Did Sandy Mitchell ever finish that Dark Heresy novel series?

By ThenDoctor, in Dark Heresy General Discussion

Or was there ever any word on it's continuing or cancellation?

No, they are unfinished. I remember reading somewhere else online that he had spoken to someone at a convention or something and relayed what the next part would have been. Since it went from Black Library to FFG, he couldn't continue the series.

It was a darn good series and I wanted to really follow those characters further.

~ alemander

I plan on picking them up anyway to grab setting stuff for the Calaxis Sector, that stinks though.

Any way you might be able to find the discussion about what they mentioned the next thing would've been?

No, they are unfinished. I remember reading somewhere else online that he had spoken to someone at a convention or something and relayed what the next part would have been. Since it went from Black Library to FFG, he couldn't continue the series.

It was a darn good series and I wanted to really follow those characters further.

~ alemander

I actually had a natter to him at a black library weekender - apparently he gets asked the question quite often.

The short version is that it involves enslavers - apparently the idea that enslaver incursions was a bit of the background they wanted to bring back in the Calixis RPGs before it turned up in print in the Storm Wardens' background in Deathwatch.

He essentially wrote out the plotline, but never wrote the manuscript per se, because, as noted, once Dark Heresy ceased being a black library property they wouldn't commission stories for it.

Man, I wish FFG had gotten him the chance to finish it.

If we can get 8 Arkham Horror novels you'd figure you could get 1 Dark heresy novel under their publishing.

I can't imagine GW would've cared overly much since they were already allowing them to make the game.

Do you remember if he mentioned much about what the plotline would be?

Edited by ThenDoctor