. I'm working on a Vader/Stormie/Stormie deck that I think could be good.

I would be surprised to see characters less than 7 points come out.

I would be surprised to see characters less than 7 points come out.

Battle Droids come to mind and they would be less than a FO Stormie.

I would be surprised to see characters less than 7 points come out.

Battle Droids come to mind and they would be less than a FO Stormie.

I'm sure they could come up with a number of characters that would justify a 6 or even 5 cost but, I hope we don't see characters that cost 6 or less. It will diminish some of the decision making that goes into team building. I don't like the idea of being able to put 2 characters with eGrievous or ePoe. A 5 point character would allow for eLuke and 2 characters. I like the idea that sacrifices have to be made if you want to play the elite versions of some characters.

I don't see a 5 point 5 health with 3 blanks Ewok hurting the game.

I don't see a 5 point 5 health with 3 blanks Ewok hurting the game.

I think their die would look something like:

1 range

1 melee

5 resources (remember they built all those supports that destroyed the AT-ST's in less than a day)




The special would be "Choose 1. Remove a support from play or defeat a red character.

They should probably cost 10 or 11 and have 6 health.

Personally, not a big ewok fan. They would probably break the logic behind the game just as they did the movie.

Edited by Starbane

I'm fairly sure we'll see 6 point characters at some point (Phasma being 12 points for normal is enough to foreshadow it, IMO). 5 character lists seem within reasons, and you can probably shave a point off the First Order Stormtroopers (as a baseline) while still having something playable.

However I doubt we'll see 5 point characters - 6 characters seems like it's tipping the scales a bit too far, and it would alter a lot of deck building options probably for the worse.

I think the high character count low cost/hp is a bad idea. Not saying they won't make it but a thermal detonator might just wipe the board. Seems a very risky strategy. This game is very cruel to weenies and you basically hide behind your heroes, you aren't hiding squat behind battle droids and ewoks lol

In Orlando, 3 character teams are very popular, with eRey/padawan/padawan seeing a LOT of play. I played my Vader\Raider deck yesterday at a store I had not previously played at, and I went 1-2, with my one win against grievious/bala-tik. my 2 losses were close games. By the time I chewed through 2 characters, my opponents were able to defeat Vader, basically giving them the game.

There were some other 3 character combos there as well, including padme\rey\rebel trooper...but mostly padawan builds.

I don't really understand how people are saying eJango/eVeers can burn through Vader by turn 1-2. I mean, yes, it could possibly happen, but it's mathematically hugely unlikely. Turn 1 if you equip a weapon and then get an absolutely perfect god roll, you can maybe do 8 damage. That's assuming you roll perfectly and the Vader player has no dice manipulation, which also is a huge "IF." The probability of this happening just seems extremely unlikely. Maybe it happened to someone one time, but to argue that Vader isn't a solid deck because of it is silly.

On the other topic going on, I do agree that a lot of the 3 character decks seem strong. I have been running eGrievous/Dooku and I like how it matches up against 3 unit teams a bit better than Vader/Raider. The reason for this is because Grievous is a hard hitter, much like Vader, but if he dies then Dooku can still stand his own against 1-2 characters. Raider? Not so much. In Vader/Raider, if Vader dies you pretty much know it's over. Vader is certainly tankier at 13 life, but I use a lot of defensive dice to keep Grievous alive.