The Unwanted or The Power of Commons and Unpopular Rares

By Stone37, in Star Wars: Destiny

You make this awesome post about budget decks... but then you use Qui Gon Jin - who, aside of Vader, is the only card I have not yet opened in almost 4 boxes.

I don't know why Qui Gon eludes me, but I'm probably going to have to trade for him at some point. Mostly because I love Liam Neeson.

It's because I have them all... 5x Qui Gon's for me.

I'm working on a similar list, but with 2 Sisters and 2 Troopers. I'm throwing in a datapad that I pulled, because the extra blank faces also synergize with PotDS. Drudge Work and Squad Tactics are all-stars here. Do you have an IQA-11? It's the ranged equivalent to the lightsaber, and does solid damage for 3 monies. I might swap out the speeder or a TIE for one (I'm starting to dislike supports that cost an action).

I decided to go with 3 Troopers because they are great with PotDS and I don't really care about the discard side of the Nightsister die (normally I do, but not in this deck, I'm going for fast damage instead) As for the IQA-11, I wanted to include 1 or 2 at first because it's a great weapon, but a stormtrooper can go down really fast and the IQA doesn't have redeploy, so if I'm paying 3 points for a die, I prefer it to be for a support that I know will be there for the whole game.

Normally I don't really like supports, I agree with you that it's usually better to take those ressources to give an upgrade to one of your unit and save an action by activating it with the character, but in a 4 characters deck, I have to accept that I won't be able to claim most of the time, so taking yet one more action to activate the support doesn't hurt that much. In fact, I try to play with it and take as much my time as possible: my opponent act fast, I react if possible, and then I take my time to do my things. That's why I went with the Mos Eisley Spaceport: that's the battlefield that will probably have the less impact on the game.

Concerning Drudge Work, I'll admit that when I first looked at the card, I tought it was not that great. But having now played a couple of games with it, it's a wonderful support that helps you bring your big gun faster, or get that missing ressource to resolve your damage die. A must have in any stormtrooper deck.