The Unwanted or The Power of Commons and Unpopular Rares

By Stone37, in Star Wars: Destiny

So I sat down the other day to build a deck with nothing but left overs. No Legendary and none of the popular Rare dice cards that are demanding top dollar. Instead, I used mostly common and easy to find uncommon cards. Here's the deck:

1x Leia Organa

2x Qui-Gon Jinn

Battlefield: Echo Base


2x Defensive Stance

2x Deflect

2x Heroism

1x Return of the Jedi

2x Riposte

2x Defensive Position

2x Dug In

2x Field Medic

2x Hit and Run

2x Natural Talent

2x It's a Trap


2x Resistance HQ


2x Force Protection

2x Jedi Robes

2x Survival Gear

1x Rey's Staff

I've played the list three times now and it has run over most lists. QGJ rarely takes damage and Leia has only been defeated once (and it was at the very end of the game). The deck centers around cheap cards that remove die, turn an opponent's dice against them, and gain shields/heal damage. It is a fast deck that will keep control of the battlefield and QGJ's ability will activate many times per round.

I'm posting this list to make a point. You don't need to spend hundreds of dollars to build good decks in this game. If I priced this list out via the singles market (CSG) it would cost $41.32.

Post your under $50 list. No legendary cards allowed.

Is the primary damage mechanic going to be Qui-Gon? It doesn't look like you have much else in there. I worry that the deck will suffer is Qui-Gon is targeted. If I can attack and strip his shields, you'll have to burn two action to start dealing damage again... one to give him shields and then another one to give him shields where you remove a shield for damage. I'd totally ignore Leia and focus on burning Qui-Gon to the ground.

Is the primary damage mechanic going to be Qui-Gon? It doesn't look like you have much else in there. I worry that the deck will suffer is Qui-Gon is targeted. If I can attack and strip his shields, you'll have to burn two action to start dealing damage again... one to give him shields and then another one to give him shields where you remove a shield for damage. I'd totally ignore Leia and focus on burning Qui-Gon to the ground.

Going into my first game, that was a concern of mine. You'll notice I have several cards that remove dice or even turn opponents dice against them. I also have TONS of ways of getting shields and many of my dice have focus sides. QGJ also has a 2 melee side. With Lei's ability and my late game focus dice, I can pull out 2 QGJ dice that show 2 melee damage each if needed.

Targeting QGJ is easier said than done. This deck keeps my opponent poor (thanks to Resistance HQ) and guessing. Cards like Deflect, Heroism, Riposte, and Field Medic make it very difficult for my opponent to focus fire successfully on either character.

Mh, so its bad that the first deck I wanted to build in Destiny (cards finally arriving tomorrow) was a control/anti aggro EQuigon/Leia deck?
I played a few rounds with borrowed cards and generally play TCGs for around 20 years, I felt that Qui Gon and Leia (maybe better Ackbar?) match up really nice and can produce a somewhat resourceful and stable board very quick.

Destroying resourced, ending power-turns prematurely and always stacking up on shields looked like a solid strategy (that I don't see utilized often right now). The Deck is low on burst damage but has consistent damage every round.

I felt that Qui Gon and Leia (maybe better Ackbar?) match up really nice and can produce a somewhat resourceful and stable board very quick.

Leia is the better choice for my deck. Whatever she rolls is really only icing on the cake. She's there to reroll QGJ's dice if they go flat.

Ackbar and Padme make for a potentially great pair. It would be a great mill deck! You could even make room for Rey or a Padwane to get the milling power of Blue in there! Sounds like my next cheap deck project...

I don't see where the damage is coming from. You played it... 3 times?

I don't see where the damage is coming from. You played it... 3 times?

And that's why this deck is so cheap to put together. Players are only looking at the obvious right now. These cards combined create a steady stream of damage and make it very hard to bring in and use high value sided dice.

Edited by Stone37

If you say so. I've already played against a shield-heavy QGJ deck, and I crushed it with a modified Kylo starter. If your general premise is that you can build a functional deck out of janky rares and commons (i.e. your booster pulls) then I wholly agree. The next few games I play are going to be with a modified Rey starter: I'm subbing one Rey die for a Padawan, tossing in the blue upgrades from the Kylo starter, and adding a few It Binds All Things. People need to understand that you don't need to dump a lot of money into boosters to have fun with your deck.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

I like the idea, but with so few upgrades, you are really vulnerable to dice control. Cards like Flank, Negotiate, Isolation, etc. Making inexpensive decks is admirable, but this one looks easily thwarted by the basic strategy of control.

