Resolve Dice and Finn Question

By scrozzers, in Star Wars: Destiny

Started playing this fantastic game with a friend and we are really enjoying it but had a couple of questions that came up from our starter deck games.

1) The first was about resolving dice. If you have a melee modifier die say +2 and a resource for 3 melee damage, can they both be resolved at the same time to deal 5 damage to the same target or does the modifier die need to have an actual damage die (without resource) for it to be used as a modifier? I was well beaten so it wouldn't have made any difference to the outcome but I would like to know for future games.

2) Finns ability to attach any weapon means he can attach the red blaster included in the starter deck. Am I right in saying then that the same blaster cannot be equipped to Rey at all? If not then does that mean that the redeploy on the card after Finn dies is useless as it cannot moved to Rey?

Thanks for your help in advance.

All dice with melee damage can be resolved at the same time. So you should have been able to spend 1 resource to do 5 damage to 1 character. This applies to all dice with same symbol even specials. The blaster can be attached to Rey. It just can't be put in the deck when deck building without Finn in it.

1) Yes, they can be resolved together. The 3 damage for 1 resource isn't considered a modified side, it's just has a cost to resolve it. Only die faces showing the + symbol are considered modifiers and they can't be resolved by themselves.

2) The blaster in the starter doesn't actually have any restrictions so you can attach it to any character. Finn's ability to ignore restrictions doesn't really apply in this instance. If the card has said "red characters only", then Finn could equip it (ignoring the restriction) but Rey could not (since she is not a red character).

Ok that's great, thanks for your replies.

If the card has said "red characters only", then Finn could equip it (ignoring the restriction) but Rey could not (since she is not a red character).

Just as a side note, if this was the case, you wouldnt be able to play the blaster attached to Rey, but you could do attach it to her using redeploy, since this ability ignores play restrictions

Ahhh ok that's good to know thanks. So redeploy ignores restrictions presumably because it's already on the battlefield, so I guess it would be like Rey finding a stormtrooper blaster and then picks it up and starts using it, which is true to life. She's unlikely to pass it up just because its a stormtroopers. :)