Incom UT-60D [Fan Stat-Block]

By TallonHunteR, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I made an unofficial stat block for the U-Wing using Oggdude's data editor. I kitbashed the ETA shuttle and x and y wings, and tweaked it a bit to make it feel right.


There'a another tthread about the U-wing, and most people there suggest that it's a silhouette 3 ship, smilar to the HWK-290 in size, and some suggest that one week of consumables seems more appropriate. It looks like it's short range ship.

As for the rest everything seems ok, i'd just give linked 1 to the laser cannons. Maybe specify if the autoblaster has personal scale or vehicle scale damage, as vehicle scale against npc can be utterly devastating. Maybe you can use the blaster from the Ground Buzzer attachment in fly casual that's a personal scale weapon with 12 damage, crit 3 medium range, auto fire and pierce 2