The Ball has been Dropped

By KryatDragon, in Star Wars: Destiny

Is it just me, or did FFG / Asmodee absolutely drop the ball on this game's release?

Why dribble it in instead of waiting for the entire shipment to be ready? Why four or whatever mini releases instead of one full and proper release (with OP support as well - seriously)?

My Local FLGS have not been able to get any product aside from 2 Rey and 3 Kylo starters since the game released. Online stores are not getting it in.

Am I just over excited for a new game? Or has FFG really failed at releasing this game properly, like I think?
It seems to be a very miserable start to a game...

Then again, this is not the first time FFG has completely messed up a game's release. Any one remember Armada? How it took almost half a year to get wave 1 ships after the starter box released? Yeah, that almost killed that game. That was a bonehead move, and this seems to be almost the same.

There was a ball dropped by the manufacturing as far as we know. I think the printed dice had issues on the initial run that really botched the launch. Though I also have suspicion that they underestimated the demand on this product as well.

I'm curious to see if this shortage keeps the demand red hot artificially.

Has there been an FFG launch when the initial print run was enough to meet demand? Every LCG has had these same issues with the initial core release.

Has there been an FFG launch when the initial print run was enough to meet demand? Every LCG has had these same issues with the initial core release.

Probably. I noted the same things with the new Arkham LCG and the second ed of GoT.

You'd think they'd learn that their initial runs are not enough, and up them by some reasonable percentage - like 10 or 15%, to help cover the desire. I've yet to get my hands on the new Arkham Horror LCG because of the scarcity when it first hit.

So the alternative is to do what, sit on product in a warehouse and lose money?

Has there been an FFG launch when the initial print run was enough to meet demand? Every LCG has had these same issues with the initial core release.

Probably. I noted the same things with the new Arkham LCG and the second ed of GoT.

You'd think they'd learn that their initial runs are not enough, and up them by some reasonable percentage - like 10 or 15%, to help cover the desire. I've yet to get my hands on the new Arkham Horror LCG because of the scarcity when it first hit.

Sample size matters.

My FLGS, one of 5 within 30 minutes, has no Destiny and is sold out through their next shipment as well to fulfill preorders for cases. None of the others would even comment on when they would have them in because they did the same and aren't sure how much and how quickly they can get more.

Warehousing is expensive and there is no telling how big the order, or demand, is with Asmodee revealing that. Given their prior Star Wars product launches, I'd be willing to bet they did have a huge order that they reasonably believed would be sufficient to make it until the subsequent shipping waves hit the retail distribution chain.

It's all speculative though...we just know it wasn't enough and are hungry for more product that appears to be slowly trickling into retailers both brick and mortar and online.

Mh, funny, because this was the first time I can remember where a german FFG release was on time AND I could get the stuff somewhere.

And I got into the game 20 days after the release (right now the starters have 3-4 days delivery time, boosters are still directly available).

(i.e Imperial Assault: Wave 6 is hard to get here, wave 7 got delayed till MARCH<--US has wave 7 since idea about wave 8)

I can't remember the last time a wave of FFG products hit my town with a sufficient supply to meet demand. I suppose, from their perspective, selling out is better than having unpurchased stock burning a hole in their pocket.

I think it's important to remember that, even though they've had some incredible successes these last few years, in a lot of ways FFG is still a young boardgame company from Minnesota which has fewer than 100k likes on Facebook.

I personally feel that it's not just them, but the fact that tabletop gaming has been increasing over the years and the companies just aren't aware at times of how much it has grown. yes this destiny was a bit of a small release so far just this year, but in general it's been hard for a lot of companies. I work in the gaming industry and noticed that a lot of companies just haven't printed enough. it may be them it may not be. it may be the printing companies having so many requests and not being able to keep up with demand. we don't really know. All i know is is that almost every big hit release this year has been a small print run of the game. and they keep bringing in restocks in waves throughout the year. Who knows who's fault it is. we don't. just wanted everyone to be aware of it. I feel like the printing companies are the ones lacking and not the actual company. Although YES i would've probably waited till January on Destiny to have more available. BUT then again, they have been selling out like crazy so maybe that's what they wanted??? it's also the first time they've done a CCG in 10 or so years.

This feels pretty standard from an FFG standpoint. They always sell out immediately whenever there is a popular product and unless you're first in line, you're stuck waiting. My gaming group knows this, so the Destiny launch problems were expected and thus a non issue.

Yeah, the FFG die hards certainly know better and account for it, but competitive games aren't made by the core group of players who are buying into 2 or more LCGs and probably play one of their miniature lines already and perhaps something from the Arkham Files or another product line as well...

Heck...I own everything for AGoT 1e, LotR LCG, Star Wars LCG, Star Wars Armada, Star Wars X-Wing, Descent 2e, It's out of control, but I also recognize that my experience is both atypical and that with a collectible format game like this product availability is definitely important. You build some hype with an early sell out and that's a good strategy to a point...but when it goes on too long...then it's a liability. I don't perceive that product availability, at this point, is a liability for them. They're really just hurting their own holiday sales which is a bummer...but I don't think there are folks who are just "giving up" on the game when it's been out for a few

Edited by Gamesontables

Their first collectible game in something like 8 years, so FFG were probably cautious with their first print runs, in case it didn't sell as well as expected. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but no savvy company would have printed the amount that was ultimately needed, initially

Unique and innovative premium dice has resulted in a wrinkles in manufacturing no doubt.

Having a unified releases, of the 'proper' amount of product, would have resulted in a release in mid to late January, meaning:

- Gamers whining about the game being two months late instead

- FFG incurring huge warehouse fees

It has only been 3 weeks since release. And that's with people buying multiple boxes of boosters. I'm not sure why everyone is getting so strung out

Cause it's the internet, and that's what we do.

The store I was at last night had a few booster boxes on the shelf and I'm in Canada.

I can tell by how there is a thriving local facebook community, constant play at local game stores, and people clamoring and champing at the bit for every bit of news on incoming stock that they dropped the ball and the game is doing poorly.


FFG seems like they might have underestimated initial popularity, but that's it.

They didn't want to be stuck with product they couldn't move. Scarcity exists. Big deal. Wait a couple of months and you'll have all the boosters you can buy.

My store can get it. But I have a very good store. I'm sure they are pumping it out as fast as possible and were surprised by the demand. They were surprised by the way because many stores were not interested in the game until there were people beating down the doors for product. Maybe if those other stores had been good enough to realize the demand early enough FFG could have put more into production.

Edited by TylerT

As usual...

