Destiny OP - anyone heard any news?

By FSD, in Star Wars: Destiny

With the year rapidly coming to an end, I was wondering if anyone has heard what the Q1 Destiny OP kit might be containing. While we've been pretty active with open play at my FLGS, I'm still curious as to what might be in the pipe for next year's swag.

Edited by FSD

Alt art / comic style Kylo Ren in Aurebesh, full art Aurebesh TIE/FOs, acrylic resource tokens

I'm more interested in when we'll get the actual tournament rules

I'm more interested in when we'll get the actual tournament rules


Alt art / comic style Kylo Ren in Aurebesh, full art Aurebesh TIE/FOs, acrylic resource tokens

When was this spolied?

Alt art / comic style Kylo Ren in Aurebesh, full art Aurebesh TIE/FOs, acrylic resource tokens

When was this spolied?

Yesterday on eBay.

I'm more interested in when we'll get the actual tournament rules

And the inevitable ban list.

I think we absolutely need to hear/see something by mid-January. Going beyond that with a slightly scarce product and little OP push wouldn't bode well for a game just starting.

I'm more interested in when we'll get the actual tournament rules

And the inevitable ban list.

I don't think a ban list is "inevitable". Some cards may get errata'd, but FFG pretty much almost always stays away from outright banning stuff.

Edited by Darth Landy

I'm more interested in when we'll get the actual tournament rules

And the inevitable ban list.

IDK if you are being sarcastic or actually believe that will happen.

Nothing needs to be errata'd or banned at this point. And as another person mentioned, FFG almost never bans something. I can only think of one instance across all their games where they did that and the card in question was truly un-fixable. So fat chance.

I'm more interested in when we'll get the actual tournament rules

And the inevitable ban list.

IDK if you are being sarcastic or actually believe that will happen.

Nothing needs to be errata'd or banned at this point. And as another person mentioned, FFG almost never bans something. I can only think of one instance across all their games where they did that and the card in question was truly un-fixable. So fat chance.

1. Have they ever done a ccg model before? I don't know of any but am no expert. Ccg models almost require bans or they die. Look at the biggest kid on the block required rotation of sets and seperate circuits with unique ban lists. Banning a fixed product is very dumb but banning in a random output setting is going to happen and games that don't die, looking at you dicemasters.

2. I know it's young I didn't think it'll happen January 1 but how many sets come out by next year? The bigger the card pool the more likely broken combos come up. Yes you can errata them but what happens when it's more than one interaction that's broken. Errata 4,5,6 cards? No you ban the offending card and done.

These are the people who brought us the jumpmaster they will break something it's only a matter of time

Edited by LordFajubi

If this game got into a BAN list then it dead game for me. That is the moment I stop buying product and sell everything I own. I cant stand games that have a BAN list. It sucks buying packs and the rare is a banned card. This is why I only play standard in MTG don't have to deal with a banned or restricted list.

Alt art / comic style Kylo Ren in Aurebesh, full art Aurebesh TIE/FOs, acrylic resource tokens

When was this spolied?

Yesterday on eBay.

Link? Pics? I can't find anything.

I'm more interested in when we'll get the actual tournament rules

And the inevitable ban list.
IDK if you are being sarcastic or actually believe that will happen.

Nothing needs to be errata'd or banned at this point. And as another person mentioned, FFG almost never bans something. I can only think of one instance across all their games where they did that and the card in question was truly un-fixable. So fat chance.

I wasn't being sarcastic at all and believe it will happen if this game gets big. I know they don't have a track record banning things but 2 things,

1. Have they ever done a ccg model before? I don't know of any but am no expert. Ccg models almost require bans or they die. Look at the biggest kid on the block required rotation of sets and seperate circuits with unique ban lists. Banning a fixed product is very dumb but banning in a random output setting is going to happen and games that don't die, looking at you dicemasters.

2. I know it's young I didn't think it'll happen January 1 but how many sets come out by next year? The bigger the card pool the more likely broken combos come up. Yes you can errata them but what happens when it's more than one interaction that's broken. Errata 4,5,6 cards? No you ban the offending card and done.

These are the people who brought us the jumpmaster they will break something it's only a matter of time

Yes, they have done the CCG model before. AGoT was originally a CCG.

They didn't ban the Jumpmaster. Just Sayin'

FFG doesn't even like changing the points costs in their games despite my own begging at one point. If they were to ban something it would have to be abysmally bad. I put the odds of that at less than 1/10th of a %.

Last time they did it, they didn't have a public playtest, if that says anything.

If this game got into a BAN list then it dead game for me. That is the moment I stop buying product and sell everything I own. I cant stand games that have a BAN list. It sucks buying packs and the rare is a banned card. This is why I only play standard in MTG don't have to deal with a banned or restricted list.

So you just up and rage quit instead of accepting that a ban is healthier for a game than playing with format warping cards? It's not like they don't ban cards in standard too.

I'm more interested in when we'll get the actual tournament rules

And the inevitable ban list.
IDK if you are being sarcastic or actually believe that will happen.

Nothing needs to be errata'd or banned at this point. And as another person mentioned, FFG almost never bans something. I can only think of one instance across all their games where they did that and the card in question was truly un-fixable. So fat chance.

I wasn't being sarcastic at all and believe it will happen if this game gets big. I know they don't have a track record banning things but 2 things,

1. Have they ever done a ccg model before? I don't know of any but am no expert. Ccg models almost require bans or they die. Look at the biggest kid on the block required rotation of sets and seperate circuits with unique ban lists. Banning a fixed product is very dumb but banning in a random output setting is going to happen and games that don't die, looking at you dicemasters.

