AT-ST errata needed?

By Nocturnus, in Star Wars: Destiny

I think the AT-ST needs an errata to make it a little more appealing:

"Discard ANOTHER support card from play"

Having to pay 6 resources is hard enough to accomplish. But having it destroyed by a cheap 2-resources "Cunning" (which is an ability, that cannot even be removed except by defeating the corresponding character) is just ridiculous . I don't like that buildt-in autodestruct in an expensive card like AT-ST, which has in itself no extraordinary dice-values to justify that. The AT-ST just bears too much punishment against itself... not knowing what future expansions will bring (but I bet, that there will be at least an event some day , which will be able to do exactly what cunning does).

This little change would surely not rise the AT-ST to the top cards, but a stylish Star Wars representative will see some light ...eeh, darkness, I mean. ;)

looks like you just had bad luck rolling a special with the AT-ST and you're opponent doing the same with cunning, next game target the yellow character before cunning is played

looks like you just had bad luck rolling a special with the AT-ST and you're opponent doing the same with cunning, next game target the yellow character before cunning is played

You don't have to roll your special for cunning to resolve it against you (according to a couple of responses I got when I asked in another thread).

I dunno if AT-ST needs errata-ing but at the moment I can't find a use for it, it's too expensive and too easy to negate with dice control.

you can remove cunning with disarm

add a bit of yellow to your deck?

nevermind, that's weapons and equipment only

Edited by executor

Cunning, just like any other Upgrade - ability, is a die and can be controlled with dice manipulation like any other die. If you consistently have issues with that card, you might consider running more control, or as someone else said, target their yellow character first :) . Cunning is a great card, but certainly not OP IMHO. Usually in decks with AT-ST, you are trying to Run n' Gun as much as possible and not control the flow of play, so its the risk you take.

Also, I do agree with you that AT-ST has its drawbacks, which is why I use it very sparingly. I only run 1 in my jango/Veers deck and I might still cut it entirely because of the steep cost.

Edited by alleyman

Personally I try to go 60% damage 40% control. It seems to do okay.

Cunning is just ONE card. I don't agree that errata is needed. I like that there is a way to counter an AT-ST.

Cunning is just ONE card. I don't agree that errata is needed. I like that there is a way to counter an AT-ST.

Not quite true: Surgical Strikes takes care of supports as well.

Cunning is just ONE card. I don't agree that errata is needed. I like that there is a way to counter an AT-ST.

Not quite true: Surgical Strikes takes care of supports as well.

that card really should be neutral not just hero

There is way's to deal with any card in the game, the question is do you have the counter in your deck and in you're hand atm, a big part of learning the game is how to deal with your opponents dice and still be able to push your own attacks either direct damage or controlling the dice or even mill your opponents deck/hand (I hate that grrr), every game is different and whats good about the game.

Edited by Torg

So let's take a look at what has to happen for cunning to kill the AT-ST (2 scenarios):

1. A yellow character must be in the deck.

2. Cunning must be in hand.

That is the things that must happen.

3A. Yellow character must be alive.

4A. Cunning has to be paid for and played.

5A. The special has to be rolled.

6A. You have to not have the special controlled while your opponent takes his action.


3B. Poe is in the deck and rolls a special. He resolves the cunning special side.

So in the more common A scenario, there were steps you could have taken to not allow cunning to kill your AT-ST. In the less common B scenario Poe did his thing.

So you're upset that your extremely strong card has a counter? That seems to be what I'm hearing unless I'm mistaken. Counters are part of the game.

Also the AT-ST die is quite strong. 5 damage for 1 is the highest in the game, only tied by launch bay where my opponent doesn't discard. So I would not say that the die has no extraordinary sides.

Also 6 resources is quite doable turn 2. I've seen crime lords go off on 2 and that takes 9.

Edited by Spector1331