Millenium falcon Die values different to card

By snotface, in Star Wars: Destiny


I just got a millenium falcon in a booster.

The die shows

3 Ranged

3 Ranged

4 Ranged

2 Focus

2 Resource


The card shows

3 Ranged

4 Ranged

2 Focus

3 Discard

2 Resource


Which is correct and what do i do about it? :s

The card is correct. You need to contact FFG/Asmodee customer service. From what customer service has posted, they will not send a new die, but will send out a booster pack as a replacement.

I would say as long as it has the Falcon on it

The card is correct. You need to contact FFG/Asmodee customer service. From what customer service has posted, they will not send a new die, but will send out a booster pack as a replacement.

I would be OK with the die not matching the card they send the card over but with legendaries it would be good service sending over the die as it is useless anyway. I would even be glad to send the die over and get a correct one back. Unfortunately it is what it is.

An extra deadly falcon.


I just got a millenium falcon in a booster.

The die shows

3 Ranged

3 Ranged

4 Ranged

2 Focus

2 Resource


The card shows

3 Ranged

4 Ranged

2 Focus

3 Discard

2 Resource


Which is correct and what do i do about it? :s

I expect every opponent I play against to have dice that match the card they're using. If you have a misprinted die and know about it, I would expect you not to use it. I would consider you knowing that you have a misprint and using it anyways to be cheating. You would be intentionally exploiting a misprint to increase your chance of rolling damage.

Yes, it stinks getting a misprinted die, but that's the way life is sometimes. Contact FFG and they'll send you out a replacement pack. They won't send you a replacement die. You effectively didn't get a Millennium Falcon.


I just got a millenium falcon in a booster.

The die shows

3 Ranged

3 Ranged

4 Ranged

2 Focus

2 Resource


The card shows

3 Ranged

4 Ranged

2 Focus

3 Discard

2 Resource


Which is correct and what do i do about it? :s

I expect every opponent I play against to have dice that match the card they're using. If you have a misprinted die and know about it, I would expect you not to use it. I would consider you knowing that you have a misprint and using it anyways to be cheating. You would be intentionally exploiting a misprint to increase your chance of rolling damage.

Yes, it stinks getting a misprinted die, but that's the way life is sometimes. Contact FFG and they'll send you out a replacement pack. They won't send you a replacement die. You effectively didn't get a Millennium Falcon.

If FFG does not replace it, I'd suggest marking the wrong side in some way so that you and your opponent both know that the 3 Ranged face with a blue dot on it is the 3 Discard side and the 3 Ranged face without the dot is the 3 Ranged.

As long as you are up front with me, your opponent, on the issue which FFG fails to rectify? Game on, I say!


I just got a millenium falcon in a booster.

The die shows

3 Ranged

3 Ranged

4 Ranged

2 Focus

2 Resource


The card shows

3 Ranged

4 Ranged

2 Focus

3 Discard

2 Resource


Which is correct and what do i do about it? :s

I expect every opponent I play against to have dice that match the card they're using. If you have a misprinted die and know about it, I would expect you not to use it. I would consider you knowing that you have a misprint and using it anyways to be cheating. You would be intentionally exploiting a misprint to increase your chance of rolling damage.

Yes, it stinks getting a misprinted die, but that's the way life is sometimes. Contact FFG and they'll send you out a replacement pack. They won't send you a replacement die. You effectively didn't get a Millennium Falcon.

If FFG does not replace it, I'd suggest marking the wrong side in some way so that you and your opponent both know that the 3 Ranged face with a blue dot on it is the 3 Discard side and the 3 Ranged face without the dot is the 3 Ranged.

As long as you are up front with me, your opponent, on the issue which FFG fails to rectify? Game on, I say!

I'd be totally ok with this for casual games, but I would expect this won't go over at some organized events.


I just got a millenium falcon in a booster.

