Jango/Veers Counter

By helmickjc21, in Star Wars: Destiny

Ive noticed a lot of players at my local store wunning Jango/Veers to much success. The damage output potential is hard to overcome for a lot of players and I was hoping to see if anyone has had any success playing against it or if you play Jango/Veers what you think the decks weaknesses are or what matchups concern you.

Jango and Veers need resources to get the most out of their abilities. Disrupt and Discard. When playing against this type of deck, concentrate on keeping it poor.

I've beaten it with Trooper/Dooku/Jango which I think is also strong. Kill Jango fast. He dies Veers follows shortly.

Jango and Veers need resources to get the most out of their abilities. Disrupt and Discard. When playing against this type of deck, concentrate on keeping it poor.

Most of the ones I've seen that do well actually have a very shallow cost curve

Ideally, you want to have reasonable early game damage on your end and enough health to outlast them (a 4 dice 3-character deck could do well). I think denial/control gameplay will be a little inconsistent, since the strength of Jango/Veers is that they need to do very little other than roll their dice and resolve ranged damage -- even extreme disruption, discards, or dice control will struggle with the fact that they generate reliable and consistent damage. You can also include a few cards designed to handle that matchup -- Dodge is a very potent one, but even something like Deflect or Hunker Down will give you a slight edge.

I think Veers is the optimal first target here, actually -- he does more damage than Jango, and has less health. Upgrades and shields will effect that decision from game to game, but I'd be inclined to go for Veers first.

Damage supports(tie figher, scout bike, atst, launch bay, falcon) and passing, force Jango to activate as an action so you can mitigate his dice is the key. Do not activate a char if he is ready. Combine this with dodge and dice control events. Jango's power is his 1-2 punch activating and spending dice before you can mitigate.

Edited by Crikrunners

eQGJ/eRey is good against this deck b/c of the shields it outputs. And blue has a lot of good dice mitigation (especially against Ranged damage).


I think 3 or 4 character lists are good against it. I run Veers/Jango and made a mono blue Rebels list and it did very well against Veers/Jango. I think haveing an extra character to take the damage is huge. We played 4 games and twice Jango/Veers killed a Padawan round 1 which seemed really bad but having 2 more characters made it tolerable. I think having 3 or 4 characters gives you that many more of the super high damage rounds to live. Basically Veers/Jango comes down to RNG and making them have great rounds more often causes problems.

Basically Veers/Jango comes down to RNG and making them have great rounds more often causes problems.

Same issue with Grievous/Dooku

Sure, SOMETIMES Grievous absolutely obliterates a character per turn... sometimes he feels it's more important to haul boxes, or pick his cybernetic nose for a while.

eQGJ/eRey is good against this deck b/c of the shields it outputs. And blue has a lot of good dice mitigation (especially against Ranged damage).


Deflect! :wub:

I personally would play Jango/Trooperx2 into it,

Jango and Veers need resources to get the most out of their abilities. Disrupt and Discard. When playing against this type of deck, concentrate on keeping it poor.

Most of the ones I've seen that do well actually have a very shallow cost curve

Couldn't be too cheap. There are 5 Support cards in the game with dice (That a Villain can use): AT-ST (6), FO TIE (3), Black Market (3), Outpost (2) and Speeder Bike (3). Veers needs one of these out in play to take advantage of his ability. It can be hard to stop upgrades and supports from coming out that cost 2 or less. There is only one such support; Outpost. It has no damage sides. It does have a focus side and its special lets you play the battlefield as if you claimed it.

Jango and Veers need resources to get the most out of their abilities. Disrupt and Discard. When playing against this type of deck, concentrate on keeping it poor.

Most of the ones I've seen that do well actually have a very shallow cost curve

Couldn't be too cheap. There are 5 Support cards in the game with dice (That a Villain can use): AT-ST (6), FO TIE (3), Black Market (3), Outpost (2) and Speeder Bike (3). Veers needs one of these out in play to take advantage of his ability. It can be hard to stop upgrades and supports from coming out that cost 2 or less. There is only one such support; Outpost. It has no damage sides. It does have a focus side and its special lets you play the battlefield as if you claimed it.

People aren't running Veers to use his ability. They're running him because he has a 50% chance of rolling 1-2 ranged damage per die, which is magnificent for his price, and makes him a great partner for Jango when it comes to rushing damage.

Personally, I find it very disappointing that his actual "Action" ability is so underwhelming compared to his raw damage. Using him to manipulate supports is a late-game move and usually a waste of time.

Edited by Tvayumat

People aren't running Veers to use his ability. They're running him because he has a 50% chance of rolling 1-2 ranged damage per die, which is magnificent for his price, and makes him a great partner for Jango when it comes to rushing damage.

Personally, I find it very disappointing that his actual "Action" ability is so underwhelming compared to his raw damage. Using him to manipulate supports is a late-game move and usually a waste of time.

