Hello Folks,
I started to create my own campaign called "Of Greed and Blood" and the first quests are ready for publication (although still in alpha state). I still need to play-test them and set some variables (as HP of certain doors, number of turns for completion of certain tasks etc.). Nevertheless, I am open and happy for suggestions and comments. Soon, I will be able to publish the other Quests of Act 1. If people like it, I will continue with Act 2.
The campaign tells the Story of the Dwarven City of Therundar which is under attack by evil creatures. The main villain is Valyndra and their second-in-commands are Belthir and Splig. This campaign features Raythen as an Ally and Requires the following expansions to play:
- Labyrinth of Ruins
- Lair of the Wyrm
- Manor of Ravens
- Shadow of Nerekhall (most likely)
The maps are usually quite large and the Overlord will field a lot of groups. To balance this out, the heroes will often find some help as well. Furthermore, 6 Relics will be featured:
- Shield of the Dark God
- Gauntlets of Power
- Aurium Mail
- Trueshot
- Valyndras Bane
- Ynfernal Rune (most likely)
Act I consists of the following Quests:
Intro: Mercenaries
(1 Encounter)
1a : Trouble on the Road
(2 Encounters)
1b : A Shortcut
(2 Encounters)
2a : This mine is mine
(2 Encounters)
2b : The Labyrinth
(2 Encounters)
3a : The missing carrion (1 Encounter); not yet published
3b : Fortifying the city (1 Encounter); not yet published
Interlude 1: Therundar besieged (1 Encounter); not yet published
Interlude 2: Unwelcome Guests (1 Encounter); not yet published
I try to avoid snowballing by granting both sides rewards and included side missions to get certain rewards even when loosing. Still, balancing a complex game as Descent is difficult, so bear with me and report any issues here in this forum.
So, I hope somebody will play this first act of a grand campaign at some point. I will start to work on Act 2 as soon as Act 1 is in beta.
For further updates, this thread will be edited.