I'd include more cards from the starter, like Force Throw and Lightsaber. You aren't adding to the cost of the deck, since everyone probably has the cards already. And you are greatly decreasing the weakness of lack of dice.

So things like Vader/Raider, Han/Rey, Trooper/Dooku/Jango, Veers/Jango, Luke/Ackbar, Mono blue Hero are all going to give that deck fits. Also I don't see that deck having enough aggro to handle heavy control mill/crime lord decks. There are a reason the those cards aren't expensive and are unwanted. They just aren't very good.

All grand and wonderful criticisms of my cheap deck gang, but where is yours? The point of my list is to show how cheap a new player can build a decent deck.

Also, this deck just went 3 and 1 against a Vader/Jabba deck this evening.

Edited by Stone37

I like the idea, you could put together a pair of characters and smash into them a whole mess of commons that are surplus. The fact that you are finding the deck competitive is just a bonus.

I have a couple of mates that wouldn't get into the game because they can not afford the buy in, with a deck like this they could always add a few boosters and build a very enjoyable deck.

I think I'll build two such decks, I may have to leave it for a day or two but went I do I'll post them up here.

I like the idea of this thread a lot. As an MtG player I always looked for budget decks that I could put together cheaply for a Friday night in with a mate and beers. I know those decks were never going to win a pro tour but cheap, fun, playable decks is exactly where I am at. I'm working on a few ideas so will post when I have something I have played with and priced up.

Edited by scrozzers

The Deck is low on burst damage but has consistent damage every round.

If you say so. I've already played against a shield-heavy QGJ deck, and I crushed it with a modified Kylo starter. If your general premise is that you can build a functional deck out of janky rares and commons (i.e. your booster pulls) then I wholly agree. The next few games I play are going to be with a modified Rey starter: I'm subbing one Rey die for a Padawan, tossing in the blue upgrades from the Kylo starter, and adding a few It Binds All Things. People need to understand that you don't need to dump a lot of money into boosters to have fun with your deck.

Funny i am theorycrafting one of those myself. I was trying to build a decent deck just from the two starters but realised i had to add another cheap character so i added a Padawan.

I was not thinking about adding any more cards but It Binds All Things sounds like a solid addition.

Well here is what i was currently working on.

Total Cards: (30)
Character: (30/30)
1x Finn (Awakenings)
1x Padawan (Awakenings)
1x Rey (Awakenings)
1x Starship Graveyard (Awakenings)
Event: (17)
2x Aim (Awakenings)
1x Block (Awakenings)
2x Close Quarters Assault (Awakenings)
1x Daring Escape (Awakenings)
1x Disturbance in the Force (Awakenings)
1x Dodge (Awakenings)
1x Draw Attention (Awakenings)
2x Flank (Awakenings)
1x Heroism (Awakenings)
2x Take Cover (Awakenings)
1x Unpredictable (Awakenings)
2x Use the Force (Awakenings)
Support: (4)
2x Awakening (Awakenings)
1x BB-8 (Awakenings)
1x First Order TIE Fighter (Awakenings)
Upgrade: (9)
2x F-11D Rifle (Awakenings)
1x Force Throw (Awakenings)
1x Infantry Grenades (Awakenings)
1x Jedi Robes (Awakenings)
2x Lightsaber (Awakenings)
1x Mind Probe (Awakenings)
1x Rey’s Staff (Awakenings)
There is not much wiggle room if you just use the two differnet starters and don't like Let The Wookiee Win.
Cards that were not used but were legal choices: Block, Dodge, Let the Wookiee Win
Not sure what cards i would drop for It Binds All Things but Infantry Grenades (not really a fan but better than Let The Wookiee Win) might be the first to go.
Edited by Reaver027

Infantry Grenades ... might be the first to go.

They probably should be, seeing as they're Villain Gray in a Hero deck. :P

Here's a team I'm currently playing with that is not using a lot of premium cards. There's only the Holdout Blaster that is worth a lot in that deck, other than that, most cards can be found in the starter pack or easily traded for.

The idea of the deck is to accept that your troopers will die, so you invest in Supports and upgrade with Redeploy to keep the pressure on the enemy. Drudge Work is impressive how it can help you get your supports or upgrades out faster. I didn't include an AT-ST because you need to keep your ressources for Endless rank instead when needed.

