Support - Vehicles

By IceQube MkII, in Star Wars: Destiny

Are folks making them work?

At the risk of getting Kylo'd... does the AT-ST (etc) hit hard enough when they come out (with all the dice manipulation effects)?

I've only gotten a few games in... but I've always liked Imperial vehicles from the movies.

The difficulty is that they cost a lot. No matter what deck you are running, If I spend 5 or 6 resources for one die, that die has to be as good as the 2 or 3 three dice my opponent got for his resources.

That's tough. Particularly because a lot of the die removal they packed is now going to be spent on that one super epic die. Right now, they just aren't good enough, I think. But Poe with Finn...........That's a deck that get real in a hurry if it ever gets even a tiny bit easier to find resources.

The difficulty is that they cost a lot. No matter what deck you are running, If I spend 5 or 6 resources for one die, that die has to be as good as the 2 or 3 three dice my opponent got for his resources.

That's tough. Particularly because a lot of the die removal they packed is now going to be spent on that one super epic die. Right now, they just aren't good enough, I think. But Poe with Finn...........That's a deck that get real in a hurry if it ever gets even a tiny bit easier to find resources.

Yeah, I have not yet faced a Poe/Finn deck, probably because of availability, but I would be too afraid to play it myself because there are a lot of people running Kylo decks. Also, the falcon and at-st are so expensive. It's easy to detect when a player is saving up for it, and you can save a few cards to deal with the die once it is in play, or try to roll resource disrupt to prevent them from getting it to the table.

with my general Veers deck, I only run two tie fighters, because they are relatively cheap, even though I don't think it is a good card. But with Veers ability and firepower, the TIE's can be made good, and I don't have to worry about saving up 6 resources, slowing my play down. An at-st, while game changing, has just as much a chance of being controlled into oblivion as it is a game winner, because it is a obvious target and it can be controlled like any other die can. I'd rather use those 6 resources on other controlling events and upgrades, since jango/veers is not as fast as other agro decks like evader/raider and eGrievous/(any villain char).

Edited by alleyman

@alleyman and @netace...

I totally agree and that's my reasoning too... in Magic, everybody wanted to play that 10/10 Leviathan but it never got played... it's a "win more" card. As my sensei taught me, the spinning roundhouse is cool but your opponent is probably already dead if you can connect. I guess that's why the jab is so good in boxing.

Also, along with slower play due to resources... you lose an action instead of upgrades.

I wish you could play on top of an old support. Perhaps, there's something in the pipe to help vehicle supports in the future?

The difficulty is that they cost a lot. No matter what deck you are running, If I spend 5 or 6 resources for one die, that die has to be as good as the 2 or 3 three dice my opponent got for his resources.

That's tough. Particularly because a lot of the die removal they packed is now going to be spent on that one super epic die. Right now, they just aren't good enough, I think. But Poe with Finn...........That's a deck that get real in a hurry if it ever gets even a tiny bit easier to find resources.

Yeah, I have not yet faced a Poe/Finn deck, probably because of availability, but I would be too afraid to play it myself because there are a lot of people running Kylo decks. Also, the falcon and at-st are so expensive. It's easy to detect when a player is saving up for it, and you can save a few cards to deal with the die once it is in play, or try to roll resource disrupt to prevent them from getting it to the table.

with my general Veers deck, I only run two tie fighters, because they are relatively cheap, even though I don't think it is a good card. But with Veers ability and firepower, the TIE's can be made good, and I don't have to worry about saving up 6 resources, slowing my play down. An at-st, while game changing, has just as much a chance of being controlled into oblivion as it is a game winner, because it is a obvious target and it can be controlled like any other die can. I'd rather use those 6 resources on other controlling events and upgrades, since jango/veers is not as fast as other agro decks like evader/raider and eGrievous/(any villain char).

I've run a Poe/Finn deck (aka my "Bro-mance" deck) and had Kylo's special hit the AT-ST twice before I finally discarded it for a reroll. I still came back to win that game as I got the Falcon out and it hits hard.

In another game, I hit Poe's special with Black 1 in hand and enough resources to play it after the special roll.

The key to that deck is to NOT rely on Poe's special. If you can get it to work perfectly, great. Otherwise, it's pure agro with blasters and jet packs, IMHO.

@alleyman and @netace...

I totally agree and that's my reasoning too... in Magic, everybody wanted to play that 10/10 Leviathan but it never got played... it's a "win more" card. As my sensei taught me, the spinning roundhouse is cool but your opponent is probably already dead if you can connect. I guess that's why the jab is so good in boxing.

