Destiny OP - anyone heard any news?

By FSD, in Star Wars: Destiny

If this game got into a BAN list then it dead game for me. That is the moment I stop buying product and sell everything I own. I cant stand games that have a BAN list. It sucks buying packs and the rare is a banned card. This is why I only play standard in MTG don't have to deal with a banned or restricted list.

How do you play standard in MTG if you sold everything you owned?

If this game got into a BAN list then it dead game for me. That is the moment I stop buying product and sell everything I own. I cant stand games that have a BAN list. It sucks buying packs and the rare is a banned card. This is why I only play standard in MTG don't have to deal with a banned or restricted list.

How do you play standard in MTG if you sold everything you owned?

standard is only the past 2 years of sets before they rotate out, although i've been out of mtg for a few years now, i heard the rotation sped up a bit now so it might be sooner than 2 years

just to weigh my opinion, FFG has had a pretty bad track record for not play testing enough of their upcoming product before they release it usually ending up with broken ships (the phantom from X wing was their largest offender from what i can recall) so i think it's a fair assumption to say that it's going to happen sooner rather than later that we will end up with some broken combos. Unless of course FFG has learned a few things and started hiring on more play testers and spending more time analyzing cards and combos to find those broken combos before they happen

i'm sure even then some will slip through the cracks but as long as they try their best to keep it minimal i think this game will last a long while

I think we absolutely need to hear/see something by mid-January. Going beyond that with a slightly scarce product and little OP push wouldn't bode well for a game just starting.

Why? If a lot of folks couldn't get product until January why would Mid-January be a time limiting factor? Pushing the product into the hands of as many people as possible is the first priority. After all, not everyone who buys the game will want to play competitively and many of the folks who DO probably don't have all the product they want to get their hands on at this time anyway.

I agree they'll want to roll it out as soon as they can, but I don't think mid-January is a key milestone for success or failure given how insanely well the product seems to be selling.


Broken combos are going to happen in any game system. M:TG isn't immune from it and they've been at it for over 20 years. Experience matters and the lessons learned from the LCGs along with the lessons learned about OP in the past 3 years by FFG are going to certainly help them, but I wouldn't judge a system based on the ban list in competitive play.

I think the thing that FFG is going to struggle with is how to handle set rotation since that's something they've not done effectively in LCGs making competitive play a bear to enter once a game has been out a few years with the corresponding $300 -$400 price tag to "get up to speed" on product. How they do the balance between card/dice pool and time in rotation is probably the biggest threat to competitive play being viable.

If they rotate too soon without enough product in the cycle, then folks will argue that it's too expensive because your initial buys for the cycle are too high to ensure you get enough product quickly enough and then the cycled out content is useless too quickly.

If they rotate too slowly with a ton of product in the cycle, then they run the risk of larger ban lists or constantly changing ban lists with people frustrated that rares/legendaries early in the cycle are useless at the end of the cycle.

If they rotate too quickly with a ton of product, then players will gripe that it's impossible to keep up with the number of sets that are in play at any given time to develop competitive strategies and put together their decklists.

If they rotate too slowly without enough product, then players will get bored and drift away only coming back when new cycles emerge.

It's such a razor's edge because we're talking about ONE release too many or 6 months too long or short in a cycle creating this kind of animosity. That's only further aggravated by people who will be nitpicking every decision along with the launch of a new product line which could also sink the ship prematurely. I don't envy FFG at all with this release because there are so many landmines they have to avoid in the launch. That it's Star Wars is a double edged sword with a swift swing to the darkside (pardon my pun) if they mismanage it.

Edited by Gamesontables

^^^ Why? Because part of the market is going to be that competitive factor. People are going to be motivated to buy product to get the top level cards to win torunies. If there is no tournie scene, then there are going to be players content with not having the top level cards or even all the cards. Hardcore players dump more money ink the game and you generate hardcore players by having large incentives, like a tournie scene.

I'm saying that FFG should strike while the iron is hot. The game is doing very well, but needs that "all-in" piece from FFG.

^^^ Why? Because part of the market is going to be that competitive factor. People are going to be motivated to buy product to get the top level cards to win torunies. If there is no tournie scene, then there are going to be players content with not having the top level cards or even all the cards. Hardcore players dump more money ink the game and you generate hardcore players by having large incentives, like a tournie scene.

I'm saying that FFG should strike while the iron is hot. The game is doing very well, but needs that "all-in" piece from FFG.

Yeah I'm not arguing that getting the OP up and running isn't important, but saying Mid-January is the deadline doesn't account for the initial popularity and that we're still on the very steep side of the growth parabola for the game. Them not having OP out until Late February or Early March isn't going to sacrifice players and collectibility in the least. There are one shot store events to celebrate the release, casual play in people's homes, and plenty of informally organized play by stores (regular game night for example).

I was there in the beginning of M:TG having ordered the old random beta starter boxes from the Wargames West catalog. Their organized play wasn't there for a LONG time and I think we see how that turned out.

Absolutely Destiny and Magic are different and so are expectations from players, but popular games are going to sustain their popularity longer than ~45 days before an OP structure is demanded to sustain it further.

^^^ Why? Because part of the market is going to be that competitive factor. People are going to be motivated to buy product to get the top level cards to win torunies. If there is no tournie scene, then there are going to be players content with not having the top level cards or even all the cards. Hardcore players dump more money ink the game and you generate hardcore players by having large incentives, like a tournie scene.

I'm saying that FFG should strike while the iron is hot. The game is doing very well, but needs that "all-in" piece from FFG.

Yeah I'm not arguing that getting the OP up and running isn't important, but saying Mid-January is the deadline doesn't account for the initial popularity and that we're still on the very steep side of the growth parabola for the game. Them not having OP out until Late February or Early March isn't going to sacrifice players and collectibility in the least. There are one shot store events to celebrate the release, casual play in people's homes, and plenty of informally organized play by stores (regular game night for example).

I was there in the beginning of M:TG having ordered the old random beta starter boxes from the Wargames West catalog. Their organized play wasn't there for a LONG time and I think we see how that turned out.

Absolutely Destiny and Magic are different and so are expectations from players, but popular games are going to sustain their popularity longer than ~45 days before an OP structure is demanded to sustain it further.

Agreed. I played MtG for years, starting with Alpha starters. Organized play may be something certain people want, but MtG absolutely thrived for years without it.