Crafting a Jet Pack

By FinarinPanjoro, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

One of my players wants to build a custom jet pack.

I'm inclined to use the Gadget crafting rules on page 84 of Special Modifications.

Jet pack is in the Tools section of EotE after all.

But it's also sort of a vehicle, so I'm not sure if that's appropriate.

It seems like they should be able to spend advantage/triumph to add hard points to it.

I'm open to any thoughts, suggestions, or experiences anyone would care to share.



A jetpack doesn't have hardpoints and there are no mods for it, unless you want to allow vehicle mods, which really doesn't make much sense. Armor mods also lead to a situation where you're basically just wearing a second suit of armor, and it would beg the question if a really well crafted backpack should just give you more armor hardpoints as well then.

What might be an option is not allowing the player to craft a jetpack, but instead use the armor crafting rules from Keeping the Peace and allow the player to create a suit of armor that has an inbuilt jetpack if they manage to roll the "Integral Attachment" quality, and pay the 4500c in parts for the jetpack. At that point the armor can be modded as the rules of that armor allow, and is simply considered as always having a jetpack built in, like you could make a suit of power armor with jets in the boots like Ironman or something.

The idea for the hard points came from listening to the Order 66 Podcast where they mention specifically using Tinkerer to give a hardpoint to a non-standard piece of equipment (such as a Jet Pack).

I was thinking vehicle attachments (though of course only a few would even make sense, several from Fly Casual come to mind: Autopilot Droid Brain, Nightshadow Coating, Whisperthrust Engine, etc), plus I'd allow a Hard point to mount a personal scale weapon (like Boba Fett's Jet Pack Missile).

Using the Integral Attachment option is an interesting idea (though a Jet Pack is not technically an attachment). It's certainly no stranger than allowing a hard point on the Jet Pack itself. But it's really hard to achieve given the need for double triumphs on the roll.

I might be kicking up dust on this when an answer may appear any day when No Disintegrations arrives :)

It sounds like what you're looking for is investment in the INVENTIVE CREATION Signature Ability for the Technician career.

You really don't want a jetpack that stops working at the end of the scene while you fly off into the sunset. :lol:

I have to agree that would be a heck of a drawback, but I do appreciate the suggestion!