The die shows

3 Ranged

3 Ranged

4 Ranged

2 Focus

2 Resource


The card shows

3 Ranged

4 Ranged

2 Focus

3 Discard

2 Resource


Which is correct and what do i do about it? :s

I expect every opponent I play against to have dice that match the card they're using. If you have a misprinted die and know about it, I would expect you not to use it. I would consider you knowing that you have a misprint and using it anyways to be cheating. You would be intentionally exploiting a misprint to increase your chance of rolling damage.

Yes, it stinks getting a misprinted die, but that's the way life is sometimes. Contact FFG and they'll send you out a replacement pack. They won't send you a replacement die. You effectively didn't get a Millennium Falcon.

If FFG does not replace it, I'd suggest marking the wrong side in some way so that you and your opponent both know that the 3 Ranged face with a blue dot on it is the 3 Discard side and the 3 Ranged face without the dot is the 3 Ranged.

As long as you are up front with me, your opponent, on the issue which FFG fails to rectify? Game on, I say!

I'd be totally ok with this for casual games, but I would expect this won't go over at some organized events.

Anything above Store Championships, I'd agree.

But I'd personally still not call for a DQ of my opponent if the facts were laid out even at those levels. Heck, if it were someone I knew and I was not running the Falcon, I'd let them borrow my correct die for the event.

I hope FFG accommodate misprinted dice within reason in their tournaments. It's not like they are proxy dice. It's dice you've opened in their product. As long as the opponent has a way to represent the correction that is agreeable to the judge, I don't see what the problem is.

I honestly see no reason FFG would not replace a mislabeled die if you send them the corrupted die first. They have replaced x wing stuff for far less good reason. It also becomes unexploitable if you have to send the crap die first.

It is their error not yours.

Edited by LordFajubi

I think FFG should just send a sticker for you to stick over the incorrect die side.

You;'d have to go through a lot of effort to get enough stickers to make a whole new die.

I'm really curious how FFG is going to address the dice misprints for tournaments. It's not the player's fault they opened a misprinted dice. I'm sure it's going to be addressed in the tournament FAQ when that shows up, but it's an interesting situation and I hope they make a good/fair decision on it.

If they rule that misprinted dice can't be used, they effectively rob players of cards they opened in packs that were paid for (yes, they were $4.00 packs, but that's not the point). Players are paying for a product that is supposed to be tournament legal from the moment they pay for it.

But if they instead allow misprinted dice to be used in tournaments, it could cause some power imbalance. In this instance, it seems like running this Millennium Falcon dice could be advantageous to the regular one, as you have more damage sides on it.

This is why it baffles me that FFG only sends a random pack instead of a replacement dice for the misprint. Maybe that will change in the future, but so far no signs of that happening just yet.

The packs may be $4, but the collectible nature of the game means that those $4 packs might have a misprinted dice that otherwise would be valuable both in game terms and in terms of actual resale value that's been stripped in both cases without possibility for replacement.

In effect, a longterm failure to deal with poor production quality assurance coupled with restrictive tournament rules that invalidate misprinted dice would, I think, be a grave mistake for FFG.

Someone brought it up earlier though, and it's an equally strong point, that if you're a serious tournament player and you get a misprinted die...if you're willing to spend the money to attend GenCon or Worlds in MN...then you're likely not all that concerned with forking out $15 to get a legit copy of the die that was misprinted if you need it that badly.

The packs may be $4, but the collectible nature of the game means that those $4 packs might have a misprinted dice that otherwise would be valuable both in game terms and in terms of actual resale value that's been stripped in both cases without possibility for replacement.

In effect, a longterm failure to deal with poor production quality assurance coupled with restrictive tournament rules that invalidate misprinted dice would, I think, be a grave mistake for FFG.

Someone brought it up earlier though, and it's an equally strong point, that if you're a serious tournament player and you get a misprinted die...if you're willing to spend the money to attend GenCon or Worlds in MN...then you're likely not all that concerned with forking out $15 to get a legit copy of the die that was misprinted if you need it that badly.

Edited by LordFajubi

Totally agree.