2. I know it's young I didn't think it'll happen January 1 but how many sets come out by next year? The bigger the card pool the more likely broken combos come up. Yes you can errata them but what happens when it's more than one interaction that's broken. Errata 4,5,6 cards? No you ban the offending card and done.

These are the people who brought us the jumpmaster they will break something it's only a matter of time

Yes, they have done the CCG model before. AGoT was originally a CCG.

They didn't ban the Jumpmaster. Just Sayin'

FFG doesn't even like changing the points costs in their games despite my own begging at one point. If they were to ban something it would have to be abysmally bad. I put the odds of that at less than 1/10th of a %.

Last time they did it, they didn't have a public playtest, if that says anything.

Edited by LordFajubi

FFG's history with balance correction has typically been "Too little, too late". They showed some aggressiveness with Imperial Assault, and have recently done more for X-wing, but it remains to be seen how much of a new leaf that is.

I would certainly like tournament rules, though.

If this game got into a BAN list then it dead game for me. That is the moment I stop buying product and sell everything I own. I cant stand games that have a BAN list. It sucks buying packs and the rare is a banned card. This is why I only play standard in MTG don't have to deal with a banned or restricted list.

so you rather play a broke game then for them to take the best solution and remove the problem card?

why is everyone so gunshy from a ban list? there needed to keep and fun and competitive environment, i rather them ban/restrict then having to remember a page load of erratas

Banned lists are only for offical rules play anyway. Nothing stoping you from playing it outside of tournaments.

If this game got into a BAN list then it dead game for me. That is the moment I stop buying product and sell everything I own. I cant stand games that have a BAN list. It sucks buying packs and the rare is a banned card. This is why I only play standard in MTG don't have to deal with a banned or restricted list.

so you rather play a broke game then for them to take the best solution and remove the problem card?

why is everyone so gunshy from a ban list? there needed to keep and fun and competitive environment, i rather them ban/restrict then having to remember a page load of erratas

Not to play devil's advocate, but I think people would be gunshy of a ban list in a game like this because of the CCG model.

For example, a ban list in an LCG would suck, but given the way the product is sold still means you have some material from each purchase that's viable. Like in the SWLCG, if you buy a Force Pack that later ends up having a banned pod in it, you can still use the other pods that come in the Force Pack. You're only losing part of your purchase.

Now let's say you banned a card in Destiny, like Vader or Han. That card is no longer useable at all. And if you paid an eBay premium to get that card, you're now hosed because there is nothing outside of non-tournie play that you can use it in. You have a more total lose in the CCG model than the LCG model.

With all that said, I would support a ban list after year one. Let the game play out in the casual and tournie scene for the first year and then cal it. At the very least let it play out for a couple major gaming cons. Killing cards now would detract from the game a lot.

If this game got into a BAN list then it dead game for me. That is the moment I stop buying product and sell everything I own. I cant stand games that have a BAN list. It sucks buying packs and the rare is a banned card. This is why I only play standard in MTG don't have to deal with a banned or restricted list.

so you rather play a broke game then for them to take the best solution and remove the problem card?

why is everyone so gunshy from a ban list? there needed to keep and fun and competitive environment, i rather them ban/restrict then having to remember a page load of erratas

Not to play devil's advocate, but I think people would be gunshy of a ban list in a game like this because of the CCG model.

For example, a ban list in an LCG would suck, but given the way the product is sold still means you have some material from each purchase that's viable. Like in the SWLCG, if you buy a Force Pack that later ends up having a banned pod in it, you can still use the other pods that come in the Force Pack. You're only losing part of your purchase.

Now let's say you banned a card in Destiny, like Vader or Han. That card is no longer useable at all. And if you paid an eBay premium to get that card, you're now hosed because there is nothing outside of non-tournie play that you can use it in. You have a more total lose in the CCG model than the LCG model.

With all that said, I would support a ban list after year one. Let the game play out in the casual and tournie scene for the first year and then cal it. At the very least let it play out for a couple major gaming cons. Killing cards now would detract from the game a lot.

If you have to go with the nuclear option of banning a card then yes you destroy it's value, but that could result in a positive value exchange in regards to what happens to the rest of the cards.

Then again I think people calling for bans or errata at this moment in time are being a tad absurd.

But you don't leave a tool out of the tool box when it comes to the job of game balance.

Edited by ScottieATF

^^^ Very true in a "good of the many outweigh the good of the one" sense.

1. AGoT by FFG was not minis, it was a CCG.

2. You mentioned Dicemasters should have banned things, a collectible dice game. Why should a collectible minis game not ban things too then? How are those different? Why are either different from cards? I understand living minis games are not collectible minis games, because there are no blind purchases, but why are collectible minis different? Heroclix, D&D minis, Star Wars minis, and I believe Monsterpocalypse all didn't/don't have banned lists (Monpoc died for licensing reasons, not marketability reasons, not sure what happened to D&S or SWM to end them, Heroclix is still going strong).

3. Why are banned lists less reasonable for living games as opposed to collectible games?

4. If you're going to ban it, why not just heavily errata it? It can still be playable, just up the character cost 10 points or up the resource cost 10 points and boom, still legal but certainly no longer game breaking. Or change the text on the card to something less bad. If you are willing to tell people "you should have read online to know it was banned" you can just as easily tell them "you should have read online it was errataed" and it still lets the card be played.

If you are willing to tell people "you should have read online to know it was banned" you can just as easily tell them "you should have read online it was errataed" and it still lets the card be played.

It's easier to consult a list of banned cards to make sure to not include them in your deck (or as a TO, check players decks to make sure they don't include any banned cards) than it is to try to remember all the cards that have been erratad to work differently than the card says when you're in the middle of a game. Especially across multiple games against different opponents in a tournament.