does anyone have a pic of a misprinted die?

By nismojoe, in Star Wars: Destiny

I pulled Corde.

The die isnt misprinted, one of the facings is just.....spun wrong.


It seems like FFG is the first to do this die manufacturing process and their partner isn't all that great at quality control just yet. I strongly suspect we will see these manufacturing issues sort themselves out pretty quickly as players report issues to FFG.

I just bought a single from my FLGS and realized after I got home that the die was a miss-print. Going to get it exchanged today. (It's a Gen. Grievous with another disrupt side instead of his 3 Melee damage for 1 resource.)

It seems like FFG is the first to do this die manufacturing process and their partner isn't all that great at quality control just yet. I strongly suspect we will see these manufacturing issues sort themselves out pretty quickly as players report issues to FFG.

Agreed or folks will lose faith in the quality of the game. Fantasy Flight isn't likely to let that happen. I bet there have already been pretty serious discussions with the manufacturer to make sure this doesn't continue.

Full disclosure, I have not opened a misprinted die yet but there have been more than enough reports to show there is a serious issue, imagine how many misprinted dice are out there considering how few misprint are probably actually posted compared to those that are.

I don't know that I'd characterize it as "the sky is falling."

Product availability is creating a level of disappointment that outweighs the actual issues right now. A misprint isn't as quick a fix as it will be in 6 months. ;)