Kylo Vader

By Lian, in Star Wars: Destiny

Give me some blue mono list Kylo vader and that I can fit for a tournament? I need some advice

Don't Kylo and Vader mismatch in thier abilities, Kylo wants cards in your hand while Vader takes them with pleasure?

Don't Kylo and Vader mismatch in thier abilities, Kylo wants cards in your hand while Vader takes them with pleasure?

Kylo's ability only needs 1 card in the opponent's hand.

Don't Kylo and Vader mismatch in thier abilities, Kylo wants cards in your hand while Vader takes them with pleasure?

Kylo's ability only needs 1 card in the opponent's hand.

And typically, since Vader leaves the discard up to your opponent, your opponent will actually thin his own hand out of his "weaker" cards whole holding onto the more valuable (and hopefully more expensive!) ones. Vader's ability is also optional, so if you really want to leverage Mind Probe you can elect not to have your opponent discard.

Wouldn't an opponent discard his pricier stuff if he has the choice?

Wouldn't an opponent discard his pricier stuff if he has the choice?

Depends. Generallyt he pricier stuff is rather good upgrades or supports that they may not want to discard because they want to PLAY them. If you already have a kylo die on it's special side it might make a difference for their decision.

Wouldn't an opponent discard his pricier stuff if he has the choice?

Depends. Generallyt he pricier stuff is rather good upgrades or supports that they may not want to discard because they want to PLAY them. If you already have a kylo die on it's special side it might make a difference for their decision.

Basically, this. Even if they do ditch an expensive card, that may be working to your favor in the long run anyways... so it's kind of a win-win. In my experience, Vader's discard is triggering before I roll Kylo or modify his dice into a special.