Shoot First Rules Question

By Korrin, in Star Wars: Destiny

If someone could clarify for me, I'd appreciate it.

Can I remove an opponents ranged die if I don't have a ranged die of my own to resolve first?

I'm thinking no - because of the then statement, but I'm not certain.



Yes, you have it correct. You need to be able the first action on the card, and then you get to do the second. If that might not work for you, I recommend considering Electroshock as an alternative.

2 questions on Shoot First: Can I resolve a ranged modifier instead? Can I resolve a ranged die without paying associated resource costs?

2 questions on Shoot First: Can I resolve a ranged modifier instead? Can I resolve a ranged die without paying associated resource costs?

No and no, the word 'resolve' means you must obey the rules for RESOLVING DICE THROUGH CARDS, page 9.

2 questions on Shoot First: Can I resolve a ranged modifier instead? Can I resolve a ranged die without paying associated resource costs?

No and no, the word 'resolve' means you must obey the rules for RESOLVING DICE THROUGH CARDS, page 9.

This is correct. Just as an interesting point though, if the card said something like remove one of your ranged dice to remove one of theirs then you COULD remove a modifier. When a card has a printed damage symbol as a requirement then with or without the plus applies.

In your specific case though since it says resolve you can't use a modifier because you can't resolve a modifier by itself.

You can't use shoot first if you don't have a ranged die of your own to resolve? This seems wrong to me...

You can't use shoot first if you don't have a ranged die of your own to resolve? This seems wrong to me...

Sarcasm? (Its hard to tell sometimes in a text based media)

It's the "then" in the statement that makes removing an opponent's ranged damage unavailable.

If it said "Resolve one of your yellow dice showing ranged damage dice AND remove an opponent's die showing ranged damage", you would be able to do the second part without resolving the first.

Example: "Remove a die showing melee damage and give the attached character 1 shield"