Character: (29/30)

3x First Order Stormtrooper (Awakenings)

1x Nightsister (Awakenings)


1x Mos Eisley Spaceport (Awakenings)

Event: (13)

2x Cannon Fodder (Awakenings)

2x Endless Ranks (Awakenings)

2x Firepower (Awakenings)

2x Flank (Awakenings)

2x Logistics (Awakenings)

2x Squad Tactics (Awakenings)

1x The Best Defense... (Awakenings)

Support: (8)

2x Drudge Work (Awakenings)

2x First Order TIE Fighter (Awakenings)

2x Power of the Dark Side (Awakenings)

2x Speeder Bike Scout (Awakenings)

Upgrade: (9)

1x DH-17 Blaster Pistol (Awakenings)

2x F-11D Rifle (Awakenings)

2x Holdout Blaster (Awakenings)

2x Infantry Grenades (Awakenings)

2x Promotion (Awakenings)

Great list suggestion. I'm willing to bet this too would fit in under $50 through the singles market.

I'm working on a similar list, but with 2 Sisters and 2 Troopers. I'm throwing in a datapad that I pulled, because the extra blank faces also synergize with PotDS. Drudge Work and Squad Tactics are all-stars here. Do you have an IQA-11? It's the ranged equivalent to the lightsaber, and does solid damage for 3 monies. I might swap out the speeder or a TIE for one (I'm starting to dislike supports that cost an action).

If you say so. I've already played against a shield-heavy QGJ deck, and I crushed it with a modified Kylo starter. If your general premise is that you can build a functional deck out of janky rares and commons (i.e. your booster pulls) then I wholly agree. The next few games I play are going to be with a modified Rey starter: I'm subbing one Rey die for a Padawan, tossing in the blue upgrades from the Kylo starter, and adding a few It Binds All Things. People need to understand that you don't need to dump a lot of money into boosters to have fun with your deck.

Funny i am theorycrafting one of those myself. I was trying to build a decent deck just from the two starters but realised i had to add another cheap character so i added a Padawan.

I was not thinking about adding any more cards but It Binds All Things sounds like a solid addition.

Well here is what i was currently working on.

Total Cards: (30)

Character: (30/30)

1x Finn (Awakenings)

1x Padawan (Awakenings)

1x Rey (Awakenings)


1x Starship Graveyard (Awakenings)

Event: (17)

2x Aim (Awakenings)

1x Block (Awakenings)

2x Close Quarters Assault (Awakenings)

1x Daring Escape (Awakenings)

1x Disturbance in the Force (Awakenings)

1x Dodge (Awakenings)

1x Draw Attention (Awakenings)

2x Flank (Awakenings)

1x Heroism (Awakenings)

2x Take Cover (Awakenings)

1x Unpredictable (Awakenings)

2x Use the Force (Awakenings)

Support: (4)

2x Awakening (Awakenings)

1x BB-8 (Awakenings)

1x First Order TIE Fighter (Awakenings)

Upgrade: (9)

2x F-11D Rifle (Awakenings)

1x Force Throw (Awakenings)

1x Infantry Grenades (Awakenings)

1x Jedi Robes (Awakenings)

2x Lightsaber (Awakenings)

1x Mind Probe (Awakenings)

1x Rey’s Staff (Awakenings)

There is not much wiggle room if you just use the two differnet starters and don't like Let The Wookiee Win.

Cards that were not used but were legal choices: Block, Dodge, Let the Wookiee Win

Not sure what cards i would drop for It Binds All Things but Infantry Grenades (not really a fan but better than Let The Wookiee Win) might be the first to go.

I'd also toss in a Force Training, if you have one. It's not restricted to blue characters, and has split damage types (ranged for Finn),

I'd also toss in a Force Training, if you have one. It's not restricted to blue characters, and has split damage types (ranged for Finn),

It's only five bucks. Not including what I own from the starters, I'm trying to keep by budget decks under 15.

Infantry Grenades ... might be the first to go.

They probably should be, seeing as they're Villain Gray in a Hero deck. :P

That makes a lot of sense ^^ If was so sure they were red.

You make this awesome post about budget decks... but then you use Qui Gon Jin - who, aside of Vader, is the only card I have not yet opened in almost 4 boxes.

I don't know why Qui Gon eludes me, but I'm probably going to have to trade for him at some point. Mostly because I love Liam Neeson.

He trained the Batmans!