Rather odd idea for a deck i was looking thru my collection and then found Tira2 and noticed how BOTH of her abilites REALLY complement her playstyle, lemme show why:
Starting: Tira2 6/23 Air, Fire, Water
Tira1 x1 Air, Death, Water
Tira2 x1 Air, Fire, Water
Tira3 x1 Air, Death, Evil
Tira4 x3 Air, Chaos, Death
Tira5 x2 Air, Death, Fire
Tira6 x1 Air, Death, Life
Aisel Nedrossel x1 3/5 Tira ONLY Unique Weapon +2M
Vimana x1 3/3 Tira ONLY Unique Weapon +2M
Bo Rush x4 5/3 2H3 Multi: 3 Weapon +2L
Chain Throw x3 5/3 3M5 Stun: 2 Throw Weapon
Charlie's Fierce Punch x4 4/3 3H4 Punch +1L
Circling Wing x3 4/3 3H4 Stun: 2 Weapon +2L
Hurricane Punishment x4 5/3 5M5 Kick +1M
Reaping Hook x4 5/3 3L5 Weapon +2L
Swing Kick2 x4 2/3 3L2 Kick +0L
Aim High x4 1/5 +3H
Breatheren of the Coast x4 2/5 +1L
Chain of Command x3 3/4 +3H
Dark Messiah x4 3/5
From the Mouse, Humility x4 2/5 +3L
Powerful Style x4 0/5 +2M
Rootless x4 0/5 +1L
Soul of Ling-Sheng Su x4 2/6 +2H
Whereabouts Unknown x4 1/5 +2L[b: 2]
For those that do NOT Know what Tira2 does here is what makes her so good:
"F: Lose X Vitality: Play 1 foundation with difficulty of X or less (no check necessary)"
note the difficulty curve of MOST of the foundations very low so you can play cards by just paying vitality, really tells ANY Control Check hacking decks to go sit on it and then you begin to pound on them as early as turn 2 or 3, Chain Throw loop is not the goal of the deck it's to play as many attacks as possible over 2-3 turns and MAYBE end with a Bo Rush to finish them if you time it right you can actually mill out your opponent, also the characters are in there for 3 reasons +0 block, 6cc and can stack, really who wouldnt stack any of those, all do something that makes her THAT much better either by hacking checks, guarenteeing checks, making an attack multiple, huge damage pumps, changing zones and readying your character or even giving nice speed pumps.