General Veers Action Card

By Leobarron2000, in Star Wars: Rebellion

Question: This dovetails my original question on using two action cards

If you recall, General Veers is on two cards. Let's say he activates a system and moves his units into to attack. He plays his action card, which does not allow them to escape. This action card also happens to be the same card with Admiral Piett's picture.

Then Veers play his other action card which is target shield generator, since he's already in the system.

Is that a legal move?

Offhand, I don't see why not. Unless there's a rule that states only one action card can be played in the window or something, but I don't recall that being the case.

I've replied to your other thread, but according to my cards General Veers is not on the "Keep Them From Escaping" action card. If he was, then the sequence of events you describe would work just fine. Nonetheless, the answer to the actual question -- can you use multiple action cards -- is yes. Nothing prevents you from using multiple action cards, so long as the heroes are already in the system. This means you could use both Ready for Action and Target the Generator in one combat, to move Veers to a system from the leader pool and then destroy a structure. If you had other leaders in the system, you could also play their action cards as well. Hope this is helpful!