Also, along with slower play due to resources... you lose an action instead of upgrades.

I wish you could play on top of an old support. Perhaps, there's something in the pipe to help vehicle supports in the future?

yeah, I'd like to see a 1 cost support to have action: exhaust this support to reduce the cost of one of your vehicles by 1. It comes into play exhausted.

The key to Poe/eFinn deck is to not plan on playing the ATST & Falcon ever. They are 4 cards that plan to be discarded with Poe's ability and hopefully you roll good. BUT you want to use Starship Graveyard so you keep getting them back to reroll. Use Hyperspace Jump in your deck to make sure you have Graveyard available.

You have dice control to play against Mind Probes and discards to not lose those 4 cards.


@alleyman and @netace...

I totally agree and that's my reasoning too... in Magic, everybody wanted to play that 10/10 Leviathan but it never got played... it's a "win more" card. As my sensei taught me, the spinning roundhouse is cool but your opponent is probably already dead if you can connect. I guess that's why the jab is so good in boxing.

Also, along with slower play due to resources... you lose an action instead of upgrades.

I wish you could play on top of an old support. Perhaps, there's something in the pipe to help vehicle supports in the future?

yeah, I'd like to see a 1 cost support to have action: exhaust this support to reduce the cost of one of your vehicles by 1. It comes into play exhausted.

I am curious as to why it would come into play exhausted? It wouldn't make your current turn any better. If you had a 5 cost vehicle in your hand you only have 4 resource available you pay one for the support card and then exhaust it you would still only be able to play a 4 cost vehicle. I could see if it was 1 cost for a 2 reduction that could come into play exhausted. Also if a card like that was made should it be unique?

I would like to see something similar to Backup muscle possibly something called "Jawa Trader" or something where it has 2-3 resources on it and you can exhaust it to gain a resource when there are no more resources on the card it leaves play. I really feel that this game is so diverse that we could see a couple cards that compliment each deck right now and be able to make a full set without even delving into new decks yet. The sky is the limit for this game.

@alleyman and @netace...

I totally agree and that's my reasoning too... in Magic, everybody wanted to play that 10/10 Leviathan but it never got played... it's a "win more" card. As my sensei taught me, the spinning roundhouse is cool but your opponent is probably already dead if you can connect. I guess that's why the jab is so good in boxing.

Also, along with slower play due to resources... you lose an action instead of upgrades.

I wish you could play on top of an old support. Perhaps, there's something in the pipe to help vehicle supports in the future?

yeah, I'd like to see a 1 cost support to have action: exhaust this support to reduce the cost of one of your vehicles by 1. It comes into play exhausted.

I am curious as to why it would come into play exhausted? It wouldn't make your current turn any better. If you had a 5 cost vehicle in your hand you only have 4 resource available you pay one for the support card and then exhaust it you would still only be able to play a 4 cost vehicle. I could see if it was 1 cost for a 2 reduction that could come into play exhausted. Also if a card like that was made should it be unique?

I would like to see something similar to Backup muscle possibly something called "Jawa Trader" or something where it has 2-3 resources on it and you can exhaust it to gain a resource when there are no more resources on the card it leaves play. I really feel that this game is so diverse that we could see a couple cards that compliment each deck right now and be able to make a full set without even delving into new decks yet. The sky is the limit for this game.

you are probably right, I was thinking on a whim. I thought a card to reduce the cost of vehicles could be really powerful, and maybe the card needed something to tone down the power level, since on future turns, you could get multiple vehicles out at a cheaper cost. I kinda like the reduction by 2 resources and the vehicle is exhausted for the turn for 1 resource cost...but that still might be too OP. I like your Jawa trader idea though. I never liked 'play the odds' much.

Edited by alleyman

poe lets you resolve one side of the dice. you don't have to roll it. or am I reading it wrong?

poe lets you resolve one side of the dice. you don't have to roll it. or am I reading it wrong?

Yes, he does, if he rolls his special, which has the potential to be super super good. But you could also roll nothing, and have a hand full of dead weight. Poe is a deck that is going have really swingy games. Either he rolls hot and he blows you out, or the whole thing just kinda fizzles out.

I try to get BB8 and(ideally)/or Comlink out on the first turn by rolling a resource with either Finn or Poe. If I don't get a BB8 or comlink in my first 5 its a total mulligan to fish for them. Between the focus they provide it takes a large amount of the swingyness out of Poe. There might be better cards suited for the task, but these are ones I have that are doing excellently in my deck at the moment.