Interesting. I have a Jango/Veers deck that I've stuffed with 2 TIEs, 2 Speeders, and am now placing a AT-ST in it. Chances of getting one out opening round are pretty good the way I play the deck. Maybe it isn't the BEST way to play the deck, but it sure is a lot of fun. :D

Edited by Stone37

People aren't running Veers to use his ability. They're running him because he has a 50% chance of rolling 1-2 ranged damage per die, which is magnificent for his price, and makes him a great partner for Jango when it comes to rushing damage.

Personally, I find it very disappointing that his actual "Action" ability is so underwhelming compared to his raw damage. Using him to manipulate supports is a late-game move and usually a waste of time.

Interesting. I have a Jango/Veers deck that I've stuffed with 2 TIEs, 2 Speeders, and am now placing a AT-ST in it. Chances of getting one out opening round are pretty good the way I play the deck. Maybe it isn't the BEST way to play the deck, but it sure is a lot of fun. :D

I like the cut of your jib.

Jango and Veers need resources to get the most out of their abilities. Disrupt and Discard. When playing against this type of deck, concentrate on keeping it poor.

Most of the ones I've seen that do well actually have a very shallow cost curve

Couldn't be too cheap. There are 5 Support cards in the game with dice (That a Villain can use): AT-ST (6), FO TIE (3), Black Market (3), Outpost (2) and Speeder Bike (3). Veers needs one of these out in play to take advantage of his ability. It can be hard to stop upgrades and supports from coming out that cost 2 or less. There is only one such support; Outpost. It has no damage sides. It does have a focus side and its special lets you play the battlefield as if you claimed it.

I'm with Tvayumat. I don't run any supports with dice in my jango/veers deck. It's all about getting out upgrades and rolling out as much ranged damage as I can from the 2 characters.

Most Veers/Jango just uses Veers for ranged damage.

If you have a few tanks against this deck, constant reliable shield generators, you'll run a good chance of out temptoing them and while they fissile out of action, you'll have only grown in strength.

The most successful Jango Veers deck I've used doesn't really care very much what Veers text is. Might as well be blank. It cares a whole lot more that he has 3 ranged damage sides. Putting one gun out and rolling for the throat is how the deck wants to go.

If you have a few tanks against this deck, constant reliable shield generators...

General Veers knows just how to handle shield generators...

Target; maximum firepower!


Edited by Tvayumat

If you have a few tanks against this deck, constant reliable shield generators...

General Veers knows just how to handle shield generators...

Target; maximum firepower! hb70atatcp.jpg

Thats why you at least run FO TIE.


Jango and Veers need resources to get the most out of their abilities. Disrupt and Discard. When playing against this type of deck, concentrate on keeping it poor.

Most of the ones I've seen that do well actually have a very shallow cost curve

Couldn't be too cheap. There are 5 Support cards in the game with dice (That a Villain can use): AT-ST (6), FO TIE (3), Black Market (3), Outpost (2) and Speeder Bike (3). Veers needs one of these out in play to take advantage of his ability. It can be hard to stop upgrades and supports from coming out that cost 2 or less. There is only one such support; Outpost. It has no damage sides. It does have a focus side and its special lets you play the battlefield as if you claimed it.

People aren't running Veers to use his ability. They're running him because he has a 50% chance of rolling 1-2 ranged damage per die, which is magnificent for his price, and makes him a great partner for Jango when it comes to rushing damage.

Personally, I find it very disappointing that his actual "Action" ability is so underwhelming compared to his raw damage. Using him to manipulate supports is a late-game move and usually a waste of time.

until you get that AT-ST out and laugh at your opponent once it blows them to bits with that 5 range damage every round.. it bloody sucks. I've been on the receiving end of it

until you get that AT-ST out and laugh at your opponent once it blows them to bits with that 5 range damage every round.. it bloody sucks. I've been on the receiving end of it

It also bloody sucks when they Cunning your AT-ST :-D


I've had success with eKylo/Trooper/Raider mostly because I get to bring Blue, Red, and Yellow upgrades and events. Lightsabers on Raiders. Flamethrower on the Trooper. I even put Grenades on Kylo once.

Add to it the extra damage a 3 character list can take (21 points vs 26) and the magnitude of damage drop-off when Jango or Veers dies.

Damage supports(tie figher, scout bike, atst, launch bay, falcon) and passing, force Jango to activate as an action so you can mitigate his dice is the key. Do not activate a char if he is ready. Combine this with dodge and dice control events. Jango's power is his 1-2 punch activating and spending dice before you can mitigate.

Couldn't your opponent just pass until you play a character?

I personally would play Jango/Trooperx2 into it,

The main problem with that is the dice don't match as well. Veers lacks the resource costs that troopers have and has one less blank too.