Finn ability

By OttRod, in Star Wars: Destiny

Let's say I have Finn and Rey. I have the FO Tie in play and Rey has a villain rifle attached. If Finn is defeated do they both stay in play? Can I attach / use support villain on subsequent turns?

Yes they stay in play.

Finns ability lets you put them in your deck, otherwise you just have to obey specific restrictions on cards to play them (eg. Spot a red character, red character only, etc).

Which the TIE/FO and the rifle don't have, iirc. So you're fine. (If I'm wrong please correct me).

And of course, whilst Finn is alive he personally can ignore play restrictions on weapons.

  • So then I can't put a gaffi stick on rey then?

No. Predominantly because you can't include it in a hero deck.

Finn only allows you to include red villain weapons and vehicles in your deck.

Ah, reds the keyword there for his ability. So then Finn can be equipped with a gaffi stick and anyone else in play can use red weapons and support. Got it.

Ah, reds the keyword there for his ability. So then Finn can be equipped with a gaffi stick and anyone else in play can use red weapons and support. Got it.

Close, but not quite.

Finn has two abilities. Focusing on the second one:

"You can include Red villain weapons and vehicles in your deck." Right now, this is a short list. It means you can include FD-11 Rifle, AT-ST, and first Order TIE fighter, because these are the only three cards that are red, villinaa, AND are also weapons or vehicles. So no Gaffi stick.

No for the first: "You can attach weapons to this character, ignoring play restrictions." This will allow finn to use Luke Skywalker's Lightsaber, which is normally Blue only. But He can ignore that.

He gives no other benefit to anyone on his team.

Ah, reds the keyword there for his ability. So then Finn can be equipped with a gaffi stick and anyone else in play can use red weapons and support. Got it.

You cannot include a gaffi stick in a hero deck as it is a villain weapon. No ifs. No buts. Nothing currently in the game allows you to include Gaffi Stick in your Hero deck.

You may, if Finn is one of your characters, include red villain weapons and vehicles in your deck.

Edit - what Netace said.

Edited by Stu35

This is precisely why I'm baffled by the reviewers saying, "This game is overly simplistic."

So is Chess by that same definition....The rules of moving the chess pieces around is easy. The interactions are the tricky part.

Destiny is the same. The gameplay mechanics are easy, the variety of card interactions and deck building principles are not.