I also like that there is no downside, because if I am able to get Tie, At-ST, or Falcon out later in the game I can still use those focus' to pump out big damage numbers.

Edit: I forgot to mention that I feel like strategic planning can help with the dice problems as well.

Edited by BrobaFett

Personally I really like support vehicles. They let you slow the pace of the game by giving you more actions to go through in a turn, which if paired with a Veers/Jango deck can give you more options. Pair that with Emperor's Throne Room and you could potentially use a FO Tie to rip shields away from an opponent who could try and turtle through the assault. Not sure how great it would work in practice actually, but it could be fun.

I think i have used the ties special maybe all of once or twice. Normally it gets rerolled because I would rather do 2 damage than remove 2 shields.

Now using Emperors throne room to play the Millenium Falcons special is something I have had fun with.

I try to get BB8 and(ideally)/or Comlink out on the first turn by rolling a resource with either Finn or Poe. If I don't get a BB8 or comlink in my first 5 its a total mulligan to fish for them. Between the focus they provide it takes a large amount of the swingyness out of Poe. There might be better cards suited for the task, but these are ones I have that are doing excellently in my deck at the moment.

I also like that there is no downside, because if I am able to get Tie, At-ST, or Falcon out later in the game I can still use those focus' to pump out big damage numbers.

Edit: I forgot to mention that I feel like strategic planning can help with the dice problems as well.

If your doing that what about Data Pad and/or Cunning as well. Do everything to increase your odds of using Poe.

The Poe/Finn deck I built for my son runs Datapad, Cunning, Comlink, and BB-8. He has had no problem getting the Falcon out, and it definitely does some work. It also runs one Tie Fighter, since it is a cheaper vehicle to get out. I have been trying to teach him the intricacies of using upgrade/support cards for re-rolls and then pulling them back with Starship Graveyard, but he hasn't quite caught on to that yet. I have to give him credit; he is only nine but is picking up the game pretty quick.

I think i have used the ties special maybe all of once or twice. Normally it gets rerolled because I would rather do 2 damage than remove 2 shields.

Now using Emperors throne room to play the Millenium Falcons special is something I have had fun with.

TIE's are a great counter to Han/Rey and qui-gonn decks

I think i have used the ties special maybe all of once or twice. Normally it gets rerolled because I would rather do 2 damage than remove 2 shields.

Now using Emperors throne room to play the Millenium Falcons special is something I have had fun with.

TIE's are a great counter to Han/Rey and qui-gonn decks

Any deck that uses shields. I've even seen people run shields with Jangobeers b/c of Hunker Down/Jetpack.


I think i have used the ties special maybe all of once or twice. Normally it gets rerolled because I would rather do 2 damage than remove 2 shields.

Now using Emperors throne room to play the Millenium Falcons special is something I have had fun with.

TIE's are a great counter to Han/Rey and qui-gonn decks

Any deck that uses shields. I've even seen people run shields with Jangobeers b/c of Hunker Down/Jetpack.


indeed, I run hunker down in my jango/veers deck. its super potent against other military decks.

Also, for me, I need to have a really good reason to not include hunker down in any deck that it technically can be inserted into. its such a good card that if you play it right, you can get a minimum of 2 shields for 0 cost.

Edited by alleyman

Originally ran 2 ties and 2 speeder scouts. After a few games of only getting one on the field, I dropped them for more blue upgrades.

My kylo/storm trooper deck has a few different ways to win, and vehicles can make those troopers sing.

Originally ran 2 ties and 2 speeder scouts. After a few games of only getting one on the field, I dropped them for more blue upgrades.

My kylo/storm trooper deck has a few different ways to win, and vehicles can make those troopers sing.

I recently added outpost to my jango/veers build as a cheaper speeder scout (as I run frozen wastes battlefield), with concerns to the speeder bike's special ability. true, I don't get the extra action...but it is more cost effective and I like the die sides.. (getting to turn to 2 resource disrupt is really handy when this deck doesn't have much resource deprivation)

so I'm running 1x TIE fighter, x2 Outpost's, and x1 AT-ST (which I might cut).

Edited by alleyman

Destiny is only my side game (x-wing for life) so I'm just sorta feeling out what works and what doesn't.

Didn't need 4 vehicles, but kylo needed some more support upgrades to make the ones that do come up work a little better